7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Good Luck Charm
- Mantra of Shakyamuni Buddha
- Finding your Spirit Animal
- Protection Ritual
- Becoming a Druid
- Mantra of Sitatapatra
- Summon a Cat Familiar
- Energizing
- Protection Herb Blend
- Aphrodites Flame
#1811 - Good Luck Charm
Then chant three times: May good come from the light and make the future bright, let this object bring success and remove all of my stress.
Once you are done you can blow out the candles(if you used them) and carry your object with you so it can bring you good luck.
#1812 - Mantra of Shakyamuni Buddha
Place the picture of Shakyamuni Buddha in front of you. If you have candles, out them to the left and right side of the Buddha. As for the incense, burn it in front of him and the offerings be placed in front of him. Sit on your knees and get into prayer form or in Shakyamuni's mudra. Close your eyes and chant 108 times or more:
"Om muni muni maha muni Shakyamuni ye soha"
Bow down to him when you're done chanting and make a short prayer to him. Present him the offerings and make a prayer for him on accepting your offering. Then thank him for coming and say goodbye. Be very respectful.
Last edited on Dec 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1813 - Finding your Spirit Animal
Sit down cross legged.
Sit like you're going to meditate.
Get comfy.
Light candles if you chose to get them.
Side Note : If you have three or more different favourite colours you can choose individual ones for the spell. However if you have four or more favourite colours choose ones that match your personality. For example; if you are a happy bubbly person, you can use a yellow candle if you like that colour. Or any bright colour. Hopefully you understand.
Breathe slowly for a few minuets and chant (with emotion):
"My animal within,
Come out and show your light,
Roar, scream, shout or call out to me,
Show me your silky luscious fur
Show me your smooth soft skin
Scales harder than titanium
Spikes sharper then knives
Whatever you may be
You are me.
I will accept what you are
Whether you are a male
or female.
Please come out!
Show me!
Show me!
Show me!"
After saying that close your eyes and concerntrate. You might hear a roar or meow or a noise. Or even see fur or skin. If you are skilled in magic you might have seen it's face. If you have mastered magic you would see all of your animal. Hearing or seeing bits of it means you are a powerful magic user. It took me months to get this spell right. I saw some fur and I knew I was powerful at magic. Hopefully this works for you. This is updated and clearer.
Last edited on Dec 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1814 - Protection Ritual
''Candle oh candle, light my way through the night and day. Absorb your light into my soul. I will live peacefully.''
Next, put the water in a cauldron or bowl and then stick in the leaf. Mix it up and say the following:
''Leaf oh leaf, Give the power of eternal life so I can live in peace.''
Then finally, say this spell with the mixture and candle close by:
''God's and goddesses of protection and health, make me so I will never be hurt. Keep me in good health and let my life spurt. I wish to live eternily so mote it be!''
Last edited on Dec 06, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1815 - Becoming a Druid
What is druidry?
Its a spiritual way and practice that speaks to three of our greatest yearnings:
To be fully creative in our lives, to commune deeply with the world of nature, and to gain access to a source of profound wisdom. Each of these yearnings comes from a different aspect of ourselves that we can personify as the sage. in druidry, Bardic teachings help to nurte the storyteller within us:
The creative self; the druid teachings help to develop our inner wisdom:
The sage who dwells within each of us.
the spell is very simple but difficult and slow to contact with the druids but there are some ways to speed up the process like, doing yoga or just looking at the moon while praying to isis, the egyptian goddess of magic, your beliefs in becoming this type of spirituality.
"Do gach duine níos fearr, ba mhaith liom an nádúr, creidim i cad atá ceart, i mo veins, bheith ar an saoi."
Now you may have the tingly in your fingers, as a sign of telekinesis. or you may have a severe headache which is a side effect of getting telepathy. now, but, there are also many other type of magic you can possess as a druid, but those are the most common ones.
Last edited on Nov 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1816 - Mantra of Sitatapatra
Think of Sitatapatra or look at a picture of her. Go in prayer form and respectfully chant for 108 times or more:
"Om Ma Ma hum ni soha."
After saying that 108 times, anytime you say her mantra will protect you and cleanse you. You must have belief in her as well.
Last edited on Nov 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1817 - Summon a Cat Familiar
Color your cat with the crayons or colored pencils.
With your pen, write your cat's information on the other sheet of paper. Be sure to include the following.
-Cat Breed(If it is a crossbreed, include percentages of each breed!)
-Height(The top of the cat's ears are its height.)
-Tail Span
-Fur Color
-Eye Color
Put your cat picture on top of the paper with its information.
Fold them both hamburger style twice in this position, draw a pentagram, and fold once hot dog style once.
Hold this folded paper to your chest and say,
''O (name of your god/goddess), I call upon thee,
Bless me with this familiar cat bound to me.''
Now, for tonight and the next two nights, say the above, kiss the paper, put it under the pillow and rest.
After you have finished, you need to give your deity time to create your cat. The average wait time is about a week, but if your chosen cat is very intricate, you may be required to wait longer. Also, you'll be able to use telepathy with your cat the day after you finish as the spirit of your cat already exists, but your deity will need a little longer to make the cat's new body.
After three days, you must begin looking for your cat. This is the hardest part as your cat will be a kitten and just like a lost pet kitten, they are hard to find. Just look for the same cat you drew earlier but as a kitten and way more realistic. Use telepathy to call your cat to you. If you don't find your cat by the next week, it will eventually find you.
This familiar will already know how to protect you and other people. Your cat will never betray you, and even when you think you don't want him or her anymore, he or she will be very sad but still by your side. Remember, train your familiar well in the ways of your path, and he or she can benefit others. Only you can see it, so keep your cat a secret.
If you have any questions about this spell, or success stories with this spell, feel free to message me.
#1818 - Energizing
Repeat this energizing, uplifting chant at least3 times, for whenever you feel a bit blues:
"As above so below, let the universal magick flow, if I'm glum, then that's just dumb. So I shall invoke the happy yellow sun, to lift my heart, just like love's begun. Let the love flow through me, with the powers of 3, I shall be set free! Do blessed' be, and so it is."
Last edited on Nov 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1819 - Protection Herb Blend
2. Put a pinch of each herb into the Cauldren in any order.
3. Add the boiling water to the herbs in the Cauldren and breath in the steam from the Cauldren.
4. Stir the boiling water and herbs with your wand.
5. Put the potion into a glass bottle and keep it with you.
6. Blow out the candle.
7. Any extra potion in the Cauldren should be tipped into the soil.
#1820 - Aphrodites Flame
Cleanse a space to perform ritual. Smudged with sage is best.
Build an altar for Goddess Aphrodite, include symbolic love, desire, lust items and include a picture and a few possessions belonging to you and your partner.
Carve symbols representing each persons zodiac sign, elements and any sexual words/ symbols to invoke intent onto the candles.
Annoint each candle with the litsea oil whilst visualizing (meditate) your purpose / desired effects / outcome of ritual. Each partner can do their own candle, or one person can prepare both ( doesn't really matter)
Using the litmus/ parchment paper,
cut out 2 individual hearts,(must be big enough to write spell/ chant upon)
Using a red/ pink pen (for love) write the following chant: (exactly the same to be written on each heart)
"Oh Great Goddess Aphrodite!
Hear my plea!
Oh Great Goddess Aphrodite!
Will you please help me!
Oh Great Goddess Aphrodite!
Now I know,
The best things in life are free!
Aphrodite, ignite our passion & lust !
Aphrodite! Cometh bearing your torch,
To ignite our desire,
It is a must!
Oh Great Goddess Aphrodite!
In you I shall always trust!"
Write small enough to fit entire chant upon each of the paper hearts.
Then, using a small paint brush , cover the heart's in the honey/ water solution. Leave to dry.
Once dry, light light each candle.
Last edited on Nov 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.