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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7161 Spiritual Spells
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
  1. Power
  2. Anti War
  3. A Wish
  4. Aura Weapons
  5. Luck of Nature
  6. Enchant an Item Spell
  7. Soul Door
  8. Become a Drinker Spell (Vampyre)
  9. Potion Of Power
  10. Summon Big Face

#3351 - Power

To gain more power so you can cast the tuff spells the more you believe it will work the more power you get.
You may need:

  • You
  • Your Voice
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • You
  • Your Voice
  • Belief
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    Chant this as many times as you feel necessary:

    "Power power come to thee, power power blessed be.
    Power from the earth fire wind and sea.
    May thy power increase with belief
    in the name of elain this is our will so mote it be."

    Added to on Jul 08, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3352 - Anti War

    These three different spells disable wars forever if you choose to disable all of them.
    You may need:

  • Yandis brand ''Rompe Guerra (destroy war)''
  • A White Candle (A votive candle will do, white though)
  • A toothpick or needle to write on the candle
  • A shard of glass will do as long as you can scratch a name on the candle
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    You may need:

  • Yandis brand ''Rompe Guerra (destroy war)''
  • A White Candle (A votive candle will do, white though)
  • A toothpick or needle to write on the candle
  • A shard of glass will do as long as you can scratch a name on the candle
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    For the oil, which is hard to find, put some on your wrists and neck and say, I want to end such and such war, i.e. Iran vs. USA war or Russia Vs. USA fifty years ago, peacefully.

    I also have a video up on the video section, where you can write your own spell with it, (for advanced spell writers only, don't forget to include a safety measure like a baby witch santeria spell such as a jesus el nino dios spell).

    Write "Ambitionz" on the side of the candle or on top of a votive candle. No seven day candles, please. Like with the glass surroundings found at witch shops.

    Light the candle but don't forget to cast a circle of protection three times before you light it and uncast it three times after the candle burns out. (Remember, you can use birthday candles but use a needle to inscribe the name as best as you could). For votive candles inscribe the name "ambitionz" on the top of the candle.

    "I want to end all wars
    say no to war, say no to war, say no to war,
    The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Bitch,
    destroy all concept known as war! So Mote It Be"

    You may use this chant to write your own spells, it includes a baby jesus santeria/witchcraft spell for error proofing/safety measures and three casted circles of protection.

    Added to on Jul 08, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3353 - A Wish

    A spell that gives you 1 wish when you do it.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Sit where you can see the moon. Breathe in and out slowly. Now clear your mind of any negative thoughts and say "Hestía give me one wish. This wish I would only use for good. Please help me give this wish please."

    Added to on Jul 07, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3354 - Aura Weapons

    Create/Summon usable weapons made of your aura.
    You may need:

  • Wand/Staff
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    You may need:

  • Wand/Staff
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    Imagine your aura fusing with your elemental power to form a weapon of any kind. It must be a handheld weapon. Now extend your wand/Staff and imagine that weapon materializing from the aura and elemental power. Concentrate or else it won't work. Pick up your new weapon and use it to do what you need it to do.

    Added to on Jul 06, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3355 - Luck of Nature

    This spell will give you good luck for up to a week.
    You may need:

  • A flower with many petals (daisy, etc.)
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    You may need:

  • A flower with many petals (daisy, etc.)
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    In an open place, hold the flower in your hand. Breath in and out deeply, making yourself calm. Take one petal off and then begin to take each petal off one at a time. While doing this, chant:

    "Great gods above hear my wish
    Bring good fortune to me as a witch
    Show me luck from every way
    A charm settling over seven days
    Accept my offering to thy great power
    For the earths spirit to devour
    Bring me luck
    Bring me luck
    Bring me luck
    I now invoke the rule of three, this is my will so mote it be."

    This spell should work for a whole week and bring you good luck.

    Added to on Jul 06, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3356 - Enchant an Item Spell

    This spell allows you to enchant an item. You can charge the item to only have one of your abilities, and give it as a gift until the energy runs out, or to enhance in certain spells. If you have any questions, Mail me.
    You may need:

  • Your Item
  • Things to charge your item
  • Creativity
  • Time
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    You may need:

  • Your Item
  • Things to charge your item
  • Creativity
  • Time
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    First, choose what you are going to do with your item.
    Are you going to charge the item with an ability? Or are you going to charge the item to enhance in certain spells?

    Next, choose what kind of item you will need, and who to give it to.
    Will this item be something to wear? Like a bracelet, a necklace or ring. Or something to hold? Like a wand, or other item.

    Personally, I would choose something to wear or having a wand.

    (if you want to make a wand, you can Mail me)

    Decorate your item.

    Now that you have your item, you need to charge it.

    How do I charge it? You ask. Well, there is many ways to do this, and YOU get to choose the way you do this. Remember, this is YOUR energy, so YOU pick.

    1. Sunlight

    2. Moon light - this is best done under the full moon - and NOT new moon.

    3. Oils

    4. Herbs

    5. Rubbing flower pedals (scent) especially good for glamor spells. You can spray purfume, however its not recommended since it has chemicals, however you can make your own purfume.

    6. Charging it with elements: Take your item and let it go through candle smoke (fire and air) then cleanse it with salt water (earth and water)

    7. Bury it under a tree, graveyard, backyard, and recieve it the next day

    8. Rub your hands vigorously together, now hold the item with your writing hand and imagine your energy going through your arm into the item.

    9. Make your own chant and imagine your energy entering the item.

    10. Think of POSITIVE emotions. Never pick this item up when angry. Or it will turn on you and backfire (kind of like if you get mad and a kid thinks you are mad at them.)

    11. charge it with quartz, crystal, etc.

    You don't need to choose just ONE way to charge the item. You can do multiple ways.
    For example: If I am enchanting an item to work upon wish manifestation, I might attach a ball to the end of the wand and add dandelion seeds,
    Or if I have a wand for spiritual spells, I might want to let it charge in the moonlight.

    After you charge your item, you need to have a way to activate it and make it work.

    First, it needs to feel your energy. Play with it. For example, if its a wand, make a figure eight symbol, or write your name, etc in the air.

    Think of a chant/movement that will activate the item, such as:

    "Magick, Magick
    Come to be
    Show me what I want to see"

    Or you can make a Letter with the item, or have a "password"

    then to perform a task you can make a chant, etc.

    You also need to command it and show the rules,
    For example if I have a wand that I am giving as a give for wish manifestation and I only want them to have ten wishes, I can tell the wand directly, or put it in the chant, etc.

    Have fun enchanting :)

    If you need help, just mail me.

    Added to on Jul 06, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3357 - Soul Door

    Will make a door that opens by itself when you walk to it.
    You may need:

  • 1 purple candle
  • 1 dagger
  • Own blood
  • A lifeform
  • A bowl
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    You may need:

  • 1 purple candle
  • 1 dagger
  • Own blood
  • A lifeform
  • A bowl
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    Put down candle and light it. Place lifeform next to door of choice. Start murmuring -"Et circumduxit me per electionem, item te meum servum sempiternum" 14 times. as you murmur, kill the lifeform and place the blood in the bowl.

    Cut yourself and the blood with the lifeforms blood. Draw a line with the blood form the lifeform to the door. Now the murmuring is done, atleast a part of it, now start murmuring the following: -"Alias ambulantes aperire mihi praeter te, quia tu mihi servus sempiternus. Si audieritis, tunc iram provocetis Aetherius inmortalibus atque eum secutus sum quia magica a fide, quod in se est ad me ego sum "

    But this time only once. Now you are done. It is a contract: The floor served as papper, the blood as ink and the last murmuring as the contracts terms.

    Added to on Jul 04, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3358 - Become a Drinker Spell (Vampyre)

    This spell provides the caster to temporarily become a Drinker (or vampire) note, its impossible to permanently become a vampire by a spell. Can last up to a year.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Night (recommend) or day
  • Candle(s) (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Night (recommend) or day
  • Candle(s) (optional)
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    This spell is best done using an enhancer spell beforehand.

    Light the candle(s) (optional)
    Chant five times:

    ''Hear now, for I am the thirsty creature that long desires sharp, canine teeth as a wild beast,
    for survival, I ask thee, give me the gift of sharp fangs, so mote it be.''

    This spell is temporary Note, it is impossible to permanently become a drinker (vampire) by spells.

    You may become a drinker or drainer.
    You may ''feed'' off certain energy sources. Either a more concentrated form such as blood, saliva (kissing), etc. or less concentrated form, such as sound waves, heat rays, electricity, auras, glucose-based energy, energy that surrounds the bodies of those with abilities, etc.

    -Vampires are not sensitive to the sunlight. (if so, its from enhanced sight or enhanced senses)

    Not all vampires will have any enhanced senses. Some have only speed, some have only strength, some have both.

    For more information on signs that the spell worked, PM me.
    P.S. also, if you want the enhancer spell, PM me. Or you can look up another enhancer spell on this site. (either way, the enhancer spell is on this site) lol

    Added to on Jul 04, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3359 - Potion Of Power

    This spell provides the caster a boost of power. This spell is often used for anyone with abilities (telekinesis, premonition, etc) and can enhance other spells as well.
    You may need:

  • A Jar (Or Cup)
  • A lid (or Plastic wrap or tin foil and a rubber band or pony tail)
  • Flower pedals (red or pink)
  • Lime or Lemon
  • Hoeny
  • Drop of your blood
  • Quiet place
  • alone
  • inside
  • A dark place to keep the jar
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    You may need:

  • A Jar (Or Cup)
  • A lid (or Plastic wrap or tin foil and a rubber band or pony tail)
  • Flower pedals (red or pink)
  • Lime or Lemon
  • Hoeny
  • Drop of your blood
  • Quiet place
  • alone
  • inside
  • A dark place to keep the jar
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    This spell if often used for those with special abilities, such as premonition (seeing the future), Retrocognition, Telekinesis, Sonokinesis, and more, however, this spell can also be used to enhance other spells.
    This potion can last a long time (often, as long as a month)

    1. First, Place the jar or cup in front of you. Add the following in the correct order;
    -Red or pink pedals (This should be fairly medium sized pedals)
    -Squeeze all the juice out of the lime or lemon. Do not drop the lime or lemon in the jar/cup.
    -Add a drop of honey
    -Add a drop of your blood

    Note: Usage of lime or lemon is optional, but recommended.
    I do not encourage cutting. You may use a needle to quickly get a DROP of blood. Please don't slice your wrist or anything. No more than a drop of blood.

    2. Now, you will chant the following 3-10 times (ten, recommended) with your mouth to the jar/cup. Do not consume, for flower pedals can be poisonous. Best to research on what type of flower you got.
    You do not need to put your mouth to the jar, this just allows you to breathe into the jar for more energy.

    ''I call upon thee,
    to enchant myself with power,
    with the element of earth,
    from the highest peak of mountains,
    to the waves of angry waters,
    I want the power,
    so mote it be.''

    3. Now, place lid over jar. If you have no lid, use plastic wrap or tin foil to cover the top, and seal by placing a rubber band or pony tail over it.

    Put jar in a dark place. (cabinet, closet, etc.) Keep in a small area. The smaller, the better.

    Cautions and side effects:
    You may instantly feel results. Do not rinse out until after a week, month, until you feel like it or until you have any negative side effects.

    If potion starts to grow mold (which, often, it does not.) then rinse the jar immediately, for this will cause bad luck.
    If you start to have any bad luck, check the jar and rinse it.

    Sometimes, due to the flower and lime/lemon, the potion will start to have a smell (which others wont be able to smell unless they open the lid) often, people associate this smell to smell like ''poison'' or a strong sense of perfume. The caster may smell this even without being near the jar, and even if others don't smell it.

    Good luck. :) This spell has worked for most people. For best results, do an 'Enhancer Spell' or ''Spell to make a spell' before doing this. If you need the enhancer spell, want to send results, have questions or just want to talk, PM me. :)

    Added to on Jul 04, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3360 - Summon Big Face

    If you saw curtis kellys video about witchcraft you would know who big face is. He is a green demon face that you can make deals with. Use this to summon him.
    You may need:

  • A pentagram on paper
  • A few black candles
  • A closet (recommended)
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    You may need:

  • A pentagram on paper
  • A few black candles
  • A closet (recommended)
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    I you are prepared sit down on the floor and sat the candles around the pentagram with 1 in its center and chant the following: "Niss Adorian". It is enochian for come the face. After saying it 10-15 times you should feel his presence. You should hear a voice saying come to the closet and when you do you will see him and everything in the closet may dissapear and it may appear you and him are standing out in space. He will ask you to give your whole self (your soul) to him in exchange for wealth power and women/men.

    Added to on Jul 04, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters