7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Moon Charm
- Locate Near Spirits
- Banish Your Negative Thought
- Notice Me Spell
- Clairvoyant Dream
- Powering Your Wand
- Sleep Trance
- Wolf's Mind
- Athame Vengeance Elixir
- Recall the Dead
#2541 - Moon Charm
#2542 - Locate Near Spirits
Sit in a room or wherever you feel most comfortable. (You can stand if you want, I prefer to lay in my bed)
Gather energy for a few minuets or until you have enough.(For me I gather enough till the air around me feels electrically charged)
Now there is too ways to do this, one way is to gather it in your eyes
and when you open them (if they were closed) release the energy out like laserbeams.
Imagine your energy running through the air and bouncing off others auras and energies. After they hit it, bring it back to you so it'll briefly imprint what it saw. (Sometimes I use this to see through walls, takes practice)
Now the easier method is to open your third eye and see everything, hold your energy spread out so you can get a clearer grip on how far or close everything is.
If you'd like, feel free to talk to them, open minded. Concentrate on the spirit to hear the response, trust and dont be afraid, many strange sensations can come over you while communicating with them.
Basically using your energy as radar and using telepathy. :) hope you like this and Email me if it works for you DjNathanMan@yahoo.com
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2543 - Banish Your Negative Thought
Draw a picture yourself with the negative thoughts could be a black cloud or your own interpretations of how they are effecting you. Charge a red candle with healing energy. Light it and hold the tip of picture in the flame. After its lit, drop in into the cauldron/cup. With the red candle still burning draw another picture without negativity. Place this under the red candle and let the candle burn out.
Last edited on Sep 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2544 - Notice Me Spell
1. Take a deep breath. Try to clear your head. Your mind does need to
be completely empty, but if it is to worried or excited, your energy may not be projected correctly.
2. Focus on your target. Take a deep breath and focus on them. Clear your mind once more. This is almost like meditating, except you are concentrating your energy on your target.
3. Start chanting this as many times as you deem fit.
"Notice me
and hear my plea
to project my spirit and energy
my soul is reaching out to you
to hear my plea
and notice me."
Thank you for reading.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2545 - Clairvoyant Dream
(If the picture is in a book, place your bookmark object on the page with the person's photo. You can also add any other items linked to them that won't damage the book. shut the book.)
Put the book/photo in something protective. For example, you can wrap a book in an excess sheet. Put the protected item under your pillow. Go to sleep like you normally do. When you dream, you will see the person in various situations, emotions, and colors depending on what will happen. You can predict what they will do tomorrow, up to maybe 3 days later. The spell may stop working for a day or two if you use it daily, but worry not, as it will work again.
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2546 - Powering Your Wand
Magic one and magic all,
Powerful forces hear my call,
Come to me and into my wand,
Surround it with an unbreakable bond,
My wand shall have the power of three,
This is my will, so mote it be!
Message me if you felt the breeze!
#2547 - Sleep Trance
Step 1) Make sure the room is ''peaceful'' or calm enough for your mind to relax.
Step 2) Focus on why you are doing this (To complete a project, play a game all night, etc.) and slowly start to relax your mind.
Step 3) See yourself in your mind sleeping, focus your mind on that image and keep it there.
Step 4) Split your mind into has many parts has you need (Look back at step 2) any part you don't need to complete your reason for using this should be used on step 3.
Step 5) Enjoy, you'll get that overdo project done and still be well rested bu the time your friends wake up.
!!!Warning, do not rely on this for to long as its effects will start to lessen after consent use!!!
#2548 - Wolf's Mind
Sit down with the bowl of water and the meat in front of you, water to the left and meat to the right. Say:
"On this night of the waxing moon,
I give my mind up to the wolf,
I give my mind up to the moon,
And may I return at sunrise."
With this take the dirt and sprinkle it into the water. Then say:
"This soil enters the water,
As a sign of a forest stream,
Ever running and changing,
As the wolf drinks."
Then take the sugar and sprinkle it onto the meat. Then say:
"This sugar lands on the meat,
As a sign of the sweetness of fresh food,
So tasty and juicy,
As the wolf eats."
Then drink as much of the water as you want, and think in your head:
"As the wolf would drink from a stream,
I drink from a stream also,
I am the wolf."
Then eat as much of the meat as you want, and think in your head:
"As the wolf would devour a carcass,
I devour one also,
I am the wolf."
Then say aloud:
"Grant me my wish,
For tonight I shall be a wolf,
And until sunrise,
I shall hunt, eat, and drink,
In a forest with a pack or alone,
I shall run through the trees,
This is my will, so mote it be!"
Now go to bed.
If this works for you, message me!
Note: You will not transform into a wolf, your mind/conscience will be transported into a wolf somewhere on Earth. Depending on how strong your mind is, you might be able to control the wolf. Most likely you will watch through the wolf's eyes.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2549 - Athame Vengeance Elixir
''Hear me now
Hear me good
What I say, be understood
This knife will find it's mark
And follow you around the clock
Dusk 'til Dawn (name)
You'll not escape
Vengeance is mine
Feel my hate!''
*Leave the glass of water with the stone & dagger in it (pointing down) on your windowsill on the night of the full moon until the next day. Remove the knife saying ''My will is done''. Take the glass of water to a house plant & water it removing the stone. Blessed Be!
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2550 - Recall the Dead