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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
  1. demon winnings
  2. Dream Work Candle Working.
  3. Become Khaos spell
  4. Removing a Curse (from a person)
  5. Samhain Ancestral Invocation
  6. Neural Handshake
  7. Casket Box Working
  8. Animal embodiment (real)
  9. the armpit spell
  10. the armpit spell

#281 - demon winnings

demons will give you winnings like lucifer if you call them
You may need:

  • items to pay the demons
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    You may need:

  • items to pay the demons
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    call some demons but not Lucifer and ask them to give you some winnings pay them some items and you will receive some winnings but make sure not to call Lucifer

    Added to on Aug 17, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #282 - Dream Work Candle Working.

    A candle working to help enhance dreaming.
    You may need:

  • White or purple votive candle
  • Russian sage
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    You may need:

  • White or purple votive candle
  • Russian sage
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    Dress the top of your votive with Russian sage. Be careful around the wick so that your candle does not snuff itself out upon burning.

    The Working:

    Light your candle and focus upon it. Relax and enjoy the candle burning. The Russian sage will go a long way to help produce vivid dreams. Take care not to practice this working too often and when absolutely necessary. If you are allergic in any way to the plant used, do not cast this spell. Use another method.

    Final note:

    Writing your dreams in a journal can help you remember and work through themes and emotions of your dreams. You can track your progress and any details which may hold importance.

    Added to on Aug 15, 2021
    Last edited on Aug 15, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #283 - Become Khaos spell

    In the title
    You may need:

  • Believe other than that nothing
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    You may need:

  • Believe other than that nothing
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    Say this 1x "Deus Eloi Eloim Elohim Elohooc. " Pronunciation Deh-yoos Elo-yee Elo-yeem Elo-him Eh-loh-hoh-yok. Next say this as much as you want "Khaos come on to me until you Khaos."

    Added to on Aug 14, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #284 - Removing a Curse (from a person)

    This ritual will help remove hexes, curses and negative influences on body, mind and soul. (Important note: Don’t try to use this ritual in the case of a Blood Curse because it won't work to remove a blood curse, if this indeed does not work then please mail me or someone else that is experienced, so they can research the curse and give you the proper instructions to remove said curse. WARNING I do not recommend attempting to remove a blood curse without supervision or help from an expert.)
    You may need:

  • • Sage.
  • • A Cleansing stone, such as: Quartz, Calcite, Jade, Opal, Moonstone, Sun stone, Amber E.T.C. (If you don't have a gemstone like this, you can use Rock Salt.)
  • • A bath or pool of water you can relax in.
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    You may need:

  • • Sage.
  • • A Cleansing stone, such as: Quartz, Calcite, Jade, Opal, Moonstone, Sun stone, Amber E.T.C. (If you don't have a gemstone like this, you can use Rock Salt.)
  • • A bath or pool of water you can relax in.
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    How to use the spell:

    Get in a bath and and put the sage in the water, then hold the gemstone and imagine the energy of the gem or crystals coursing through the water and entering your body, while doing this speak the following incantation:

    "Et maledixi alieni inveterati sunt, et ejus navitas vt purificentur, transire per virtutem data est mihi a natura quam ego nunc praecipiam ut sit ait ista maledictio meus de via, et nunc, et veterascet et abierunt."

    Added to on Aug 13, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #285 - Samhain Ancestral Invocation

    This is used to pray and call for the help of deceased family members, and can be used to help protect the home or bless a place. This is performed on All Hallows Eve (Samhain's Eve)
    You may need:

  • A circle of candles, preferably white
  • Incense, Myrrh or Sage are perfect.
  • A circle of salt or ash to ward off any potential negative influences
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    You may need:

  • A circle of candles, preferably white
  • Incense, Myrrh or Sage are perfect.
  • A circle of salt or ash to ward off any potential negative influences
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    First put the circle of salt or ash on the ground and put the circle of candles ''Around'' the salt circle.
    Then place your incense and think of any ancestral or deceased family members you wish to help you in your craft.

    The Chant:
    Samhain, Samhain, let the ritual begin,
    We call upon our sacred ancestors to come in
    Samhain, Samhain, we call upon our kin
    We call upon our dear departed loved ones to come in

    The Veil between the worlds is thin
    Our hearts reach cross the sea of time
    To bring our loved ones in
    Samhain, Samhain, we honor all our kin
    We honor those whove gone before
    As the Great Wheel turns again.

    Note: It is not always possible to do this, and it can be quite a dangerous ritual, just keep in mind folks....On Samhain's Eve, when you call out to one deceased......."All of them can hear you" So make sure none of those you knew died with a grudge before calling out to them.

    Added to on Aug 12, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #286 - Neural Handshake

    this creates a Neural Handshake like the ones in Pacific Rim but without the Jaeger Technology with anybody you want
    You may need:

  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Belief
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    first Say this "Wind Earth Fire and Water I call upon you to make this spell magic so mote it be." next say this I invoke the Gods Hermes, Hypnos and Arete to work together to Create a Neural Handshake exactly like the Ones in Pacific Rim but without the Need or use of the Jaeger technology it shall be permanently and irreversibly active and unmuted we will be able to do anything that the jaeger pilots can do with their neural handshake when it's active my neural handshake will be with [persons first and last name] it shall be scientific as well as psychic i ask for all of this to come true in real life and i ask for all of this to come true instantly after i finish this spell so mote it be."

    Added to on Aug 06, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #287 - Casket Box Working

    A working to put something to rest or rid oneself of something, in this case negativity.
    You may need:

  • A box.
  • Personal items for the box, such as hair and other small items which fit, ribbon, etc.
  • A bell to call energy into the box.
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    You may need:

  • A box.
  • Personal items for the box, such as hair and other small items which fit, ribbon, etc.
  • A bell to call energy into the box.
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    Fill the box with the personal items. Any small items which can fit can work. Seal the box with wax. This box should have a cover and be able to close. Small boxes such as those for medicine work well.

    The working

    Ring the bell over the box and focus on calling surrounding negative energy into it. Keep the bell with the box (preferably on it) and use only for the purpose of calling energy into the box. For other rituals using a bell, it is recommended to have a different bell for these purposes.

    Whenever you feel overwhelmed with negativity, ring the bell, calling energy into the box.


    Periodically cleanse the box with herbal smoke to completely rid the space of the negativity stored. Exorcism related herbs are great for this. Other plants which work well are rosemary and mullein flower.

    Added to on Jul 31, 2021
    Last edited on Nov 01, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #288 - Animal embodiment (real)

    I’ve seen a lot of fake, animal transformation spells on here and I’m here to give you an actual one. It doesn’t turn you into an animal but you can embody the nature of them, this can also be used when fusing with a deity (I should know, I fused with sobek for a while). I believe this is shamanic practices that I picked up somewhere but it works for me!
    You may need:

  • Able to visualize energy
  • Belief
  • Imagination
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    You may need:

  • Able to visualize energy
  • Belief
  • Imagination
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    First you have to pick the animal/ deity that you want to embody. Then get into a meditative position. Close your eyes. Visualize the animal/deity you want to embody, standing in front of you in its natural habitat. Then slowly merge with the animal/deity where its legs become your legs, its arms become your arms, your facial features merging and mixing. Feel every part merged. Then once you have merged, with your eyes closed, move around like the animal/deity. Then feel it shrink into you and lock it away inside you but feel it there. Then if you concentrate you should be able to summon them whenever you like.

    Added to on Jul 29, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #289 - the armpit spell

    This is all about the armpit.
    You may need:

  • say
  • aloud
  • waving finger
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    You may need:

  • say
  • aloud
  • waving finger
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    Arm to pit. I want to go. So let me go in the armpit land. I want to go.

    Added to on Jul 25, 2021
    Last edited on Jul 26, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #290 - the armpit spell

    this is all about the armpit
    You may need:

  • say
  • aloud
  • waving finger
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    You may need:

  • say
  • aloud
  • waving finger
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    arm to pit i want to go so let me go in the armpit land i want to go

    Added to on Jul 25, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters