7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Binding Necklace
- Unknown Evil Working
- Releasing Anger
- Reliquish Physical Pain
- Banish Fear
- Safe Room
- Binding Chant
- Knot a Spell
- Mirror Trap
- Reileve Anxiety
#2221 - Binding Necklace
Take the necklace you're going to use. It should have some kind of meaning to you. Tie a piece of your hair to it.
The part of you used to bind it is different for everyone. If your necklace has a particular kind of magick bound to it, I suggest using it according to your magick. For example, Air/Fire is a little blood (don't kill yourself) Water/Earth is a little spit.
Put the necklace on and don't take it off for at least 12 hours. Don't think about it.
After 12 hours, you should be able to dangle it and make it spinning without moving your hand.
Mail me if it worked for you.
First spell, hope you like it.
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2222 - Unknown Evil Working
Score the rock three times with the hammer and nail.
Bury the stone far away from your home.
Add the nail to crossroads and/or graveyard dirt.
Keep in a red mojo bag, in a dark hidden place.
#2223 - Releasing Anger
''Today I made a forceful choice
To start to live, hence I rejoice
My anger leaving, blessings be
I am revived, I am set free.''
Burn the letter, dispose of the ashes far away from your home.
#2224 - Reliquish Physical Pain
1. Simply chant three times:
"Mortal pain that makes me sore I can't stand you any more. So go away and leave my sight so I may live another night."
2. Light a candle and say the incantation just once mor.Then chant:
"Mortal pain leave my sight so I may live another night."
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2225 - Banish Fear
''In this box I place my fear
To send if far away from here
Do not let me deviate
From my mission, nor my fate
Banish that which holds me back
So I can get things back on track.''
Bury the page.
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2226 - Safe Room
After your room is clean, wash your face and hands (also your feet if you want).
Enter the room and place four of you white candles at each corner of the room.
Take a small amount (hardly a drop) of lavender oil and rub it on the base of your neck (you don't need to do this is lavender agitates you).
Light all four candles.
Place yourself in the middles of the room and clear your head, do whatever meditation you want or just calm down a bit.
(This is where you can start playing the singing bowl if you want)
Hold the fifth candle in your hands.
Each of the five candles should represent one of the elements, the one you hold should be Spirit.
Imagine all of the elements combining and grounding in your room making a safe and fresh energy.
Blow all the candles out to finish the spell, make sure everything is cleared up and put away. You can let this go on for as long as you feel like.
The spell is simple and calm but I hope it makes you feel safe! NOthing can really go wrong just don't knock over a candles.
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2227 - Binding Chant
I bind you right
I bind you now
Stay out of my sight
I bind you day
I bind you night
I bind you now
With all my might.''
#2228 - Knot a Spell
''I bind you ____(person that cast a spell on/against you)
Your work
Your voice
Your chants
The work you did against me will not effect me.''
Tie a knot in the cord, visualize the target's hands knotting.
''I bind you, I stop your spell''
Tie a second knot, visualize a wind coming towards you suddenly die.
''I stop your work''
Blow out the candles.
''Your spell is gone
Your work destroyed.''
#2229 - Mirror Trap
''Freedoms lost
And now unwitting
Into the glass
You'll do my bidding.''
Keep the mirror wrapped in a black cloth when not in use.
#2230 - Reileve Anxiety
Just sit down in a quiet place, it doesn't have to be but it works when you are in a quiet place. Sit straight up and close your eyes. Imagine yourself in a calm place and chant:
"This storm will pass, the pain will go, leaving nothing but peace."
It's very simple and works best when your eyes are closed!
Thanks for looking at this spell and I hope you feel better! :)
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.