7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Cleansing A Room
- Cleansing Negative Energies
- Block Out Noise
- The Goddess
- Summon an Angel
- Shadow Binding
- Mark of the Hunter
- Blessed Bucks
- Bless Spirits
- Vampire Spell (WARNING: No Turning Back)
#2881 - Cleansing A Room
First be in the room, make it dark and then in sight of the full moon, light the candle and say: "Let there be cleansing, let there be protection" 3 times. Then in the corners of the room, pour some drops of the melting wax of the candle. Then place the candle in the middle of the room and let it burn on all its own till it melts completely else if it gets off naturally.
Last edited on May 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2882 - Cleansing Negative Energies
On a Saturday at early morning, the target may should ask for someone's help. Target must simply sit in a meditative position and the lemon is supposed to be kept/holded on the top of the head by the volunteer. The target must imagine some black smoke getting out from the body through the crown chakra and getting absorbed by the lemon present at the head. You can say "let the body be pure" x 7, then the lemon is supposed to be burned in fire completely and simply be thrown out.
Last edited on Jul 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2883 - Block Out Noise
As you go to bed recite the following incantation
"Goddess of the night grant me sleep
May all other sounds be mute
As my will so mote it be!"
This spell does not block out the sounds but it is to help you concentrating on ignoring those pesky sounds.
Last edited on Jul 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2884 - The Goddess
Place the elements at the points of the pentagram and go over the star with red petals. Go around in a circle were the elements are and place white petals around the star and the elements. Then after you have done that chant the following
" Call upon the goddess to gaze upon her children through time and space. Lend me your power in exchange for these elements. I call upon you to lend us your power in three days time. The spell will be done at the sight of first sun, so mote it be".
Last edited on Jul 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2885 - Summon an Angel
Get into your circle you casted, light the candles. Pour the holy water on the ground. Then say: "Angels of light angel's who serve the gods. I call thee so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2886 - Shadow Binding
This spell works best at night. It connects to everything in its range and drains there energy and stamina, making what ever you are chasing slow down or get tired faster then usual. The seal connects to the shadows of those within it and drains there energy. Simply envoke shadows around you and bind then to a certain place or to your self if you want the seal to move with you. Use the rune magic to feed the seal energy so it does not wear off. Black magic is not needed unless you want to cause damage.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2887 - Mark of the Hunter
Take blood, or a single hair of your target. Envoke the elements and use the hunter rune. Once you bind the rune to the element, use the item you have from your target and activate the rune. If done the way it should, you will sense your target once it is in the range of the Mark. Simple isnt it?
Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2888 - Blessed Bucks
To start with this is a very positive spells that can not go wrong and will not bring bad luck. Take the one dollar bill and take the pencil. Now write down on the buck, "May you be blessed with health, wealth and joy". It is important that you be happy at that time to fill your work with positiveness.
Now take that dollar bill and go outside in the world. You must now hide it in a place where people WILL find it like hiding it inside the newspapers stand or under some product inside a shopping store. Remember you must not just drop it somewhere or people will think this an accident. Also you must not be seen while hiding the note or your energy might be broken.
Now soon someone will come and pick that newspaper or the product up and see the dollar with the blessing written on it. Imagine how happy he'd be knowing that the dollar was meant to be his/her. Note: you must not wait to see who picks up the dollar. Just hide it and leave. Now soon (maybe between a week or after two to three weeks) you will recieve the money multiplied.
Last edited on Dec 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2889 - Bless Spirits
Put your hands in a prayers form, and think about the animal/person's spirit you want to bless. Say this chant in any where even in a loud place (you can do this in your mind or out loud with people). Chant:
"Father, Son, Holy spirit please bless (animals/persons name) make them to never forget me, for I shall give this blessing to you and to my (animal/person) and make them even happier then they are. Thank you God."
Last edited on Jul 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2890 - Vampire Spell (WARNING: No Turning Back)
''Red blood, pale skin, moonlight draw me in. Quench my blood-thirsty veins, let my body feel no pain!''
If you do this during the day, it will have a 15% chance of working, and if it DOES, you'll be more sensitive to pure sunlight than you would have been if you did it at night. You won't burn to death like in movies, you'll just get a terrible sunburn REALLY fast. And some people have said that they thought they were smoking, but who knows! If you do this spell at night, it'll have a 94% chance of working. If you do it at night with a full moon, 99%. Like it says in title, of this spell works, it's VERY HARD to go back.
Go into a fairly-sized room. Open the biggest center window, and shut off all the lights. Close the door, and stand in the middle of the room. If its Full Moon, let it shine you. Stand up straight. Close your eyes and meditate, filling it with blankness. Do this for exactly a minute. KEEP YOUR MIND BLANK. I KNOW IT'S HARD :0). Then, say the incantation clearly 10 times. Then meditate for 10 more seconds, and say quietly but clearly ''It is done.''.
Good Side Effects:
Speed (The more you use it, the faster it'll show)
Strength (The more you use it, the faster it'll show)
Vampiric Beauty (A Beauty Unique to vampires)
Hair Changes (Your hair will either get lighter or darker. Lighter is commoner for blondes, dirty blondes. Darker for brunette and black haired people. Redheads vary. Well, they all do but still. Hair will tend to kinda grow faster)
Claws? Nope. Forget it!!!!!! Your a vampire not a werewolf.
fangs (They will get sharper not longer)
Bad Side Effects
Feeling Mood Swings (Especially with love. Love is very dangerous and can be possessive of a vampire)
Occasionally, food will taste bland.
Pale Skin. This isn't bad but some people don't like it.
?Minor Garlic Allergy? (I don't know....haven't tried it but my friend said this was true but I don't know if I believe it)
Forget the whole ''Holy Water, Silver and stuff are deadly'' thing. That's just nonsense made my greedy movie people. But like I said I don't know about Garlic but I don't think it's fatal BECAUSE I LOVE GARLIC BREAD AND I DID THIS SPELL.
Food will taste bland occasionally because of your blood thing. Whatever you do DON'T TASTE BLOOD AFTER USING THIS SPELL. It'll make ALL food taste bland and you'll yearn for........................
I don't think you can turn back after using this.
Message me other side effects after you do the spell!