7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Fire Wings
- Finding Your Spirit Animal
- Ghost Seeing
- How to summon a spirit dragon
- Angelic Transformation
- A Small Prayer For The Struggeling
- Focus Energy Into an Item
- Invoke Izabeal
- Guardian Angel Protection
- Angel
#1861 - Fire Wings
Look out of the window or go outside and whisper:
"Night into day,
Day into night,
Look at me now.
A girl/boy/woman/man suffering,
From the people against me.
My own powers are even joining them
But I cannot hide from it anymore
I must reach out beyond my human feelings
Because right now.
Fire soars through my body
Let it go now,
Let the wings burn,
Let my will control this fire,
(Now talk normally)
Let me fly on fiery wings."
Side effects:
Eyes glowing
Back 'burning'
Less cold in winter (permanent effect)
More warm in summer (and water won't help, it will just take away your wings. Also permanent)
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1862 - Finding Your Spirit Animal
''Oh my inner spirit animal come out and bare your light.
Big or small, fierce or peaceful.
Show your true form in my dreams or even now.
Shy or confident I call for you.
I will not be sad if you are not what I wished for
You are the very best spirit animal for me
So please come out
So mote it be.''
Repeat this once a day or week and in your dreams or day dreams an animal in its natural habitat like bird in the sky or cliff will be seen. If you have done this a small amount of times you might only see a glimpse or hear it's noise but if you have done this a couple of times it will be clearer to see.
#1863 - Ghost Seeing
Take the mucis and simply make a ring around your eye. If there is a ghost or spirit in you you will see it.
Last edited on Aug 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1864 - How to summon a spirit dragon
Step 2: sit cross legged in one of these five places: a place close to a heat source, like next to a fireplace or radiator(fire), a wet place, like a bathtub or shallow pool,(water), somewhere cold, like a basement, or if it's snowing outside,(ice) outdoors(earth) and a high place, like a tree or a treehouse(air)
Step 3: draw each of the five elements on a point of the Wiccan star(order doesn't matter), then draw the element you want in the center.
step 4: WARNING!!!! AFTER THIS STEP, YOU CANT GO BACK!!! MAKE SURE THIS IS THE ELEMENT YOU WANT!!! Using a drop of your blood, place it in the center of the center elemental drawing.
Step 5: say this 3 times:
Earth, fire, water, ice, and air
Awaken a dragon from its lair
Bring it both far and wide
To rest at my spirit's side
I seal our bond through life and death
We do not part until my last breath
In spirit, we join as one
Our elemental bond has just begun
Step 6: fold the paper in half twice and draw another Wiccan star, then place a drop of your blood in the center and on the 5 points.
Step 7: get rid of the paper with the element you chose: burn the paper(fire), bury the paper(earth), throw your paper into natural water[a river, stream, ocean, etc.](water), freeze the paper(ice), throw the paper into the wind(air)
Step 8: the dragon will come within a week. It will come to you the first time in a dream. To call your dragon, just imagine it appearing beside you. You are the only one that can see your dragon, unless someone else also has a spiritual dragon.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1865 - Angelic Transformation
This is a spell for anyone wishing to become a angel of god and wanting to help others :D
This is kind of a long process so be warned!
Now, You want your bowl to be kind of big, it can be HUGE or small as long as you can fit your contents in and not make a mess. Frist while repeating a passage form the bible pour in the salt into the bowl.
Here is the chant
The Blessing of the Father Almighty be upon this Creature of Salt, and let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hence from, and let all good enter herein, for without Thee man cannot live, wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me. After the salt is emptied into your bowl grab your water and repeat this saying as you pour the water in I exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, by Him Who hath created thee and gathered thee together into one place so that the dry land appeared, that thou uncover all the deceits of the Enemy, and that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleanness of the Spirits of the World of Phantasm, so they may harm me not, through the virtue of God Almighty Who liveth and reigneth unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen'' Now take your small cross and object of air or light and drop them into the bowl first the cross then the element while chanting ''O,Angels come and heed my plea, I wish to be just like you and fly with Angelic wings, For I to want to help god and humans alike, so now I ask to take flight!'' Now add your Cinnamon and sage into the mix while doing this chant aloud 4x ''O, Herbs of healing and Magick I cast out negativities from thee! Thou mayest aid me in my plea to soar with angelic wings!'' now when you are done light your favorite candle and grab your feather, Take a little cup your ''Blessed Angel Water'' and dose the candle with it Quickly Grab the feather and start to fan the scared smoke around the room and you, Even breath it in while chanting 4x '' Now I call upon the angels to grant my wish at last! I now take the vow to be just like you all! a creature of light and god I shall be! I shall now soar on (your choice of colored) wings to protect humanity! Mote it be'' When the smoke has cleared you are now hopefully apart of the angelic army of god here are some good signs you may be in!
1. Having dreams of angels or you as a angel
2. Back pains
3. More positive thoughts
4. Having a positive effect on people more often
5. Eye color changing or skin color becoming lighter
6. A more positive life in general
5. Supernatural experiences
If none of these or you think it didn't work, Try Again!
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1866 - A Small Prayer For The Struggeling
On a small slip of paper, wright your name in your red or black ink, Then fold the slip up and lay the religious charm or symbol on top on it. Place your item in front of you and get in your position of prayer(close your eyes!) Now chant 5x in a loud voice "From the wings and downy of a Angel Of Light and Healing Bring me my wish, My one true need for that I shall be healed and blessed by the lord above! Amen/Mote it be." After you have said this without slipping up imagine a ball of white light growing in your chest and protecting you with it's warming light.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1867 - Focus Energy Into an Item
1. Put the gold string into a circle.
2. Place the item in the middle of the circle.
3. Place the Natural Items around the object.
I suggest meditating before/after you focus your energy into the item.
"Diana come with me and help. Help me focus my energy on you and the item. Item of moon, item of sun come together and open your stun. The circle is competed and together we won't be defeated, so mote it be."
Say this 3 times or as many you need to focus your energy.
#1868 - Invoke Izabeal
Seven Steps to Invoke a Izabeal
1. Prepare a suitable home for Izabael. Draw her sigil on a large silver coin, a seashell, a genie bottle, or something else suitable.
2. For your first time, invoke Izabael late at night, preferably when the moon is visible in the sky.
3. Light candles. Izabael loves purple and pink (and later on: blue & gold)
4. Light incense, specifically Rose, Red Sandal, or Jasmine.
5. Relax deeply, perhaps take a luxuriant bath first, meditate, or anything puts you into a comfortable state of mind.
6. Recite one of her invocations, which may be repeated as necessary. One written by yourself will be even more powerful.
Invoke Izabael as a friend or ally:
"Izabael, uncanny sprite,
visit me this lonesome night.
Take my hand and give me power,
answer truly upon this hour
all that I might wish to know.
Oh, airy spirit whom the wind doth blow,
Travel hither and tither, bringing my desire,
Confirm this pact by the light of fire."
Invoke her as a lover:
"Come and dance with me tonight
Kiss me sweet and hold me tight
Touch and caress me like no other
Stay with me and be my lover
Dance a dance of ecstasy
Fulfill my every fantasy
Stay until the morning dawn
For when I wake, you will be gone."
7. Receive Izabael. She may appear visually, as a voice, or merely as a feeling. Believe your initial impressions of Izabael and let them evolve. She will be a little different for everyone.
Izabael is an intelligent, goodly spirit and is willing to assist with any task or problem you may have.
After a successful working be prepared for a lingering sense of her presence as you learn to understand Izabael's language of symbols and omens. Once you start working with Izabael there are no coincidences.
Her omens come on like the breeze, but you won't mistake them for random chance as their personal significance will be undeniable.
Last edited on Aug 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1869 - Guardian Angel Protection
A Powerful Angel Protection Technique
The first thing to do is to acknowledge them. You can do this by saying the following out loud or silently in your mind: "I call on my angels with a true, heartfelt intent to feel their presence and protection!"
Then close your eyes, and quite your mind for a few moments to center yourself. As you are sitting or standing there, pay attention to your body. Notice any sensations that may start to come over you.
Some people feel:
- Tingling (angel energy)
- Itching (angel feathers rubbing against you)
- Coolness (angel wings wrapping around you),
- Warmth (your angel hugging you)
- Heat (several angels standing around you)
- Chills (angel's healing you)
- Or a variety of sensations
After about 5 or 10 minutes, slowly open your eyes!
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1870 - Angel
On a windy day outside chants this one time:
"I call upon the angels in the heavenly sky; to make me one of their own kind. I would like to be a beautiful angel with a golden halo on my head, and beautiful white wings on my back. Please make this so. So mote it be."
Side Effects:
- Back hurting.
- Feeling like you're floating.
- Become more close to nature and the sky.
- Floating in the air.
- A halo appearing above your head.
Last edited on Oct 26, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.