7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Fire Power
- Simple Shield Potion
- Cat Instincts
- Good Luck Spell
- Ward Against Spirits
- Transfiguration
- Conjuration of the Black Hounds
- Deadly Clairvoyance
- Harness the Power of Mochi
- Calling A Gale
#1641 - Fire Power
Warning: Remember, you're dealing with open fire, here. Don't mess around, even IF this spell works.
1. At night, light th candle. Remember not to have anything that can burn easily.
2. Put a circle of gravel around the candle.
3. Stare into the fire, and chant:
"Gods and godesses, hear my wish. Allow me to control and summon the fire from this candle as I please. Make it listen and obey me, and me alone. Allow me to create a blazing trail if I so wish. Or a small, decent flame. This is my wish, so mote it be."
4. After an hour of staring into the flame, blow it out, and go to sleep. Let me know if this works!
Last edited on Sep 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1642 - Simple Shield Potion
Mix the ingredients together, chanting 'Oh concoction I have brewed, protect me from pain, body, mind and soul. 10 minutes is all I ask, for 10 minutes are all I need. Gods and Godesses, make it so, so mote it be.'
Once you've finished mixing, drink it. You MUST drink it in one sitting, or it won't have any effect.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1643 - Cat Instincts
Set the big leaf down while saying, "Bast, goddess of cats, give me the reflexes and instincts of the cat and I give you this offering." Put the pine cone in and say, "Give me long, soft hair, like the fur of a cat." Put the stick in and say, "Give me a strong, flexible structure like the cat." Rub the stones together, put them in and say, "Give me the nighttime sight of the cat, the vision is greater than mine."
Lastly, put the small leaf in and say, "And give me great hearing, to hunt down my prey." Place the offering in a sacred spot outside, and chant 3 times, "Hum-bay-gat-a." Then say once, "By the power of three, so mote it be!" By the next day, the offering should be gone. Wait a few days for the effects to take place.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1644 - Good Luck Spell
First imagine all positive energy around you flooting into the crystal (or body) and all negitives slowly dieing out. Do this for how ever long you want (the more you do it the powerfull-er the luck will be).
Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1645 - Ward Against Spirits
Make sure you have enough salt to create a 2-inch-wide line. If you want to protect yourself or someone else (maybe even both), create a salt circle around you. (If you want to ward a room or an entire house, simply create a salt line around the entire space.) Next place a candle at five different points. Once you've done that, concentrate your energy on the ward and say these words:
"Spirits of the dead, I command thee
You cannot touch nor harm me
So I say, so it will be."
It is done. I cannot guarantee that it will work for everyone. If it doesn't, try again.
Last edited on Sep 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1646 - Transfiguration
Relax and feel the animal's power flow through you, think of how a day in the life of this animal is like and breath, in and out. Slowly open your eyes and go with your instincts. Side effects: your memory will enhance and you will feel happy.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1647 - Conjuration of the Black Hounds
Having abstained for three days from bathing (to protect you from the hounds), with the third new moon; you will be ready to conjure the black hounds. Let it be noted that once this spell is complete the first time, this abstinence will no longer be necessary, the hound will be bound to your service and thus can not harm you so long as you wield the blade.
In a red pigment, and using a brush made of human hair, write these names on one side of a blade: "Cerebus, Fenrir, Gwyllgi" and upon the other side: "te ligo canem nigrum" (I bind you, black hound) Having done this, take a bone and write: "Et regnum mortus vincent" (may the kingdom of death come forth).
Having consecrated these items with their incantations and nine times having drawn the equal armed cross over the tools, they will be ready for the conjuration. Taking these things; ash of hound, war water and chalk down to a natural portal (being Crossroads, Cemeteries and Mausoleums), you can begin the summoning, but only should the time be between 12 AM and 3 PM, and no sun should be seen.
A circle of nine steps in diameter is drawn upon the floor, and within it they cast the Tridecagon. To the west is drawn a circle of Five steps, and within it a triangle, with a point facing east. On the outer borders of the triangle, the names again. Within the triangle, pour the ash of hound, hydrate it with war water, and animate it with blood (Iron in the blood to further push a mars alignment and to symbolically give life to the hounds).
Retiring back to the Tridecagon, take good care to raise the circle well, so that the hounds do not cause some great harm. Taking up the bone scepter, cry out thirteen times the first conjuration to the east: "I summon, conjure and evoke thee O raging hounds of the underworld, and adjure thee to come quickly, by the names of thy exalted and divine sires, by whom you were conceived in the cold darkness of death and to whom you are bound to serve: Fenrir, Gwyllgi, Cerebus to come forth and manifest thyself, To pact with me and obey my commands!" Set the sceptre down in the middle of the circle, and walk around it thrice clockwise and finishing in the west, facing out.
Say the second conjuration thrice: "I conjure and adjure you, dreadful hounds, by the servitude you owe to the names of your sires, from who's seed you were born in the cold expanses of death with ne'er a tit to suck. Come now savage and starved wolves on thy rotted paws and ancient bones, rise from the ashes and blood of resurrection and up from the gaping maws of the earth."
And when this is done, cross to the east and recites it thrice more. Raise the blade and plunge it into the earth, just beyond the circle and ask: "Would you, O' Cn Annwn, Speak, listen and obey, And swear that They who possess this blade And know thy name, May conjure you up from the gates of death?" And the beast will take the blade by the handle and say: "I swear on this blade My servitude unto you Who knows my name __ And holds this blade If you swear Your essence To nourish me at every call We have a deal" And you must say: "I swear" And the hounds will dissipate. And should you strike the blade into the ground with the scepter as a hammer and call it's name with every strike, so long as the sun has gone, they will come to you.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1648 - Deadly Clairvoyance
Oh Balor, King of Fomorians, God of Drought and Blight
I ask that you lend me your deadly eye, bestow apon me that piercing gaze and grant me clairvoyance
Then on your piece of paper, draw a single eye inside of a circle and draw a + through it with your red pen. Keep this piece of paper on you at all times, and it would be best to keep it under your pillow at night.
#1649 - Harness the Power of Mochi
Light candles in a row in order of: Mo, ch, i. Create a psy-ball and close your eyes. Next, repeat this chant: "Spirits of the (your object), come to me, and let my psy-ball come to ye!"
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1650 - Calling A Gale
With a clear and concentrated mind focus on the Wind. Feel the breeze feel every nuance as it passes across your skin. you are the wind. When you have this firmly in your mind your body your heart your soul chant these words:
"Winds of time, Winds of space,
Winds that all around me race,
I call you to this fan I hold,
And bind you to it Sevenfold.
When it moves you shall move,
And to all your Power prove."
If you have spoken these words with the proper concentration, then the very wind itself should be bound to the fans every move. The faster you move the fan the faster the wind should blow. It helps if the fan is made of completely natural materials(I.e. bamboo and silk)
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.