7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Solitary Fullmoon Esbat Ritual
- To Protect You While You Sleep
- Rain
- To Attract Love
- Stay Away
- Protection Powder
- God Healing
- Master of Breathing
- Increase Senses Abilities
- My Protection
#3271 - Solitary Fullmoon Esbat Ritual
Many times we find ourselves away from our Coven, Temple, Altar and home when the Moon becomes full. We think that it would be wonderful to do a little Ritual in honor of the Moon, but have no tools, candles, incense etc. The magick is within you and the power of visualization is the vehicle of transportation.
All you need is you and a view of the Full Moon. Preferably standing outside (but if its cold and raining you can gaze thru a window) make sure that you have a wonderful view of the Full Moon.
Allow the Moons rays to envelope you, take your time, and appreciate the feel of the Moonlight on your skin. If you wish, you may imagine the Moonlight completely encircling you, protecting you with loving energy. You have cast a Magick Circle.
You may wish to consider the power of the Full Moon, the tide is strongly attuned to positive manifestation and to increase and gain. What do you wish to manifest in the next month? Take your time, allow the spirit of the Moon Goddess to fill you. Feel Her Power and Presence within your mind, your spirit, and your emotions. You have Drawn Down the Moon.
When you are finished communing with the Goddess, thank her in your own words, either silently or out loud, for Blessing you with Her presence. Kiss the back of your power hand three times, and then extend your hand to the Moon as a gesture of love and gratitude.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3272 - To Protect You While You Sleep
In a cup of water add three pinches of salt. Starting in the northern quarter next to your bed, sprinkle the mixture around the bed while chanting;
"Water and Earth,
Where you are,
Cast no spell,
Or adverse purpose,
Haste if not in complete accord with me,
As my word so mote it be!"
Visualize a protective circle of energy form as you chant.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3273 - Rain
Mix together the Heather, Pansy, And the Fern into a mortar and stir, as you stir say; " I want the rain! Next add the Cotton, and the Toadstool, now stir and go outside and throw the mixed herbs into the air and chant; "Rain Do Fall To This Witch's Call!
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3274 - To Attract Love
Next place the five candles in a form of the pentagram on your alter or floor. Chant;
''By Venus planet of love, bring my desire, make me attractive, and bring forth for me love, like bees to honey, (persons name) your now attracted to me!
Now light the candles and focus on the direct person of your desire, then recite the spell again.
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3275 - Stay Away
Throw a pinch of black salt at your desired targets back and chant; " Manete Tolle Ex Mea Spactium!"
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3276 - Protection Powder
''Defensus Protectum Scutum!
Now you have to say this spell with force to keep all un-wanted people and entities from your home.
#3277 - God Healing
On the night of waxing moon, Light the 3 candles outside and say the spell and repeat it 3 times and ends with: "King god of the universe, creator of heaven and earth. Please grant me your healing to heal my sickness and please grant me good health. Please hear my plea, o god, king of the universe and creator of all so mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3278 - Master of Breathing
Hold your hands on your nose and say : "Big, oh my Big Nose, Big-big you will become! Slowly breathe release long, Big-big you become! Breathe many oxygen and release it every few minutes! So mote it be you big nose!"
*** Side Effects ***
- Bigger Nose
- Better smelling
- Often Sniffing
- Breathe every 3-5 minutes
- Breathe large amount of oxygen
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3279 - Increase Senses Abilities
Sit cross-legged and put th candles in front of you. Put the paper-book left and right of you. Write eyes in the paper book as large as you can ("ALC" as my short word). Light the first candle and chant : "Goddess of Aphrodite and Eyes. I call thee. Make my eyes often sees and see farer. My eyes will clear as water and see sight far. So mote it be!"
Write ears in the paper book (same) ALC. Light the second candle and chant : "Goddess of Aphrodite and Ears. I call thee. Make my ears often hears and hear farer. My ears will hear loudly and clear and hear far loud. So mote it be!" Breathe all smoke and visualise your eyes and ears becoming better!
Take another paper book and write skin & tounge ALC. Light the third candle and chant : "Goddess of Aphrodite and Feelings. I call thee. Make my skin often feels and better. Make my tounge often tastes and better! So mote it be!"
As the way as before but write "nose"! Light the fourth and chant : "Goddess of Aphrodite and Nose, I call thee. Make my nose often sniffs and smells and smells better! So mote it be!" Breathe all smoke while visualising.
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3280 - My Protection
Light the candles in order from left to right and when you get to I shield you in my wiccan way take your left arm and point to the right and put your other arm pointing up making a right L symbol. Say 3 times
"Auger De Gomay, Auger De Gomay, Ancient One of the Earth so deep, master of Moon and Sun. I shield you in my Wiccan Way, here in my circle round'.' Asking you: Protect this space, and offer your sun-force down."
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.