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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7130 Spiritual Spells
7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. How to Find Your Element
  2. Super Powers
  3. Get Me Warm
  4. How to find your Spirit Animal
  5. Winter Storm Spell
  6. Lycan Spell by Wolfatoh
  7. Harm the Enemy
  8. Energy Gain
  9. A Sprinkling of Protection
  10. To find What is Lost

#3881 - How to Find Your Element

You find your element through meditation and dedication.
You may need:

  • Meditation
  • Good visualization
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    You may need:

  • Meditation
  • Good visualization
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    First visualize a place by a river with a tree. Go to the tree and pick a leaf. Go sit down by the river and visualize a candle appearing lit in front of you. A silver bowl of water also appears in front of you. Then a white feather appears in front of you. They all line up in this order:
    Fire/candle-earth/leaf-silver bowl of water/water-white feather/air
    Then visualize orbs of light coming out of the object. An orb of flames comes out of the candle's fire. An orb with a forest/ leaves comes out of the leaves. An orb of deep blue water comes out of the silver bowl of water. Lastly an orb of swirling clouds comes out of the white feather.

    Then chant: I seek my element. I am one with all. Tell me who I really am, within and out. Fire, Earth, Water, Wind. Who is my element? Element of mine, please come forth and give me a sign.

    You will see either a separate vision or see one of the elemental orbs come forth towards you. Remember what order the elements go in so you can tell which element is yours.
    May the elements be with you,

    Added to on Dec 06, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3882 - Super Powers

    Spell to obtain Super Powers.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Inhuman nature
    The character belongs to a class of wholly or partially non-Human beings for whom superhuman capabilities are typical and/or natural. This includes, but is not limited to, characters that are aliens, Demons, Gods, Vampires, Werewolves, or hybrids.

    Object-based powers
    Powers derived from objects (also known as artifacts), such as armor, jewelry, weapons, and wands

    These powers are a direct result of some form of either induced evolution or natural selection, usually manifested during adolescent puberty when other mental and bodily adaptations take place.

    Energy sourcing
    Ability to draw power from large or small but abundant sources of energy, such as turning kinetic energy into physical blasts or converting solar energy into other forms. Sometimes based on proximity to source, sometimes stored for future use

    Many characters who train in martial arts gain superhuman capabilities by learning to harness chi or some form of life energy. This type of method generally provides extraordinary strength, speed, durability and reflexes. Also often used for superhuman awareness, energy blasts elemental powers and sometimes invulnerability

    Magical powers
    This is the ability to use magical forces to varying degrees. Often used to simulate other powers, such as mind control and elemental attacks not all "magical" superpowers are actually supernatural, but are based on alternative or futuristic "science". For instance, Moon Knight's strength, endurance and reflexes are enhanced depending upon the phases of the moon.

    Ability to manipulate and control objects with the mind, often in ways not visible to the naked eye

    Superpower interaction
    This section refers to the ability to manipulate or otherwise interact with superpowers themselves, not "power" such as electrical power or gravitational power.

    Power augmentation
    Ability to enhance or weaken the powers of others

    Power bestowal
    Ability to bestow powers or jump-start latent powers

    Power mimicry or absorption
    Ability to copy or absorb another's powers or skills

    Power negation
    Ability to cancel the superpowers of others

    Power sensing
    Ability to sense or recognize superhuman powers

    Personal physical powers
    Powers which affect an individual's body

    Acid generation
    Ability to generate acid can be manifested through touch or as a spray (e.g. acid spit, acid blood, etc.).

    Animal mimicry
    Ability to take on the abilities of certain animals

    Biological manipulation
    Ability to control all aspects of a living creature's biological make-up This includes, but is not limited to, genetic alterations, physical distortion/augmentations, healing, disease, and biological functions

    Body part substitution
    Ability to replace one's limbs or other body parts with those of another

    Bone manipulation
    Ability to manipulate the bones in one's own body This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging one's own bones.

    Duplication (physical)
    Ability to create physical duplicates of oneself

    Duplication (temporal)
    Ability to bring past and future versions of oneself back to the present

    Ability to determine location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound. Also known as sonar or radar sense

    Fire breathing
    Ability generates gases from the body and exhale fire from the mouth.

    Healing factor
    Ability to heal rapidly and with greater finality from any injury; the rate of recovery varies from character to character. Can sometimes result in the slowing of aging and immunity to illnesses and other defects

    Ability to render the user unseen to the naked eye and/or other forms of perception

    Ability to be immune to one or more forms of physical, mental, and spiritual damage and influence

    Kinetic absorption
    Ability to absorb forms of kinetic energy into oneself and utilize it in some way, such as by converting it into physical strength or using it to power energy blasts

    Superhuman longevity
    Ability to live longer than a normal human

    Matter Ingestion
    Ability to consume any sort of matter without any ill effects on the user

    Ability to temporarily merge two or more beings into a single being, which results in a completely new and stronger being

    Pheromone manipulation
    Ability to generate and control pheromones which may have various effects

    Poison generation
    Ability to assault others with one or more varieties of toxins, with widely disparate effects

    Prehensile/animated hair
    Ability to animate and lengthen one's hair

    Reactive adaptation/evolution
    Ability to develop a resistance or immunity to whatever they were injured by or exposed to This effect can be permanent or temporary.

    Self-detonation or explosion and reformation
    Ability to explode one's body mass and reform.

    Sonic scream
    Ability to generate vocal sounds of higher amplitude than a normal human

    Vortex breath
    Ability to inhale/exhale with superhumanly powerful strength This can range from exhalation on par with gale force winds to inhalation on par with the power of a gravitational vortex. In some cases, freezing temperatures can also be achieved.

    After you pick 30 or less powers say: "Power of the sun give me the ability(s) of (chose your powers) with this/these power(s) I will protect the world and I will have these powers forever with no weakness this is my will so mote it be"

    Added to on Dec 06, 2013
    Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3883 - Get Me Warm

    This is a spell for you if your cold!
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Clear your mind. Think of a warm place. Imagine that you are there. Now you need to chant:"Mighty God I wish I was here and warm. This is my will so mote it be."

    Added to on Dec 06, 2013
    Last edited on May 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3884 - How to find your Spirit Animal

    This is more of a way to find out who your spirit animal is. (Not a Spell)
    You may need:

  • Meditation
  • Quiet space
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    You may need:

  • Meditation
  • Quiet space
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    This is more if a way to find out who your spirit animal is, not a spell.

    Get into a meditative state.
    Imagine a calming and open place. Here are some examples of what to imagine:
    A field / underwater breathing calmly / in a forrest / beside a river / in an open plain

    Once you have decided on where to be, take in everything. Hear the water, leaves, or wind moving. Smell the scent of fresh air, the water, or the scent of the plant/tree. Feel the grass/dirt/water around or beneath you. Try to see every little detail you can.

    In your mind, mentally take a breath and taste the air. Then call out something like this;
    ''Spirit animal of mine, please show yourself and allow me to get to know you. This is my wish to meet you'' anything like that works. But you must always be respectful and say please and use your manners like please and thank you. It does not always work for everyone the first time.
    You and your spirit animal should be able to talk telepathically to each other. Ask him or her simple questions like ''how are you?'' And '' can you tell me a little bit about yourself? ''.
    Make sure you ask them for their name.
    Once you have finished your session with them, thank them for meeting you and allow them to leave. You can either meet them through meditation or astral projection (if you astral project to meet them, meditate and tell them about that first so they can meet you there).
    Not all spirit animals are serious. Some can be playful and fun, but still teach. But it all depends on the animal and their personalities.
    It's nice to contact them at least twice a week. If you don't, they'll feel like you don't need them anymore, and they'll probably not meet with you anymore for being so disrespectful.


    Added to on Dec 06, 2013
    Last edited on Jan 22, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3885 - Winter Storm Spell

    The intensity of the storm is reflective of your control and personal power, so that factor may vary. You can get a few flakes or a full blizzard.
    You may need:

  • Handful of paper snowflakes
  • Concentration
  • Snow Quartz, Snowflake Quartz and Bloodstone
  • Pocket-size bag (light blue or white)
  • Optional- personal gemstones or incense
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    You may need:

  • Handful of paper snowflakes
  • Concentration
  • Snow Quartz, Snowflake Quartz and Bloodstone
  • Pocket-size bag (light blue or white)
  • Optional- personal gemstones or incense
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    It has to be cold enough for snow unless your personal power is extremely high, but even then you may completely bewilder everyone in the area.
    Take the paper snowflakes, hopefully ones that actually look like snowflakes, and sprinkle some outside. Put the rest in the bag. add the stones and the incense to the bag, and sprinkle some incense on the scattered snowflakes.Concentrate on the snow, and will clouds to come and drop flakes on the area.

    Helpful Hints
    Perform on a full moon
    Perform at night
    Perform when a snow warning is already in place
    Perform with a group of other Wiccans

    Added to on Dec 05, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3886 - Lycan Spell by Wolfatoh

    This spell will make you into a Lycan like the ones off of the underworld. Must do spell: "Become Ill with Lycanthropy" before doing this spell.
    You may need:

  • night
  • any moon phase (even new moon)
  • and a sharpie marker (doesn't matter what colour)
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    You may need:

  • night
  • any moon phase (even new moon)
  • and a sharpie marker (doesn't matter what colour)
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    take the sharpie and draw a moon crescent on either side of your neck or your forehead. lie down on the floor, couch or bed. grasp your right wrist with your left hand and put your right hand over your heart while holding your right wrist with your left hand. close your eyes then say: "Mother of Darkness and Goddess of thy Moon I call upon thee. to grant a wish to me. make me a Lycan of the underworld and unto you, my faith shall be hurled. I wish to be a Lycan soon, make me a Lycan by the next full moon. the moon crescent will be my birthmark and gold, but not silver shall be my weakness no matter where I embark. make this me, a Lycan is what I am destined to be. do this for me, so mote it be." you should become a Lycan by the next scheduled full moon. please mail me if you have any side-effects.

    Added to on Dec 05, 2013
    Last edited on Dec 07, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3887 - Harm the Enemy

    This is a rather simple spell and it always works for me.... I seem to have a lot if enemies! This is not a death spell but you may change it and make it one if you would like.
    You may need:

  • Your voice
  • And a strong will to harm someone or defend yourself.
  • This spell must be cast between 10:00 and 3:00 or the effects will not work as well...
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    You may need:

  • Your voice
  • And a strong will to harm someone or defend yourself.
  • This spell must be cast between 10:00 and 3:00 or the effects will not work as well...
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    Chant the following words:

    Oh by the power of the moon I cast a spell on (insert enemies(s) name(s))
    You will be harmed by the power of Evansance high Priestess of the moon to (insert way you would like to harm them). So mote it be!

    The spell will work in up to 2 days if cast at midnight will work in a day or so at the least.

    Added to on Dec 04, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3888 - Energy Gain

    It will give you energy.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Close your eyes, clear your mind. Channel energy from the environment to body.

    Added to on Dec 02, 2013
    Last edited on May 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3889 - A Sprinkling of Protection

    To protect your house.
    You may need:

  • • A handful of salt
  • • A teaspoon or so of garlic powder
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    You may need:

  • • A handful of salt
  • • A teaspoon or so of garlic powder
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    Keep your house safe and sound with a little protection magic. Of course, that doesn't mean you should leave your door unlocked either. Common sense works well with magick .And no, you can't use pre-made garlic salt. Mix the salt and garlic together, and sprinkle a little bit of it at each door threshold and windowsill. It will help keep out negative energy. and it iiiiii

    Added to on Dec 01, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3890 - To find What is Lost

    To find things that you have misplaced.
    You may need:

  • White candle
  • small candle holder
  • cosintrasion
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • small candle holder
  • cosintrasion
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    Find What is Lost

    A little chant may not seem like a real spell, but it can still bring magickal results if you put your heart into it. Use this spell when you are looking for something you've misplaced in your home. You just need a white candle.

    Light the candle, and put it in a holder that is easy to carry. Begin to walk from room to room with it, repeating the following:

    I need what I seek
    Give me a peek
    Draw my eyes
    For my prize.

    Let your eyes wander around until you feel drawn to the spot where your missing item is hiding.

    Added to on Dec 01, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters