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7129 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7129 Spiritual Spells
7129 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7129 Spiritual Spells
  1. Dragon Protection Potion
  2. Charm A Necklace
  3. How to Summon Slenderman
  4. Meet Your Spirit Guide
  5. Black Mirror
  6. Banisher
  7. Reversing Spell
  8. Communicate with "Les'var"
  9. Increase Magic Power
  10. Heal a loved One

#4711 - Dragon Protection Potion

Get protected by the power of the dragon.
You may need:

  • A bottle
  • Dragon spit
  • Holy water
  • A Normal protection potion
  • Couldron
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    You may need:

  • A bottle
  • Dragon spit
  • Holy water
  • A Normal protection potion
  • Couldron
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    Put the normal protection spell in the couldron then put it the holy water. Mix. Put in the dragon spit, then mix agian.

    Put you bottle in the couldron, without the lid on. Once the bottle is full you can close it. Then it's ready to use.

    Added to on Mar 21, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4712 - Charm A Necklace

    Put a protection spell over a necklace or bracelet. It will draw in positive energy and power from nature.
    You may need:

  • Your voice
  • The ability to use magick properly
  • A necklace or bracelet
  • Faith
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    You may need:

  • Your voice
  • The ability to use magick properly
  • A necklace or bracelet
  • Faith
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    Repeat x3 as holding your item. Try and be outside or near nature when doing this spell. You must fully believe for this to work.

    ''I cast a spell upon this item thrice, to protect me through my daily life.
    If darkness may come my way, keep me safe as this I say.
    The goddess is looking down on me, so that all I know and see.
    Will stay smiling in the light, as I am protected through day and night.
    This is what I wish, so mote it be.''

    Added to on Mar 20, 2013
    Last edited on Dec 21, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4713 - How to Summon Slenderman

    You may need:

  • Mirror Unused
  • Bathroom
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    You may need:

  • Mirror Unused
  • Bathroom
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    Go in the bathroom chant Slenderman 13 times then turn the lights off and back on he will appear in the mirror. Remember he's not really behind you unly your fear can set him free.

    Added to on Mar 20, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4714 - Meet Your Spirit Guide

    A spell to meet your spirit guide. (Angel)
    You may need:

  • Altar Candle
  • Day candle
  • Offertory Candles
  • 3 Violet candles
  • 3 White candles
  • Crystal ball or glass of water
  • Anise, cardamon, or corriander incense
  • Jasmine, lemon, rose, or sandalwood oils
  • Cinnamon, frankincense, myrrh, or sandalwood bathing herbs
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    You may need:

  • Altar Candle
  • Day candle
  • Offertory Candles
  • 3 Violet candles
  • 3 White candles
  • Crystal ball or glass of water
  • Anise, cardamon, or corriander incense
  • Jasmine, lemon, rose, or sandalwood oils
  • Cinnamon, frankincense, myrrh, or sandalwood bathing herbs
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    Breathe deeply and build a ball of protective light around
    you. While soaking in your ritual bath, meditate on the
    whole ritual: the steps you will take and what you wish to
    say to your spirit guide when you make contact.


    Enter the circle and light the incense. With the oil, dress
    the altar candle and the day candle while concentrating on
    the purpose of the ritual. Light the annointed candles and
    state your intent:

    I am here to make contact with my Spirit Guide,
    And to acknowledge him or her

    With a sharp instrument (perhaps and athame), inscribe
    violet candle #1 with the word ''Spirit''. Dress it with oil.
    Light it, direct your energies into it, and say:

    Here do I light the first Lamp of Spirit.
    May its light reach out across the barriers
    from this world to the next.
    May it make contact with that World of Spirit
    into which we will eventually enter.

    Take your censer or incense wand and swing it around censing
    the whole area around the altar, while rhythmically
    repeating the word ''Merge'' and building up energy to focus.

    Replace the censer and pick up violet candle #2. Inscribe it
    again with the word ''Spirit'' and dress it with the oil. Put
    it back on the altar, light it, direct your energy into it,
    and say:

    Here do I light the second Lamp of Spirit.
    May its light also reach out across the barriers
    from this world to the next.
    May it make contact with that World of Spirit
    and help spread the light,
    illuminating the passageway between our worlds.''

    Again, take the censer or incense wand and cense the entire
    area around the altar while chanting the word ''Merge'' Build
    up your energy to focus.

    Take violet candle #3, inscribe with the word ''Spirit'',
    dress with oil, charge with your energy, light it and say:

    Here do I light the third Lamp of Spirit.
    May its light also reach out across the barriers
    from this world to the next.
    May the light from these three lamps blend and grow,
    dispelling all darkness and lighting the way
    That my Spirit Guide may come to me
    and speak with me here today.

    Inscribe the 3 white candles with the word ''Truth'' and
    anoint each candle with oil. Light the 3 white candles in
    order of 1, 2, 3, and say:

    Here do I build Truth.
    As these candles burn throughout this ritual,
    their power generates nothing but truth
    In all that transpires between this world and the next.

    Through these candles there is truth
    In all communications that come to me''.

    Again, cense the entire altar area while chanting the word


    Replace the censer and continue chanting. Sit comfortably
    while chanting, and gaze into the crystal ball, or the clear
    glass of water. Continue chanting until you feel it is right
    to let the chant taper off.

    Continue to quietly look into the crystal ball or glass, not
    trying to picture anything. Keep your mind blank, so
    whatever comes will appear in its own free will.

    Gaze into the center of the crystal. There is no need to try
    not to blink. Look into the crystal and blink naturally. Try
    not to notice anything in your peripheral vision, just the
    center of the crystal.

    Eventually a face or figure will appear. This may take a
    long time, or it may appear almost immediately. If it
    doesn't come at all within approximately 20 minutes, abandon
    this attempt, extinguish the candles in the order in which
    they were lit, leave the altar set up, and try this ritual
    again in three days. You should have results within a month
    at most.

    When a figure does appear, ask if he/she is your Spirit
    Guide. You will hear an answer. You may not hear it out
    loud, or even see the figure's lips move, but you will be
    aware of the answer. This is how most of your conversation
    will proceed. You will ask your questions mentally (or out
    loud) and the answers will be clear inside your mind.

    Ask if you have more than one spirit guide. If yes, ask the
    others to appear also.

    You may ask anything you wish to know, but it is suggested
    to establish a connection first where your Spirit Guide may
    appear to you at any time, or at specific times, so that you
    can converse with other spirits through him/her.

    When you have finished speaking with your Guide, thank
    him/her, then sit for a moment with your eyes closed,
    meditating on all that you have learned.

    Added to on Mar 19, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4715 - Black Mirror

    How to make and use your own black mirror.
    You may need:

  • Small 5x7 picture frame (You can buy an oval shaped one if you so choose)
  • Can of flat black spray paint
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    You may need:

  • Small 5x7 picture frame (You can buy an oval shaped one if you so choose)
  • Can of flat black spray paint
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    When you get it home take the glass out and make sure it is clean.... no finger prints.
    Then paint the back side of it with the flat black paint and let it dry for about a half hour.
    Then put it all back together making sure that the painted side is facing the back and you
    now have your Black Mirror ready for you to consecrate and put on your alter for Scrying.He
    who is patient and continually works at this will have success in the art.

    Hopefully by now you have a small alter set up to do all your Magic Rituals. This is where you
    want to set up your Black Mirror.
    Mine sits dead center towards the back of one of my alters. Below is a picture of one of my smaller alters that is set up in my office.

    You will want to arrange your candles on your alter so they are not seen in the reflection of the mirror and that they do not distract you in any way.
    The first thing you need to do before starting is decide what you will be Scrying for.
    You will want to do the LBRP... but do the invoking version to start with... at the end of your Scrying you should do the normal Banishing LBRP to get rid of any spirits that may be still hanging around.
    If you have your own protection type of Rituals then you may use them instead.
    Ok now that you have done the invoking LBRP you should sit on a comfortable stool that is the proper height of your Alter. You don't want to be standing for a long period of time.... that is why I myself use a stool or chair. Sit and gaze (stare) into the Black Mirror.

    Ask the universe to bring you a vision or call upon a spirit guide to show you what you want or need to know. You will need to sit there and gaze into the mirror for a good period of time.... you will know when it is starting to work when you own reflection vanishes and all you see is black. That is the key to knowing that you are getting close to success. From that point on is when your visions will begin to appear.

    The first few times you may not even see all black... you will probably get bored and quit. This is not the way of the Magician. Patience is a virtue with magic. So it may take a few times to get the total black out effect. From then on you must strive to keep gazing into the mirror. You may only get a glimpse of a unfamiliar face or an unknown landscape. But as the weeks progress you will have success. One of the other most important things besides practice is for you to communicate to the universe or to your spirit guides as to your desires when Scrying. Some of you will find this very easy and many others will simply say this does not work and you may never do it again. Like all magic nothing comes instantly or without true dedication and practicing the art. And all and all it takes an altered state of
    consciousness.... however you so choose to get into that state of mind.

    Added to on Mar 19, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4716 - Banisher

    A spell to eject someone from your life that you dont want, without causing them harm!
    You may need:

  • 1 Black candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Black candle
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    Ground and Center
    Cast circle
    Light Black candle

    Say these words

    That you may hear my words this night.
    With this spell I cast you from my lifes circle;
    I throw you where you cannot touch my light.
    From this moment you shall trouble me no more.
    By the name of all the high gods
    and the angels of the cosmos,
    By this great magic you are gone-
    Without harm,
    Without malice,
    And with only a blessing that you
    become a better person.

    So mote it be..

    Added to on Mar 19, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4717 - Reversing Spell

    You can do this whenever you feel the things in your life are not going the direction you'd wish.
    You may need:

  • Three Red Candles
  • 1 black (op)
  • Rue
  • Oil or get hold of some bulk rue
  • Small bottle of Olive Oil
  • Piece of paper
  • Red pen (Op new pen)
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    You may need:

  • Three Red Candles
  • 1 black (op)
  • Rue
  • Oil or get hold of some bulk rue
  • Small bottle of Olive Oil
  • Piece of paper
  • Red pen (Op new pen)
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    Melt the black wax of the candle in a double boiler and dip
    the lower half of the red candles in it, making the black
    wax coat the bottom half. Or, if you must, cover the lower
    half of the red candles with the black magic marker.

    On a night where you can block everyone out for a while,
    take a bath with either sea salt or regular salt (1 tsp is
    enough) and a bit of rue oil or rue (cut or ground, doesn't
    matter). Do not towel dry yourself, go ahead and air dry.
    (You can wear whatever you normally wear to do spells, but
    you definitely want to air dry.)

    Then, get out the rue oil or, in a small bowl, mix 3
    tablespoons of ground or cut rue and 1 1/2 tablespoons of
    olive oil. Coat one candle with the oil or oil-herb mixture,
    anointing from the middle out, going counter clockwise. Do
    the bottom half first, then the top. You'll be doing this
    spell over three consecutive nights, so save the rest of the
    candles and the oil in a safe place.

    On the piece of paper, write down what you'd like to see
    reversed from you; i.e. bad luck in love, financial
    problems, trouble from an anemy, inability to find what you
    need in your life, etc. Get thoughtful and make sure it's
    something you really want to send away.

    Place the piece of paper under the candle holder (it would
    probably be smart to put this in a pie plate or some other
    fireproof container), charge the candle with your desire to
    see these things or trends gone, and light the candle, using
    a lighter only (no matches).

    Do this again for the next two nights, and once you're done,
    burn the piece of paper, seeing your life as if a weight
    lifted from it.

    If there's any leftover wax, collect it in a brown paper bag
    and bury that someplace far from you, or throw in a trash
    can across town! Then forget about it, don't worry over it,
    just know it worked.

    You can do this whenever you feel the things in your life
    are not going the direction you'd wish, and different candle
    colors can be used for specific reversals. This is for
    general, overall reversals

    Added to on Mar 19, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4718 - Communicate with "Les'var"

    A spell of unknown origin. Used to communicate with an entity which calls itself Les'var. Being claims to be older than creation. Doesn't always respond.
    You may need:

  • A few drops of your own blood
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    You may need:

  • A few drops of your own blood
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    As a foreword this spell is unlike most magic. It doesn't act as a true summoning would. Instead it seems to be more of an invitation to the being Les'var to communicate with you. The being can communicate in a plethora of methods. So keep your eyes and mind open...

    To begin you will need to remove any protective rites, spells, tokens, etc... These seem to interfere with the communication process of Les'var. No protective wards or spells may be in place at the time of casting.

    To begin you will need a small bit of your blood as an offering. A few drops will suffice. The blood must be fresh though. Not stored for any period of time... Simply allow the blood to fall to the ground or floor then commence.

    Next begin to chant:
    ''Exaudi me Les'var antiqua
    Concede mihi auditorium Interrogo vos
    Quaero vestro consilio omnisciens unum
    Sic fiat''

    Do not attempt to any sort of protective rite or spell afterward or it will interrupt the communication. Avoid any form of protective charm or token as well. Certain natural obstructions such as iron barriers or wild roses may interfere as well. Avoid if possible

    Added to on Mar 18, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4719 - Increase Magic Power

    A spell designed to increase the caster's own magical power. This ritual invokes the goddess of magic, Hecate. Supposed to bind the caster's soul to the goddess
    You may need:

  • 3 white candles
  • 2 candles the color of your aura
  • 1 solid black surface
  • 1 peice of chalk
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    You may need:

  • 3 white candles
  • 2 candles the color of your aura
  • 1 solid black surface
  • 1 peice of chalk
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    First find your solid black surface. Must be smooth. Perform any prayers or other rites of protection and begin.

    Draw the aquarian star in chalk on the black surface. (Be sure to draw the symbol in a single motion. Not multiple smaller motions) Then draw a circle around the star touching each point. (Should remind one of a pentagram)

    Next place the five candles in a pentagon around the circle with the white candle at the point facing away from yourself. Light all of the candles and concentrate.


    "Invoco deae Hecate,
    Exaudi orationem meam det gratiam,
    Ligatis anima mea ad fontem magicea,
    Nunc et in perptuum,
    Sic fiat."

    Added to on Mar 18, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4720 - Heal a loved One

    When someone is in pain you can heal them it works.
    You may need:

  • Let the person be able to relax.
  • White Candle
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    You may need:

  • Let the person be able to relax.
  • White Candle
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    "For she/he is unhealthy,
    Make her/him healthy.
    Take away the ill and pain,
    Make her/him feel power again.
    Let her/him see and hear,
    May she/he be able to feel once more."

    Added to on Mar 18, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7129 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters