7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Demon or Ghost Summoning
- Dominus Trinus
- Crystal Ruins
- Make Someone Go Away
- Bring on your werebeast form.
- Love
- Fallen Angel
- Titan
- Angels and Prophetic Dreams
- Sun I Seek You
#2331 - Demon or Ghost Summoning
Draw a pentagram somewhere on a flat surface. Place each candle on a specific point on the pentagram. Place the bowl with the water inside in the middle of the entire pentagram. Pour the blood in the water.
Sprinkle the sage in the bloody water. Spread pieces of lavender on the circle. Light the candles then chant: "Spiritu transita Sinite, videamus ea virtutis Princeps nexu Sciatis nos tanta communicare".
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2332 - Dominus Trinus
Concentrate to do this spell. Relax your mind and stay calm. Draw a Triquetra symbol with salt or with crayon or others. If this spell will cast by one person, you need to stay in the middle of the symbol. But if three persons will cast the spell, Each one needs to be in every one of the ends of the symbol. Focus and say:
"Hear now the words of the witches
The secrets we hid in the night
The oldest of gods are invoked here
The great work of magic is sought
In this night and in this hour
I call upon the ancient powers
Bringing your powers to three
We want the power
Give us the power."
You´ll feel normal in the next day, but it could be that something inexplicable happens.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2333 - Crystal Ruins
1. If you were out exploring, return to the mouth of the cave and sit down and slowly come back to realitly by breathing in counts of ten in your world.
2. If you didnt explore you could do the same thing, or you go down the spiral steps again and sit criss-cross next to the pond and breathe in counts of ten in your world.
Once you have been fully awakened, say a prayer to your patron gods and familiar/ power animal for how thankful you are. Snuff out the candle and DO NOT TOUCH THE CRYSTAL FOR ATLEAST 24 HOURS AFTER SPELL/MEDITATION.
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2334 - Make Someone Go Away
Say this spell while s/he is not paying attention. "(first name, middle name last name), you are a nusience. Nucience nucience go away, leave my side, nucience nucience bid goodbye."
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2335 - Bring on your werebeast form.
Imagine your in your werebeast form running on all 4s in the time of day it is now, breathe slowly, concentrate. Say this spell:"Beast form, come now. The full moon I won't wait for. I will to run free in my beast form. Mote it be." You will transform in a matter of minutes. You will stay like this for under 12 hours. To go back to human form if you decide that you need to transform back before your time's up, say this: "Beast form, leave now. it is time to return to human form. For now i will not run free, until next time. Mote it be."
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2336 - Love
#2337 - Fallen Angel
Say (x3-5) day or night:
"Oh fallen angels, lend me the light. Make me one of you, make me a fallen angel, with wings that are (color). I wish to fly as high as the wind can take me, from mountain to mountain, tree to tree. I wish to fly just as high as you, bless me and make me a fallen angel too".
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2338 - Titan
Say the 3-5 or (x1) times over the water make sure your mind is clear:
"Titan of one Titans of all
I beg of you to give me your blessing
Make me a Titan like you
A Titan god of (specialization)
Bless this water
Make me a Titan god"
Then drink the water.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2339 - Angels and Prophetic Dreams
Before you go to bed or asleep just ask angels or guardian angel for guidance, answers to your questions or healing or if you would like to say something.
You may hear a voice if you are very intuitive. Ask them to keep you from evil and ask them to watch over you. When you get used to doing this and if you've ever heard a voice, ask them to show themselves kindly. If they do, do not be scared. Talk to them or say thank you.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2340 - Sun I Seek You
Say this spell 5 times while imagining a clear sky and looking at the suns general area (not directly):
"Sun I seek you, clouds no more, sky you are an open door."
Last edited on Oct 29, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.