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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7130 Spiritual Spells
7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Transformation Spell
  2. Protection
  3. Lover Call Me
  4. Candle Magic
  5. Finding a Familiar
  6. Get Tired Spell
  7. Vivienne's Circle
  8. Shadow Magic
  9. Full Power
  10. Change someone to Hampster

#6661 - Transformation Spell

This spell will let you tansform into anyone or anything just as long as you have all the ingredients.
You may need:

  • 3 rose petals
  • 1 butterfly wing
  • 4 pieces aof hair of different things
  • A pinch of flour
  • Tree branch.
  • 2 raw eggs
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    You may need:

  • 3 rose petals
  • 1 butterfly wing
  • 4 pieces aof hair of different things
  • A pinch of flour
  • Tree branch.
  • 2 raw eggs
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    Take the 3 rose petals and a pot and heat it on the stove. The petals need to go in the pot as well as the two raw eggs and the other ingredents. Then chant these words as you stir: "The goddess of earth and heaven make me be (name what you want to transform into)".

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    #6662 - Protection

    Use this to protect a person, place or thing.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Begin by making a psi ball and compressing it. Do this six or seven times. Imagine it growing into a large shield around the thing you want to protect. Now chant: "I made this shield to protect this person/place/thing and protect it shall".

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    #6663 - Lover Call Me

    Spell/prayer to get an absent lover to communicate with you. Hoodoo Spell
    You may need:

  • Matches
  • Glass Cup
  • Water
  • Bible turned to Psalm 40
  • Washcloth with a circle cut in the middle
  • Spell is to be done ONLY between the hours of 4 am and 5 am.
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    You may need:

  • Matches
  • Glass Cup
  • Water
  • Bible turned to Psalm 40
  • Washcloth with a circle cut in the middle
  • Spell is to be done ONLY between the hours of 4 am and 5 am.
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    Pour the water in the glass. Put the cloth over the glass makin sure that the middle of it is in the middle of the glass. Have your Bible turned to Psalm 40. Say (name of lover) I bid you come to me in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. Repeat several times and light one match while still saying. Then say In the name of the father, (name of lover) I bid you come to me. Quickly drop the match into the water. Then concentrate on the lover. Light another match, now say:

    "In the name of the son, (name of lover) I bid you come to me."

    Drop the match in the water. Concentrate. Lastly:

    "In the name of the Holy spirit, (name of lover) I bid you come to me.

    Drop match.

    Read the psalm 40 in a whisper and envision your lover. Ask St. Expedite for speedier results for this spell. Do this each morning at 4 am. Your lover should speak to you before the 27th day.

    A verse in the Bible says, " do not delay ." St Expedite is reknown for quick action and is the patron of fast work and no procrastination.

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    #6664 - Candle Magic

    A spell to make a candle light high.
    You may need:

  • 1 yellow candle with sides
  • 1 lighter
  • 1 voice
  • 1 lotta hope
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    You may need:

  • 1 yellow candle with sides
  • 1 lighter
  • 1 voice
  • 1 lotta hope
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    Take the candle and use the lighter.(matches wont work). Once it is lit sit like you are gonna meditate and chant this:

    "Ancient spirits hear my call make this flame rise and fall make it rise above the sky make it burn through my eye."

    Then blow out and relite the candle.

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    #6665 - Finding a Familiar

    A spell to find you a familiar.
    (Dog, cat, frog, owl, fish, any animal really)
    You may need:

  • Animal of choice
  • Candles (optional)
  • Hand
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Animal of choice
  • Candles (optional)
  • Hand
  • Voice
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    When you find a creature that you wish to become your familiar, you must first ask its permission by passing your hand over it and crying:

    By the Moon that shines at night, and the Sun so very bright,
    I ask you once, I ask you twice, but more than twice would not be nice. With a wag, a croak, or mew, pray tell me now what you will do. Will you my familiar be? Give your answer to me!

    Wait until the creature does something you take to mean, ''Yes!'' While the animal may have had another name such as Rex, Mouser, or Quacker, it is now important for you to choose a secret magical name.

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    #6666 - Get Tired Spell

    This spell makes you a little bit more tired.
    You may need:

  • A voice
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    You may need:

  • A voice
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    "I used a spell to make me wired, Now this spell will make me tired."

    If it doesn't work the first time, keep trying.

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    #6667 - Vivienne's Circle

    This spell protects you from all magical attacks as long as you do not step step outside of a circle you cast around you with salt. See the four names Gladde, Larfor, Jaypes, and Pranxtor glowing around the circle, imagining each one as a powerful spirit who will protect you.
    You may need:

  • Salt (any salt is fine)
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    You may need:

  • Salt (any salt is fine)
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    Create a circle of protection that is sprinkled by salt (generally enough salt to create the circle as big as you want). Remain in the circle (never step out of the circle once the spell is done) and chant...

    Gladde and Jaypes at East and West,
    Their protection is the best.
    Larfor , Pranxtor, South and North,
    Their protection sallies forth.
    In the circle I have called,
    I am safe from one and all:

    (If the spell is not working keep chanting).

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    #6668 - Shadow Magic

    To control your shadow.
    You may need:

  • A Semi Dark Room
  • Meditation
  • You Must also Study Into Shadow Magic
  • Practice
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    You may need:

  • A Semi Dark Room
  • Meditation
  • You Must also Study Into Shadow Magic
  • Practice
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    A spell that allows you to Control the Shadows.

    (Shadow Magik has been a profession of mine along with Fire magik, It takes many years to profect Shadow Magik if you wish to learn more about it and It's Origins then you may find it somewhere. If you cannot then Write me and I shall help you But this is Beginners spell, Something to Pratice with, and do understand that If the spell does not work keep trying. Also Understand that In order to do any spell of any sort like the laws state, ''Know Thyself.'' Know Thyself and Understand that in which you decide to Practice. Because if you do not fully understand something then It will not work...Understand and Embrace the Shadows, For they just like you and a being, They may not breath or eat or feed but yet they still have personalities of there own. Respect them and they shall Respect you.) As you sit in the middle of the Room Meditate, Close your eyes and let the darkness of your soul come forth, Understand that your own shadow is Indeed yourself, However to fully understand Shadow magik you must know that Shadow Magik is not easy, The Shadow that is Cast by you Is not yourself, It is an Imitation of you, The Darker and More Evil side, The Darkness, The hate, Everything dark about you is within your shadow. Light a Black Candle As you meditate speak these words.

    ''I call upon the Shadows that surround me Night and Day, I call upon the Darkness that resides inside of me, The shadow of me and the Shadow that be, The Darkness that remains inside of me..Come forth I ask of thee.''

    If you have done this right then the Candle will flicker, Meditate and Imagaine Your shadow not only being you but being a part of you, Imagaine your shadow as if it were a solid being. Place anything you desire upon a table and close your eyes, Meditate once again and watch your shadow on the wall after you are relaxed, While having something placed upon the Table move your shadow hand ( The Shadow of your hand.) Behind the ( Item Vase Ect.) And Imagaine your shadow Solid once you have done so, Push the Object with your own shadow not your hands, If you can Succeed in this Write mail to me and I shall teach you more. Also PS: Later I shall post the Shadow of Death Spell Later on.

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    #6669 - Full Power

    Spell to help those who have trouble with their magic
    You may need:

  • Strong belief in your magical abilities
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    You may need:

  • Strong belief in your magical abilities
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    Repeat these words ''O Great Goddess Hecate, hear my plee. Release my power unto me! So mote it be''

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    #6670 - Change someone to Hampster

    Change your parents into a hampster or your enemy into a toad whatever this spells is for you.
    You may need:

  • Person your gonna change (or object)
  • Finger or eyes
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Person your gonna change (or object)
  • Finger or eyes
  • Concentration
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    Look or point at the person you want to change and chant:

    "This boy/girl is now not a ___(name of something)___ shall fill his/her slot."

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters