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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Memory Rock
  2. Become a Drainer
  3. Christen Protection
  4. Drain Your Enemies
  5. Graceful
  6. Question the Witch
  7. Nightmare of Nyx
  8. Quick Elemental Strike
  9. Turn Into Any Creature
  10. Seven Chakra Cleansing and Awakening

#3281 - Memory Rock

This charges a simple rock for whenever you touch the rock you are able to remember certain things, such as dreams.
You may need:

  • 1 Rock
  • Perfume or Lavender Spray
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    You may need:

  • 1 Rock
  • Perfume or Lavender Spray
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    Spray perfume or lavender on rock, chant ten times holding rock.

    ''With the touch of my hand,

    show me my lost memories,

    so mote it be.''

    May use this to remember dreams. When wake up, touch rock. May take awhile to take affect.

    For better results, charge the spell with your energy;

    Added to on Aug 01, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3282 - Become a Drainer

    This is a very simple transformation spell, however does have rules. This spell often works only once, and is temporary.
    You may need:

  • Candle
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    You may need:

  • Candle
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    This spell is not mine But I have edited it slightly and added a few tips since I see many people getting confused or even often doing it wrong, or not being aware of the proper side effects or the rules, and so on.

    There is a few steps to do this. Now, don't leave now because I said you will have to be doing more work. This work helps you.

    Step one: Study. After you study, you can perform the spell. To study, scroll down. Some general information before doing the spell.

    General information on drainers
    Supernaturals in general tend to get headaches a lot. This is often due to other supernaturals' energy, or energy in general.

    You do not know what type of drainer you will end up as. You may use blood as a energy source, saliva (kissing), sexual intercourse, sound, heat, life-force, health, electricity, etc. You never know.

    Not all drainers will end up as part or full enhancer using this spell, but some do. You may have signs of enhanced sight, smell, taste, hearing, sensing, or strength, speed, etc.

    You may feel different. This is because your DNA is changing - you are carrying extra energy, absorbing extra energy, sensing energy, your abilities are settling in, etc.

    This is TEMPORARY. It is physically impossible to permanently become a drainer, or anything, by a spell. The only other ways are rare and dangerous, often leading to death. (and no, you can't get turned by being bitten.)

    This doesn't work for everyone. Also, this spell tends to work only ONCE per person.

    Don't be childish. Don't use this spell because you think your cool, or because you think you will be superior and can kill others. Because most likely, you won't be able to kill anyone without physically murdering someone the normal way. --

    The spell
    Okay, you need this to be at night, the doors and any windows closed, the smaller the room is, the better. And you need to be ALONE. The full moon tends to be better due to the gravitational pull.

    Sit down and get a large, thick candle. It can be any color, but personally, I recommend purple or white. Turn all the lights off, as well.

    Now, focus on your energy, and imagine the outcome of you becoming a drainer. Don't imagine what kind of drainer you WANT to be, nor should you have an unrealistic version of a vampire (like, no reflection, fangs type of myth crap)

    Chant the following ten times or more. You do not need to count. You can stop chanting until you feel necessary. And, light the candle. This spell works BEST With a candle, many who do not use a candle, it doesn't work for them.

    "Blood red, pale skin,
    Moonlight draw me in,
    Quench my thirst, coarsing veins,
    Let my body feel no pain."

    Don't just suddenly expect that you know everything about vampires. Vampires do NOT burn in the sunlight, have no relation to garlic whatsoever, do not bite necks for blood, not all even 'feed' from blood, they can survive without blood, they are NOT IMMORTAL, neither are they dead.

    Some will feed off of more concentrated forms of energy, this can be blood, saliva (kissing), sexual intercourse, etc. others will feed off of less concentrated forms of energy. This can be energy that is glucose-based, meaning the energy that makes you hyper, or energy to move, or energy that surrounds a supernatural's body that depends on one's abilities, it may be energy that involves the emotions - auras, or other energy such as heat, sound, electricity, souls/spirits, etc.

    Signs of drainers
    Here are some common characteristics of drainers. This may not apply to ALL types. You may have a strong disire, craving, obession, or stimulation to energy sources; this may be blood, sexual energies, sound, heat, soul, electricity, etc.

    If you drain energies such as glucose-based energy, ability-based energy, auras, heat, life-force, health, etc. You may notice people often feel sick or tired around you often, especially done so when you touch them, often for a longer period of time.

    Sunlight may hurt your eyes, but you can live without. this doesnt go with everyone. One, if you are part or full enhancer, this is why. Because your eyes are enhances and do not adjust well to the sunrays. two, you may have light colored eyes, like blue, grey or green eyes are more sensitive to the sunlight than others.

    Your eye color change color. this isn't with everyone, and often, this wont change fully. However, we often see people who just think they see their eye change color, or mistaken the color changing due to lights like flashlights, or flasing lights off of a camera. Often, people mistake their pupils getting bigger to their eyes changing to black. This is often not the case.

    You may get sick often, or feel sick often. Sometimes this may be headaches, nausea, dizzyness, lightheaded ness, etc. Often, this is due to not recieving a form of energy for a certain amount of time. the stronger the drainer, the longer they can last without a energy source. However, they can live without energy, they will NOT die from it.

    After recieving your source of energy - blood, sex, kissing, heat, sound, etc. You may feel energized, or your abilities may be boosted. However, if youre abilities are boosted by blood, this doesn't mean you are a drainer, since certain type of supernatural blood boost any supernatural's abilities.

    You may have noticed that electrical appliances may not work well with you, especially if you are in the room with two or more supernaturals, especially if the room is small. this does not mean you are a vampire, this is with every supernatural.

    You may be sensitive to many things, such as sound, scents, taste, etc. This also doesn't mean you are a drainer, since it just may mean you may be part or full enhancer, or are simply just sensitive to it.

    You may black out a lot. this doesn't mean you are a drainer, yet many have this sign. It may also mean you have a medical condition that you should check out if you black out often. If people say that you were "possessed", etc, this may mean you are part channeler. this doesn't mean you are a drainer, but often drainers have this sign as well.

    Myths, facts and exaggerations.

    Real vampires don't need blood, they only need some part of blood, or just energy. - fact and myth Real vampires, or drainers, do not need blood. They can survive off of it, however, some may feel sick without it. This can be headaches, nausea, dizzyness, lightheadedness, etc. However, they do not just need some form of energy. Different vampires 'feed' off of different energy sources.

    Real vampires can fly - myth

    Sunlight kills real vampires - extreme exaggeration - Drainers can walk in the sunlight and be perfectly fine, however, those who are part enhancer may be sensitive to the sunlight worse than normal. However, blue, green and grey eyes are more sensitive to sunlight anyway.

    Real vampires kill people or animals for food or for blood. - myth Unless they literally are a murderer,then no. That is like saying humans kill people for food. Yes, that happens, but its NOT COMMON, and NOT ALL HUMANS do it. So, this is also beyond stupid in my opinion.

    Real vampires have fangs - myth The truth is, blood vampires tend to have sharper teeth in the 'fangs' area but they don't suddenly grow out of no where. These are normal teeth, and in theory, they are not as sharp due to past generations who may have used their teeth to take blood a lot because drainers tend to like biting. But we have tools, and no how to NOT get infection.

    Vampires don't get sick, or cant get an infection when they drink blood. - Myth This is dumb as well. I think we are forgetting what a vampire/drainer really is. A vampire is a supernatural, meaning, they are HUMANS with supernatural abilities. Some tend to fit in 'groups' that title themselves or their 'kinds'. They are still human, they can still get sick.

    Vampires are part or full demon. - False.

    Real vampires are undead. false like I said, vampires are still human. And they also arne't spiritual beings. They are as alive as you and me.

    Real vampires sleep in coffins/caskets, or dont need sleep at all. - again, vampires are humans. They need sleep to survive, just like everyone does. And they don't sleep in coffins unless they choose to, but just like most humans don't sleep in coffins, most vampires don't either.

    Vampires are immortal/ can only die from a steak to the heart. anyone can die from getting stabbed in the heart. But no, vampires are not immortal. Some say that they, as well as a few or all other supernaturals age slower, but this has not been shown possible.

    Real vampires only need blood and dont or cant eat real food - myth vampires are human, and need food to survive.

    Vampires turn into bats. - myth Vampires do not turn into bats whatsoever.

    Vampires can turn other people simply by biting them, especially on the neck. - FALSE . I get this a lot, and this is NOT true. There is ways that people can get turned, however its either RARE, DANGEROUS OR TEMPORARY.

    Vampires dont have a reflection - false they are human too, so they have a reflection like everyone else.

    All vampires have enhanced speed and strength or senses. - myth . not all drainers will have any enhanced abilities, however some may. --

    Added to on Aug 01, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3283 - Christen Protection

    Ward off evil spirits for as long as you live.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Go around your house 7 times and say "Jesus" each complete circle and thats it.

    Added to on Aug 01, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3284 - Drain Your Enemies

    Do this spell in morning to get your enemies energy and leave them drained.
    You may need:

  • Coca Cola
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    You may need:

  • Coca Cola
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    After getting up in morning get ready and before eating anything take Coca Cola and chant this 3 times

    "Bottle of Drink Bottle of Drink
    Give me energy in a blink
    Drain my enemy(name) and leave him/her
    Without power and life
    As soon as I will finish this drink
    (Name if your enemy) will sink
    Make him lifeless in a blink"

    After this chant give a blow to the drink and drink it. While drinking think as you are drinking your enemies life and energy and they are getting lifeless.

    Added to on Aug 01, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3285 - Graceful

    It should help you be or feel more graceful.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant the following:

    "Graceful graceful I shall be
    Like wind dancing through grass
    And humming through trees
    Light on my feet
    Like a ballerina
    Leaping upon que"

    Added to on Jul 31, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3286 - Question the Witch

    To receive counsel from a witch.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant this while concentrating on a question. By the last stanza you wll receive your answer

    "Witch of air
    Bale of fire
    Tell me
    What I desire
    I hearken
    Unto thee
    Tell me what
    I ask of thee
    Will the night
    Give what I desire
    Witch of air
    Bale of fire"

    Added to on Jul 31, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3287 - Nightmare of Nyx

    Give Nightmares to your enemies
    You may need:

  • Four black candles
  • A Full Moon
  • Loyalty to Nyx
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    You may need:

  • Four black candles
  • A Full Moon
  • Loyalty to Nyx
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    Nyx is The Greek Primordial goddess of night even Zeus feared her
    in order to do this you must swear unwavering loyalty to her then
    place your candles in a compass shape one to the north one to the south one to the east and west
    then say ''Oh great goddess I summon the in my hour of need
    I wish thee to unleash thy hellish nightmares on(say name of person)
    if Nyx is satisfied with you the recipient will be plagued with Nightmares from the patron of darkness

    Added to on Jul 31, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3288 - Quick Elemental Strike

    A spell to make an element energy ball.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Gather the energy you want then picture the element in your hand then say,

    • fire: flare
    • water: aquis
    • earth: herth
    • air: airo

    Added to on Jul 31, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3289 - Turn Into Any Creature

    Just as the spell says- use this spell to turn into any fiction or non-fictional creature.
    You may need:

  • Anything to represent the creature you want to be
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    You may need:

  • Anything to represent the creature you want to be
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    Get the Items or Drawings or Pictures (of the Items if it's picture or Drawing) to represent your creature and say this chant two times: "O' please all dimensions gather for this moment, please make me a (Creature you want to be then say the details in advance of what powers you want, Ect. It's best to write it all down on a spare piece sheet of paper before you do this.) Please oh please may this happen"

    Then keep the items with you for at least 2 Hours before putting them in the bin ( only bin if it's Drawing or Picture) and if the dimension agrees to it then you will eventually get your powers, weapons, behaviors, etc.

    Added to on Jul 31, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3290 - Seven Chakra Cleansing and Awakening

    Please note this spell is designed for two people, the person channeling the energy from the subject.
    You may need:

  • 1 candle of the following colors; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, rainbow OR white.
  • Magic Healing Oil
  • Dragons blood oil
  • Olive oil
  • Roughly 1/8 cup of sea salt
  • Dragons blood inscent
  • The channeler, wear All BLACK.
  • The subject, also wear all black shorts.
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    You may need:

  • 1 candle of the following colors; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, rainbow OR white.
  • Magic Healing Oil
  • Dragons blood oil
  • Olive oil
  • Roughly 1/8 cup of sea salt
  • Dragons blood inscent
  • The channeler, wear All BLACK.
  • The subject, also wear all black shorts.
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    Have the subject lie down. Allow them to begin to relax, but do not let them go into complete mediation mode or fall asleep, for we must disturb them once. While they are beginning to relax, you(the channeler) will take all the candles and oils. Take your base oil, Olive oil, but it into a bowl and mix with a splash of dragons blood and healing oil. You don't need much of the add in oils, and make enough to have all the candles dressed and a smidgen left over.

    Dress each and every candle! With the smidgen left over, have the subject roll over, and begin to rub the left over oil(COUNTER CLOCK WISE!!!) over the appropriate chakras.(Please note that the subject should feel comfortable in every way when performing this spell, and that you need to put oil on the fore head for the third eye chakra and the crown chairs should not contain any oil)

    Now, have the subject lie on their back and allow then to completely relax now(but not fall asleep!) And line up the appropriate candles with the chakras. Once the subject is completely relaxed, light your candles, inscent, and sage stick. Channeler, do whatever you need to do to get your freaky mojo wiccan juices flowing, but in a timely manner. So plan ahead and meditate before this spell of required.

    Now, begin with the subjects root chakra. Take the sage stick, wave it counter clock wise SEVEN times! ONLY SEVEN! Then, place your hand over the chakra(if the subject is completely comfortable with you touching them, go ahead and make contact, if not, just place hand over chakra) and begin to draw in the negative energy from the chakra with your hand, channel it through you preferred or strongest/open most chakra, and then ground it with your other hand so it creates a flowing net work.

    Then take a pinch or pool of salt and place it on the chakra to keep negative energy from entering in durring the cleansing. Repeat for all chakras. When you get to the crown chakra, take one hand, and begin to pull the positive good energy from the universe and spread it into their chakras. Now you have completed the cleansing. Blow out the candles and snub out the age sticks. The subject can now move around and such.

    Added to on Jul 30, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters