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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. A Chant Of Invigoration
  2. Call a Spirit from Mirror
  3. Pain Relief
  4. Anti-insomnia Spell
  5. Release Your Anger
  6. Spell of Self Happiness
  7. Absorbing Magical Energy
  8. A Chant For General Protection
  9. Unblocking Spell (Ritual)
  10. Don't Come to Class

#6701 - A Chant Of Invigoration

If you are feeling low on energy (not magical energy) just say this.
You may need:

  • Voice,

  • Belief.
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    You may need:

  • Voice,

  • Belief.
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    When you are feeling lethargic, chant this:

    I am low and need your grace,
    To replenish my aura in this place.
    I beg of you, hear my plea,
    Give your gift unto me.

    Once you have done this, stand up (if you are already standing up, walk three steps to the north) and say:

    So mote it be.

    NOTE: This spell will only work if you are indeed experiencing lethargy. You must also believe in this spell as any other spell you cast or anything to do with wicca/magic in fact. Belief is very powerful, never be afraid to believe in anything.

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    #6702 - Call a Spirit from Mirror

    Me and my friend made this up. We wrote 666 in the mirror and bugs were flying out after the spell was cast.(Blood and 666 or any other writings OPTIONAL)
    You may need:

  • As many candles as possible, surrounding you and any other person, co particular color.
  • A mirror
  • A knife/razor
  • Time: Night
  • Salt
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    You may need:

  • As many candles as possible, surrounding you and any other person, co particular color.
  • A mirror
  • A knife/razor
  • Time: Night
  • Salt
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    Start off in a well-lighted room. Light all the candles and turn off the lights. Once there is enough wax, splash the mirror with wax. Sprinkle salt around the mirror and yourself. Set up the candles around you, and be very quiet. Once the was is dry, with the knife/razor (be careful not to scratch the mirror) carve in the wax the type of spirit/demon whatever... psychic/family member/demon/any other spirit. OPTIONAL, not suggested: with the knife/razor put some of your blood on the mirror. Now chant:

    "Witches corse through time, we are in need of assistance.
    Oh spirit come, we beckon you. Share your stories, come intill the morning light."

    Wait about 30 seconds, still quiet, and then ask for a sign of being. If you want, you can ask it questions through forms of you asking, the spirit knocking. USE CAUTION because if you do choose to use blood or put 666, be aware of the dangers. For us, there were bugs appearing out of nowhere. After you're done, clean up the mess, like wax and anything else off the mirror.

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    Last edited on May 28, 2016
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    #6703 - Pain Relief

    If you have pain that is making you uncomfortable, use this spell to rid it or lessen it.
    You may need:

  • Pain

  • Focus

  • Visualisation
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    You may need:

  • Pain

  • Focus

  • Visualisation
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    Sit on the floor of a large room and breathe deeply until you feel an aura around you. Focus on the spot of your pain and imagine green rays of light travelling from your heart to the source of the pain.
    Then envisage the pain in a ball of blackness being drawn from the source of pain and engulfed by the green rays. Once you have done this, return to your breathing and relax your mind and body completely before opening your eyes.
    NOTE: You must be in a positive state of mind and believe that this works. This is more of a body control exercise than a spell and requires more belief and focus to work fully.

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    #6704 - Anti-insomnia Spell

    If you have trouble sleeping, fret no more.
    You may need:

  • Insomnia
  • Focus
  • Visualization
  • A Voice
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    You may need:

  • Insomnia
  • Focus
  • Visualization
  • A Voice
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    At ten o'clock on a Tuesday evening, lay on your bed and place your arms down by your side. Breathe deeply for a few moments and close your eyes. Visualise yourself laying in your bed under the light of the moon and drifting off into a deep sleep. Then say:

    Insomnia leave, never return.
    All sleepless nights, shall now burn.

    Once doing this begin breathing again and imagine drifting off into a deep sleep again. Then repeat nine times (or more if you deem necessary):

    Naminosi Habsin.

    This chant is an anagram of the words 'insomnia banish.'Repeat your breathing once more and soon enough you should drift off to sleep.

    NOTE: Your mind must be completely focused on this spell and there must be complete silence throughout your house otherwise this spell will not work, also you must be having trouble sleeping and may have had at least two sleepless nights.

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    #6705 - Release Your Anger

    When you are feeling angry, cast this and you shall no longer feel it.
    You may need:

  • Anger
  • Lucky Charmone
  • Black Candle
  • Focus a Voice
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    You may need:

  • Anger
  • Lucky Charmone
  • Black Candle
  • Focus a Voice
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    Hold the lucky charm in your left hand and clench a fist with right. Chant 9 times:

    "Anger inside me, let me be."

    Whilst saying this imagine pushing your anger into your lucky charm. If you wish to say the chant for longer, please feel free.
    Then, release the hold on your lucky charm and release your fist. Place your charm infront of the candle and hold the candle with your left hand whilst lighting it with your right. Then sit with the candle and charm infront of you and close your eyes. Breathe deeply until you feel relaxed. With your eyes still closed say:

    "With this candle, with this charm.
    I cast this spell and none it shall harm.
    With the element of fire, I banish thee.
    Hear me anger, set me free."

    Whilst saying this imagine the anger being pushed from your charm and into the flame.
    NOTE: If you do not do this the anger will stay inside of your charm and it shall no longer protect you. This step is very important.
    Then, grab the candle with your right hand, step outside and say:

    "So mote it be. "

    Blow out the candle and go to sleep with your lucky charm under your pillow.

    NOTE: If you do not have a lucky charm or your charm has been disposed of or lost, I suggest my 'Create A Lucky Charm' spell under the enchanting spells section. Also this spell will not make you happy, it will just rid you of anger.

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    #6706 - Spell of Self Happiness

    A spell that makes the user generally in a better mood or state of mind.
    You may need:

  • Stream/river water (any water that is from a natural source)HandsVoiceFocus
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    You may need:

  • Stream/river water (any water that is from a natural source)HandsVoiceFocus
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    Place the water in a bowl, you do not need a lot of water, and sit infront of the bowl. Place your hands into the water, close your eyes and breathe deeply counting from one to one hundred. Once you have done this, open your eyes and move your right hand in a small clockwise motion whilst saying:

    "Element of water, aid me here.
    Blanket yourself over all negative emotion,
    And let it leave me. "

    Then move your left hand in a clockwise motion and say:

    "Element of water, aid me here.
    Wash away all ill feeling,
    And allow it to return never.

    Once you have done this, repeat the breathing step, close your eyes and count from one to one hundred. Whilst doing this, imagine the water enveloping itself over your negative emotion(s) and washing it out of you. Then once finished breathing, remove your hands and empty the bowl over a body of dry dirt and say:

    "So mote it be. "

    Depending on your focus, will depend on how quick this spell will activate, but I can assure you it will work.

    NOTE: Perform this spell only when you are experiencing a negative emotion and only at this time. To boost effects you may wish to light three white candles and place them infront of the bowl in a line and/or perform this spell on the night of the full moon.

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    #6707 - Absorbing Magical Energy

    When you are feeling juiced out, this replenishes power.
    You may need:

  • Object

  • Visualisation

  • A voice
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    You may need:

  • Object

  • Visualisation

  • A voice
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    The bigger the object, the better it is, as it may have more energy. Place your power hand onto the object, you may hold it if you wish, and invisage yourself extracting energy from it. You may imagine a beam of colour going up your arm, but whatever works best for you. Whilst doing this, close your eyes and chant:

    I am drained, I am drained
    Return my magic unto me.
    Oh mighty God, hear my plea,
    I am drained, I am drained.

    The more you will this to work, the more energy you will obtain.

    NOTE: Under NO circumstances is this to be used on another person, otherwise you shall face the consequences!

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    #6708 - A Chant For General Protection

    Protects you from bad luck, negativity etc.
    You may need:

  • A lucky charm (ie. a blessed stone/crystal

  • A voice
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    You may need:

  • A lucky charm (ie. a blessed stone/crystal

  • A voice
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    Hold the charm in your power hand (the hand you write with) and close your eyes. Chant the following three times:

    Elements of the sun, elements of the day.
    Come this way.
    I summon thee, I call upon thee,
    To protect me
    So shall it be

    Depending on the strength of your focus and concentration will depend on how long the spell lasts. Make sure to carry your charm with you and it will boost the effects.

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    #6709 - Unblocking Spell (Ritual)

    If you're suffering some sort of misery and can't seem to leave it behind you, this spell can work miracles...
    You may need:

  • 1 bowl
  • Seawater or rainwater
  • Your tears
  • Your favorite plant
  • 1 pen
  • 1 paper
  • 1 crystal
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    You may need:

  • 1 bowl
  • Seawater or rainwater
  • Your tears
  • Your favorite plant
  • 1 pen
  • 1 paper
  • 1 crystal
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    First, fill the bowl with seawater or rainwater.

    Cry into the bowl of water. It is ''living'' water because it came directly from the earth(this is very important!).

    When you can't cry anymore, take the water and feed your favorite plant with it.

    Nurture this plant; tell it your desires and dreams.

    Write your wishes and dreams on a pieces of paper and bury them together with a small crystal beside the plant's roots. As the plant grows, also will your goals and dreams...

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    #6710 - Don't Come to Class

    This spell will avoid the teacher to not come to class today.
    You may need:

  • 1 peice of paper
  • pen
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    You may need:

  • 1 peice of paper
  • pen
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    Write on the paper:

    "Let thy (teachers name) not come to (your class) today
    as I write now, let the power of 13 . Then tear the paper into 13 piceces ,then throw it throw the way which the teacher might enter the class (do this before lunch or it might not work)."

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters