7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Control water easy
- How to be a Afterlife Guardian
- Kramon Released (Fallen Angel)
- Calm Yourself
- Revenge on your Ex Spell
- Hydrokenesis
- Tree Empowerment
- Simple Luck Spell
- Reject Negative Energy
- Spirit Summons
#1291 - Control water easy
Power for good i promise
To be good and use it for
Good i have a connection
With you please god and water
So mote it be
#1292 - How to be a Afterlife Guardian
#1293 - Kramon Released (Fallen Angel)
Be sure to be in a dark quite room alone.
2.)Put the white candle below the black candle few inches apart.Put the two candles on the paper straight line horizontally then light them.(VERY IMPORTANT THIS WILL ALLOW KRAMON TO BE GOOD AND BAD WITHOUT THIS MORE CHANCES HE'LL TURN AGAINST YOU)
''Oh Kramon you have fallen from heaven down to earth
Your heart is half darkness
Bless me with your protection against ALL my enemies that
striken me dirty
revenge shall BE!''
Let the candles burn out over time,If one of them burn out suspiciously 5 minutes after the spell then he's with you. You can also tell he's with you when you see him in your dreams.
The more focus you put on Kramon the more you'll give him power to achieve your will.
*You'll see him in your dreams/deep sleep.
*Others will sense your anger mood(Kramon Energy)
*Awareness Increased N/A (He gives each human a supernatural limit)
*Body Strength increased N/A
#1294 - Calm Yourself
#1295 - Revenge on your Ex Spell
Light the pink candle and stare into the flame for 10 seconds. Write their first and last name on the back on his picture in the permanent marker. Burn the picture in the candle and put the ashes from the picture in the locket. Put out the candle and pick up the locket. Kiss the locket for good luck and put it on.
This may sound like a love spell, but that is because it is. If he/she asks you out, say no. It will break their heart!
#1296 - Hydrokenesis
Enter the bath/shower. Try to focus of one sound, whether it be the hum of the fan or the swishing of the water. Once your attention is on the sound, close your eyes and submerge as much of your body as you can in the water. Now, focus on the feel of the water. If you are in a shower, focus on how the stream relaxes you until you can no longer feel it. Similarly, if you're in a bath, focus on the warmth of the water and allow your arms to rest in the middle of the water. Now, once your body feels numb, imagine exactly what you want the water to do. Is it forming shapes? Is it parting down the center? Are small waves coming to life? Focus all your energy on visualizing this scene.
Once you have the scene visualized, chant this spell as many times as you need until you feel energy entering your body:
"Ancient spirits of the sea, let your powers come to me. Hydrokenetic manipulation will go as far as my imagination. As the energy pulses throughout my veins, I'll manipulate water until I feel pains. I call upon thee, so mote it be."
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1297 - Tree Empowerment
2) Sprinkle salt in a circle around the tree, with a radius of about five to six feet from the base of the tree. Any remaining salt will be sprinkled into the water source.
3) Crush the dirt against your hands until it is a powder sticking to your hands, especially your palm (which should be covered)
4) Draw a pentagram on your hand using the bark from the tree, then place the bark into the center of the water source.
5) Place each leaf in between each of your fingers on your casting hand: I.E. Left hand: Pinkie, Casting Side Leaf, Ring Finger, Left Leaf, Middle Finger, Right Leaf, Pointer Finger, Reverse Caster Side Leaf, Thumb. Reverse this order for the right hand.
6) Stand about four feet away from the tree, facing the casting side. Chant: Spirits of Earth, combine with my might. Grow this tree's power, from day until night. Harness the power, from dawn until dusk, and activate strength to make this tree lush. Wave your casting hand slowly but sharply until each leaf has fallen.
7) Dip your dirt-covered hands in the water source, and once all the dirt is cleaned away take a handful of the dirty water to the tree. Sprinkle the water evenly around the base of the tree, and step away. Begin and end the water sprinkle at the casting side.
8) Standing where you are, place your wet casting hand on the spot where you took bark from the tree. Chant: Spirits of Earth, obey my command. Begone from this spot, and empower my hand. This tree will have strength, this tree with have might, so now all you spirits must take sudden flight. So mote it be!
9) Your spell has been completed. Results may vary, and will probably take a while to be noticable.
#1298 - Simple Luck Spell
Best of Luck, Atia~
Imagine a luck aura travel up your body, staring at your toes and ending and the top of your head, while casting this spell.
#1299 - Reject Negative Energy
Shut the door as negative energy will roam the living space, and that's not wanted.
Change into tank top and shorts.
Place rug into the spot where you will sit.
Light the incense stick.
Place into bowl of chosen stick holder.
Take the other bowl and fill halfway with natural oil, and mix well.
Place some rose petals in the bowl of oil.
Take the final bowl and pour purified water into it.
Dip the washcloth into water and proceed to ''wash your body'', so it can be free of dirt.
Take towel and lightly dab at skin to dry water off.
Use the final washcloth to dip in oil with petals.
Smooth oil onto skin.
If some petals get stuck, leave them as they will be washed off later.
When finished, begin to meditate, closing your eyes, not thinking of anything.
While meditating, pretend that there is light in a far corner.
Use a hand to grab the light.
If you feel the light warming your hand, you're doing well.
Next, imagine the light engulfing you, filling you with warm ness.
Feel yourself growing more relaxed as you feel the light and smell the incense.
Imagine the light eating all the bad energy, imagine the negative energy being expelled.
Let the light stay in you.
Focus on the light for a little more.
Slowly open your eyes and you should feel comfortable and at peace.
Stay seated on the rug for a while longer, letting your skin absorb the oil.
Take the jewelry and place into cup of oil.
Take out and put it on.
Proceed to clean up.
Put old cloths into the washer, all dirty clothes will also be put to wash.
Take a shower, cleaning yourself of oil and rose petals.
Throw away rose petals.
Use a clean towel to dry off skin.
Dry off your hair and sleep.
When you wake, you will feel at rest although there are many problems in your life.
Over the next few days, place incense sticks all over your living space to get rid of lingering negative energy.
As long as the incense lets off the smell, there will be peace.
Perform this ritual 1-2 times a week max to prevent any headaches.
If you felt headaches or any not well symptoms, do not perform this ritual unless you are well and have eaten healthy and until you slept well.
If you have any questions or concerns, please tell.
#1300 - Spirit Summons
Cast a magick circle with your wand
Then take the crystal in your hand
Then say:
"Qwaz tae my romie."
Then the spirit should come spiritly in your head.
It depends on the rock color for the type of spirit you want.
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.