7148 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Banish A Person From Your Life
- drink refill up
- Love Spell Jar
- Gain Good Luck Jar
- Become Aleister Crowley
- Complete Protection from Demons and Forgiveness
- God/Goddess Devotional Deity Tea
- Decorative Return To Sender Spell
- Friendship sell (REALLY WORKS)
- Get Your Lover
#281 - Banish A Person From Your Life
Take a sheet of paper.
Tear the paper in half with your hands to put your energy into the spell.
Write the person's full name on a sheet of paper (First and Last) and their birth date (Year, too) 3 times.
Turn the paper clockwise.
Write "Be Gone" three times over their name.
Turn it counterclockwise (but make sure their name is upside down)!
Sign your name 3 times.
Anoint paper with banishing oil (Use your finger to dab all four corners with the oil and then dab the middle of the paper).
Fold the petition (3 times) away from you to push them away, while envisioning the person leaving you alone.
To Activate the spell, burn your petition with the banishing candle and feel how good it is to get rid of it.
Let the paper burn in a bowl.
Flush the ashes down the toilet while saying "Be gone" 3 times.
And I hope it brings you peace!
Last edited on Aug 18, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#282 - drink refill up
When I finish my drink refill my drink.
Last edited on Jun 28, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#283 - Love Spell Jar
- Cleanse your jar with incense of choice.
- Tie the golden thread around the neck of the jar.
- Add the ingredients in order. 1.rose petals, 2.sugar, 3.salt, 4.sigil.
- Charge with rose quartz, minimum of two hours, maximum of twenty-four.
- Give to loved one of choice.
You may decide to put this jar together with three pink or white candles in a triangular pattern, this is optional. This spell jar is not a potion, do not ingest, simply give it as a gift to a loved one to strengthen your bonds.
Last edited on Nov 25, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#284 - Gain Good Luck Jar
Take the jar and fill it until it is about full with water. Put 4-7 rose petals and a waterproof crystal of your choice in the water. Screw the lid on tightly. Wait until nighttime and unscrew the lid and add the special item of your choice. Screw the lid back on and set the jar on the windowsill in the moonlight. In the morning take the jar and repeat the following phrase.
¨God of dreams. Goddess of hope. Take my wish and bring me faith. I really need this wish today. (Say wish) and bring it to me. This is my will so mote it be.¨
Store the water under your bed and charge it in the moonlight when another wish is needed.
#285 - Become Aleister Crowley
Get skyclad, set out and light your Crowley seven day candle, set out your athame and chalice, and fill the chalice with the blood of a youg man (can be collected how you wish).
Sit in front of the candle.
Stab the chalice with your athame 93 times in a row.
"Enter me Daddy Crowley. Do as thou wilt my friend. I am a star and no part of me is not of the gods. I am an ipissimus. 93 93/93."
You are now Crowley.
#286 - Complete Protection from Demons and Forgiveness
Find a quiet place where you can speak words aloud and focus your thoughts.
You can speak the words standing or in a position of prayer. I recommend kneeling though. It is critical that you have an open heart and mind and that you commit fully to what you are about to say.
Speak the following words clearly while praying:
"God, I know I am a sinner. But I commit myself to you fully and repent, turning away from sin. I believe you sent your only son to die for me, even though I don't deserve this gift, your grace is never ending. I humbly ask, Jesus, please come into my heart. Lead me on a path of righteousness and guide my body, mind, and spirit. Thank you for saving, protecting, and forgiving me. Amen."
Congratulations, you now have made the most powerful ally you could and have started on a path that will lead you to a complete transformation. If you ever need protection from evil spirits or demons you can speak the following (or even just think it if you are attacked during sleep paralysis):
"Leave now demon and return from where you came, in Jesus name!"
This must be spoken with authority and full assurance and faith that you will be protected.
#287 - God/Goddess Devotional Deity Tea
This tea is to honor our deities. The edible flowers or herbs used should represent either particular personal dieties or the God or Goddess archetypes in general. A God and Goddess is not exactly necessary. A tea can be made for one deity or if it is made for two Goddesses, this too is acceptable.
The idea is for the tea ingredients to represent a deity.
This is my personal tea:
Christian Deity and Nemesis tea
Forsythia flower, yellow, Christian Deity.
Wild Violet flower, purple, Nemesis.
Tea strainer.
Place your edible flowers and herbs into the tea strainer. Fill your mug with water and microwave for 3 minutes. Remove your cup carefully with a medium sized cloth taking care not to burn yourself. The cup will be hot so please remove with protection for your hands. I use a towel. Place the mug on the countertop and dip the tea strainer into the cup several times to simmer the flavor of your ingredients into your tea. If the strainer has a hook attach the strainer to the side of your mug if able. This will further help to establish flavor. Enjoy your tea in honor of your deity. If you want pour a little into a separate small tea cup in offering.
#288 - Decorative Return To Sender Spell
For this protection spell I use a small round mirror that came from or fell off of a mirror work purse I own. These mirrors are usually very small and round, and can possibly be purchased at a craft store.
Place the small mirror on a table top or altar. Honestly mine is placed on a decorative marble cube figure I found, and right under my crystal ball and stand which as well is placed upon the cube stand. Both my mirror and shiva shell fit under my crystal ball.
After placing the mirror, atop of it place your Shiva's eye shell. These shells are said to protect the owner from negativity.
Whenever you look upon this touch of protective altar decor, imagine the mirror reflecting negativity away from you and returning it to where it came. As another option you can decorate the space nearby to your mirror and shell with flowers of your choice. White flowers representing purity are nice as well as other protective flowers.
Last edited on May 16, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#289 - Friendship sell (REALLY WORKS)
Light the candle while doing the chant and place it on top of the bag, if needed, place a metal jar lid on top of the plastic bag then put your candle on that, allow the candle to go out on its own, pay attention to the smoke of the candle fire. If needed, snuff out the candle.
When the candle has burned all the way down and has gone out on its own you may bury the bag outside. If you choose not to bury it, you may place it in a safe place where it won't be bothered
Close the bag carefully while saying the following chant:
"I open myself up for a new friendship, allowing it to grow as long as it needs. I request in the God and Goddesses help in hand leading me to the right friendship for me. While this candle is their guiding light, I will be looking for their sight. This is my will, this is my plea, so mote it be"
#290 - Get Your Lover
First create an altar area for your spell that won't be disturbed while the spell is active. Create 3 rings of candles, with the white on the inside, then a ring of pink and the red candles on the outside. The exact size doesn't really matter. Light all 15 candles, one ring at a time, starting with the white ones.
Repeat the first part of the spell out loud:
By the power of Aphrodite,
I ask the Goddess to bless my ritual
To bring forth a true love
So mote it be
Then put on the lipstick (yes, even if you are a guy), and put a big lip print in the center of the cloth. Say:
By this kiss,
I bring power to this spell
To bring forth a true love
So mote it be
Set the seashell over the print, and wrap the cloth up over the shell to make a little bundle. Tie it up with the red yarn. Set the charm in the center of the inner candle circle. Now say:
By this shell,
I call the Goddess,
To bring forth a true love
So mote it be
Run your hands around each circle of candles, just above the flames, Again, start with the inner circle of white candles, and move outward. Set the dish in the circle, and add a berry or two (they represent the Goddess).
Leave all the candles to burn out naturally on their own (it doesn't matter which colors go out first). Leave everything in place until you meet someone new. Replace the strawberries with fresh ones everyday. If no new relationships reveal themselves, you should wait at least one full moon cycle to try this ritual again.
Last edited on Apr 24, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.