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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Levitate Yourself Up
  2. Hydrokinesis to Be
  3. Third Eye Open Wide
  4. Psychic Abilities
  5. Bound in Ice
  6. Love Eternus
  7. Shape Clouds
  8. Love Spell
  9. Out With The Old, In With The New
  10. Fire Circle

#6981 - Levitate Yourself Up

Levitate Yourself Up Using
You may need:

  • Being Psychic
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    You may need:

  • Being Psychic
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    Levitation is the ability to rise ones self from the ground using the ability of the human body and mind in the past we have blended energy with objects in the visual sense this time we will try to bring this sense into physical being through the sensations of the human body and mind. Your question here is how? The human mind registers all sensation that we encounter in our daily lives this is also true in the spiritual and metaphysical worlds as well even if we are not aware of it at the time. This technique here may sound silly but there is a method to my madness as you will understand in time. This first technique is in the ability of rising and one that is easy to learn with little effort need. sounds simple doesn't it! what you're about to learn is the first step in physical levitation notice every sensation and take notes on all sensations that you encounter with this technique your thoughts and sensations will serve you well in this exercise.
    Technique In Rising
    Physical Technique
    Here you will need a quite space to focus and a doorway.
    Step One
    The first thing to do is position your body in the centre of the door way and relax your arms by your side and take a deep breath
    in and relax.
    Step Two
    Now place your knuckles into the sides of the door frame and in your own time try forcing your arms to rising by pushing your hands out to your side with all your strength and hold it for a minute or two. remember don't worry if you get pain in your arms it is normal,

    Step Three
    Now in your own time making sure the path in front of you is clear of any obstruction relax your arms and walk out of the doorway and make sure your arms are relaxed it is important that you do so here.
    Step Four
    Notice every sensation and write them down for future reference if you've learnt the object of this lesson you will understand what i mean by technique in rising.
    Physical Levitation
    In 1986 I came across a book on levitation after reading this book I decided to make a program on levitation the way i done this was by making an audio tape thirty minutes long repeating the instructions four times each and playing the tape while I was sleeping this technique while affective was the wrong way to go. see I had performed levitation while using the tape while in a dream state i was not aware at the time that the sensation of rising would awaken me from this state at first i was ok with the sensation I raised my body from the ground far enough that I could touch the very tips of my fingers on the surface below. Then I decided to lower my body down making sure i kept my hands behind me so I could feel the surface below at this point things were going well so I decided to rise again this time rising higher then the first time tilting my hands this time i could not feel the surface below so with this in mind I drop my arm down and still no surface at this point reality kicked in big time and I freaked out this in turn caused me to drop suddenly from mid air and hit the surface quite hard. That is why I have told you this story even though i had done it. It was not clear in detail how i had done it I had learnt during the exercise that what goes up will come down if you are not properly trained in levitation and the technique above is the technique i used all those years ago to get familiar with the sensation of levitation. The other great lesson I learned was that i was not ready for levitation. I have not made this statement to scare you in any way I believe that what I felt as I took that deep breath in and the body raised to be one of the greatest sensations that I have felt and is well worth the wait if your have faith in your ability. the book on levitation stated that at the centre of each chakra there was a jewel or well of energy this was known to me at this time as wells of prana energy this was not the case what i was releasing was in fact kundalini energy into the chakras as we all know kundalini raises in the body through the spinal column and it is kundalini that is the energy of levitation. It has taken me 18 years to learn that one here we will learn about the structure of the chakras and kundalini in general before moving on with Levitation. one other thing I will say I was 15 years old when I first tried levitation I can now see the I didn't take levitation seriously and didn't have much respect for levitation. But with age comes wisdom so listen to the voice of wisdom and learn, you want get this technique right off the bat you need to build your kundalini energy up this can be done through yoga and meditation, And of course visual techniques.
    What is kundalini energy
    The Kundalini is often described as a female serpent coiled 3 and 1/2 times at the base of your spine...sleeping away. It's a bit bizarre that such a divine being would be taking a nap at the base of your spine, yet she truly contains the most awesome power you can imagine in the Universe. Your Kundalini will sleep here until our bodymind is fully awakened to living 24-7 as the divine all-powerful God-being we truly are. This is called Samadhi. When we awaken her infinite Shakti power for the first time, we receive a spiritually enlightening experience (Satori) that can last for days. We then realize who we are is something much bigger than before. We see we are this energy, enthusiasm, inspiration and begin to realize we are responsible for the divine creation of our life exactly the way it is.
    Kundalini is the supreme cosmic enlightening energy, that resides inside us, deep at the core of our being. Kundalini is the most powerful force in the Universe, and brings enlightenment to our world. Your Kundalini awakens the manifesting being in your life! Anything you wish to manifest is possible with an awakened Kundalini.
    If we stay stuck in a life we are not excited about or love, the Kundalini snoozes away, patiently waiting for us to become totally conscious and realize that we are NOT just this ego-mind who is identifying with thoughts while feeling trapped in a body. In fact, the very moment we slow down and stop living in our busy heads filled with ideas of our past and future, she begins to rise up our spine and lets us know WE are this awakeness itself.
    All our hidden Siddhi powers come from an awakened Kundalini. Examples of the Siddhi powers are supernatural abilities of strength, sight, hearing, levitation, bi-location, instant manifestations, etc... Basically anything you can imagine beyond the everyday world is possible when your Kundalini is awakened. The Siddhi powers are our natural abilities, yet through societal conditioning they have been suppressed and we have been programmed to believe they are malicious or wrong. They are as natural as the warmth from the sun above.
    How To Raise Your Kundalini
    If you continue to stay in the present moment, you will slowly dissolve the deepest of illusions our mind has been constantly re-creating about a true/false reality and start seeing The Reality of an ever-present energy of divine bliss in everyone and everything. If we buy into the illusions of the mind at any moment, the cosmic Kundalini falls back asleep. She will do this until we are completely present again to the Reality of Existence found only within the Here and Now.
    Staying consciously awake in this eternal moment, the phenomena of psychic abilities, paranormal powers and magical manifesting capabilities will naturally begin to appear. She will give you the ability to attracting anything in the Universe you desire. Because you are merging with the Kundalini's infinite power, the body will no longer have ANY experience of having mental, emotional or physical pain. The experience of being bathed in an ever-present Source of divine peace and awesome power will be your new way of living.
    If you are open and willing to step into your destiny as a divine being of God, read on. Awakening this incredible power is a very delicate and gentle process. We are connecting with the greatest energy in the Universe. It is so powerful we need to be very tender with it, to allow it in.
    When each of the seven major chakra centers in your body are ignited, you will step completely out of the time-bound world of the ordinary and into the most extraordinary super-natural realm of your being. The God and Goddess within you will become very apparent to all, and you will absolutely know without a doubt, the truly magical and all-powerful cosmic God-being you truly are. This is the ultimate goal of the human experience.
    Meditation To Ignite Your Kundalini
    Sitting on the floor with legs crossed, for the first 5-7 minutes relax every muscle and organ in your body. Imagine a golden white light is caressing you on the inside, releasing every concern, worry and tension you have.
    Next, let your body gently undulate back and forth, in small circles, in mini figure eight's, or in whatever ways that feel most natural, easy, effortless and sensually enjoyable. You can even move as you were having a very relaxing slow sexual experience sitting with a divine being. Let the rest of your body move and sway as it needs to.
    Let each vertebrae in your entire spine (all the way up to your head) be affected by the undulating motion of your body. The energy is flowing up from the bottom to the top of your head. You can also imagine that your spine is as loose as seaweed on the ocean floor. It is so relaxed and at ease, going with wherever the ocean waves flow. This will loosen the Kundalini up so that she
    can rise completely out of the top of the head.
    During this time, keep your attention on the energy between your sexual anatomy and the base of your spine. As you are undulating, breathe into this lower area deeply and slowly. Imagine a golden Lotus flower radiating rays of light is blossoming there.
    With a devoted concentration, you will feel a warm or tingling energy along the base of your spine or higher.
    The more conscious and relaxing the experience is, the more the Kundalini will move and grow.
    When you begin to feel a rising sensation of energy, stop the undulation and be completely still. Set the intention for your thoughts to slow down and eventually stop. Begin to relax into the stillness. Breathe slowly and deeply up to 5 minutes into your belly, without forcing it. You will notice that your body is breathing on its own. As you continue watching your belly breathe naturally, follow your breath, as it will take you deeper into the stillness.
    When you are completely relaxed into the stillness, rest deeply inside. Relax into your spine that should be vertically straight and aligned yet deeply relaxed.
    As there is absolutely no more tension in the body, imagine that a rainbow of energy is forming along the back of your spine and down the front of your body (see photo above for basic image). Each area or charka has a specific colored light associated with it. Please visualize the following colors for each area.
    Red = Base
    Orange = Sexual region
    Yellow = Solar plexus
    Green = Heart
    Blue = Throat
    Indigo = Forehead/ 3rd eye
    Violet = Top of head
    White/golden = Center of the top of the head
    aligned with the spine.
    Depending on how tall you are, there will be between 3 and 8 quarter sized balls of light in each chakra region. As you place your attention a colored ball, it can ignite your whole body filling it with light.
    Starting at the base of your spine, follow the center of your body going very slowly up the front to the top of the head, then down the neck, and back following the spine to make a complete rainbow circle. You may also start up the back and go down the front. Go in any direction that feels most natural for you. The quarter sized balls may grow or shrink in size and the colors can merge and fade into the lights next to them.
    When you have made at least 10 rainbow circles around the body, imagine that a white/golden ball of light is forming at the center of the Earth, rising up in a column of light to the Earths surface, and entering the base of your spine.
    Feel it slowly entering you. As it slowly ascends to the top of your head, allow it to flow out the Crown Chakra like a fountain. Let the energy cascade all over your body and bathe in the shower of this golden loving light. Allow it to
    penetrate every muscle, organ, and cell in your entire body, and purify your entire energy system!
    Stay in the shower of golden light for as long as you can.
    I recommend doing this golden showering for 10 minutes every day.
    How is kundalini awakened through mantra yoga?
    In mantra yoga the student is initiated by means of a mantra. If the kundalini is to be awakened by means of this yoga then it is essential
    that the guru gives consciousness or ``chaitanya'' to the mantra. This consciousness can be viewed as the cit-shakti-kundalini. Through
    repetition of the mantra the cit-shakti-kundalini of the mantra resonates with the cit-shakti-kundalini of the student and in this way the
    student's kundalini is awakened.
    The reader may have noticed that there doesn't seem to be a great deal of effort applied in this approach. This is true and in many ways
    this approach is more akin to Siddha Mahayoga in which the guru can use sound or ``shabda'' as the instrument of initiation.
    Right Now Lets Get Down To Business
    Levitation Physical body
    For preparation find a quiet place and a soft surface and lay down.
    Step One
    Now in your own time close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths feel the chest rise and fall and relax.
    Step two
    Then visualize the base chakra. At the base of chakra there is a well of energy this well is know as the jewel of the lotus within the jewel there is a light golden energy. Visualize that this golden energy is trickling out of the jewel and spreading out into the chakra. As the chakra spins see the chakra becoming golden in colour with its light radiant energy. Feel that energy.
    Step Three
    Now focus on the second chakra and do the same, see the jewel at the centre and see this radiant energy trickling out into the 2nd chakra fill it with its radiant energy.
    Step Four
    Then move on to the 3rd chakra and do the same for this chakra and the other chakras till all seven chakra are filled with the radiant Golden wheels of Kundalini energy and feel how light this energy feels in your body.
    Step Five
    Now once you have reached the seventh chakra see the seven chakras and feel this light golden energy continually flowing into the chakras till it starts to over flow into the physical body do this for around about ten minutes.
    Step six
    Now before we go any further place your hands underneath you resting behind your buttocks like in the image below.

    Step Seven
    Now as the golden energy begins to flow out into the physical body see the energy spreading through you entire body feel how light your body feels as the golden energy blends with your body and relax.
    Step Eight
    Then in your own time take a slow deep breath in and as you breath in feel your body getting lighter and as you breath out release more energy into your body till your whole being is covered in this golden light do this a couple of times.
    Step Nine
    After a couple of minutes when your physical body is feeling very light in weight take along deep breath in and hold it and feel your body rising up of the ground about ten centimetres if you need to, use your hand to help you push off like in the image below.

    Step Ten
    Now if you have done this right drop your hands down and touch the surface below. If you can not feel the surface of the ground don't worry just release a small amount of air from your lungs till the tips of your fingers touch the surface and hold it there.
    Step Eleven
    Then in your own time release the air from your lungs slowly and bring your body back down with the breath till your resting on the hands and if you want take another breath in and rise and return to the surface on the out breath.
    Take Note
    If you rise to high don't freak out just release a small amount of air from your lungs to lower your body again.
    Helpful hints for this technique
    If it helps visualize that you are in a meadow and there is a cloud just above you and bring that cloud down over your body and see your physical body as the cloud and see the cloud rise on the in breath and lower the cloud on the out breath.
    Step Twelve
    Now relax and feel at one with all things and in your own time open your eyes and well done.
    If you don't rise right from the word go don't worry I never got it first time and if you practice you will get there in time remember this is not a race safety comes first so be careful. You can also do this technique in the lotus or half lotus position as well and if it makes it easier put this technique on a audio tape so you can play it back while your doing this technique.
    I would suggest you ask your spiritual guide about this technique if you have any doubts before moving into this technique if something does go wrong it can be very frightening. I would also like to suggest if you’re interested in learning Levitation you look at kundalini yoga and study it. It will only benefit you in doing so and I say this because that is where I’m at now and this is what I am doing. I have placed links and books on the yoga for life page.

    Levitation Channel

    Sunrise : Ida
    Plug the right nostril with a small piece of cotton or fine cloth. as you draw the prana energy through the left nostril and down along the Ida channel and into the Base chakra and down through the base chakra into the earth along the hara line and into the earth star hold the breath for a count of ten. then see the channel becoming bright radiant and strong. then slowly breath out for a count of six. Do this for a few minutes.
    Please Note
    The above exercises are intended for charging of the teleportation channels.
    Sushumna Channel
    The Sushumna is the central channel the runs along the spinal column.
    Prana Breathing
    Pranayama is a simple exercise that controls the involuntary continuous action of inhaling and exhaling by arresting and regulating the process of breathing. It has a great beneficial effect upon the physical body and Sushumna Channel which kundalini energy flows through.
    Difficulty Level : Easy
    Time Required: 5 to 10 Minutes daily
    Step One
    Wake up early morning. Go out into the open air or make sure you are close to an open window.
    Step Two
    Sit upright with your legs folded, either on your bed or on the ground. Keep your hands relaxed on your lap.
    Step Three
    Take in a deep breath very slowly. As you intake air pull your belly inwards while heaving out your chest. your stomach muscles must be taut.
    Step Four
    Hold the breath and count five. Then gradually exhale and relax your abdominal muscle.
    Step Five
    Wait for two seconds and then repeat the whole exercise. After you have mastered this technique, you should also try breathing alternating between the left and right nostrils.
    Step Six
    Block the nostrils alternately using the thumb and little finger of the right hand, while the remaining three fingers should rest gently between the eyebrows. First, breathe in deep through the right nostril and breathe out through the left. Very slowly. Make sure that your stomach muscles are flexed considerably.
    Step Seven
    Then change the process - breathe in through the left and out through the right. Repeat the whole procedure for sometime.
    Ensure that your position is relaxed and comfortable. If sitting with folded legs proves uncomfortable, you may perform standing. But do not walk about or fidget. Better concentration yields better results. Begin by practicing Pranayama for a couple of minutes each day and gradually increase until you are doing at least 10 minutes a day. Levitation Physical body
    For preparation find a quiet place and a soft surface and lay down or sit in the lotus position.
    Step One
    Now in your own time close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths through your nose and feel the chest rise and fall and relax.
    Step two
    Then visualize the base chakra. At the base of chakra there is a well of energy this well is know as the jewel of the lotus within the jewel there is a light golden energy. Visualize that this golden energy is trickling out of the jewel and spreading out into the chakra. As the chakra spins see the chakra becoming golden in colour with its light radiant energy. Feel that energy.
    Step Three
    Now focus on the second chakra and do the same, see the jewel at the centre and see this radiant energy trickling out into the 2nd chakra fill it with its radiant energy.
    Step Four
    Then move on to the 3rd chakra and do the same for this chakra and the other chakras till all seven chakra are filled with the radiant energy of Kundalini and in your own time see the kundalini trickle over the top of each chakra and feel the warm sensation of the kundalini as it flows through your physical body. Feel how light the kundalini is in your body and spread the energy through you legs and arms, your chest and pass that energy through you in entire being. Do this for around about ten minutes make sure you body is light and golden.
    Step Five
    Now I want you to focus on breathing though your left nostril and draw the prana energy through the Ida channel down into the Base chakra and see the prana energy flowing through the hara line down into the earth and ground it into the earth star and hold your breath for a count of ten. Now in your own time draw the breath and prana energy back up the hara line and pull the earth star and hara line back as you do this feel you body rising.
    Step Six
    Now I want you to focus on breathing though your left nostril again and draw the prana energy through the Ida channel down into the Base chakra and see the prana energy flowing through the hara line down into the earth star and drop the earth star back into its orinal location and on the out breath release the earth star.
    Step Seven
    Give yourself time to return to normal before open your eyes take it easy and do not rush getting up or moving it may take some time to get your senses back to normal.
    Feel free to post your findings on our message board at hara line tech
    Yoga Links
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    Good Luck!

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    #6982 - Hydrokinesis to Be

    Learn to be an Hydrokinesis
    You may need:

  • Being Psychic
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    You may need:

  • Being Psychic
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    The ability to influence the motion of groups of atoms in their liquid state. Unlike pyrokinesis, nothing is created. The talent merely allows the psionic to influence the motion of liquids (but cannot control the motion of the atoms/molecules to heat up or cool down the liquid). Requires line of sight to manipulate an object.
    The exercise to learn this technique is very similar to that of regular PK abilities. I am speaking of the old cork in water exercise, only this time we are not trying to move the cork, we are trying to move the water in which it sits. The only purpose of the cork is to indicate movement in the water.
    OK, so you may say ''isn't this just PK with water?''. Well it can be. But if you want it to be true hydrokinesis, you must establish a real connection with water, and not just the physical substance, but the Element itself. If your natural Element is water then you will probably find this easier than most because you already have an advantage. Spend time in meditation and contemplation, thinking of nothing but the properties, associations, and real feel of water. Totally surround and submerge yourself in it if need be. Take it into your being. Become a master of water.
    Become water.
    Once you fell you are ready to try true hydrokinesis, do the following:
    Take a medium - large bowl and fill it with water. If the bowl is glass this may be easer because you can see all of the water within. Now place a cork or something similar which floats in the bowl and wait for it to settle.
    Once it has settled, close your eyes. Sense the water in front of you, feel its energy and merge it with yours. See in your mind's eye the link between you and the liquid. Feel its smoothness, its cool healing properties.
    Now try to mimic those feelings within your own energies. You and water are one and the same.
    Just as you have control over your own energies, so too do you have control over water.
    Open your eyes.
    Look at the substence within the bowl. You are a part of it, and it is a part of you. Keeping in mind your connection with it, will the water to move, just as you would with your own energy.
    Make it start to swirl in the bowl, always getting stronger, always gaining speed. It is you.
    Continue to do this until you feel you have succeded or are in need of rest. Don't over do it on the first few tries.
    Have a mental rest, you need it!

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    #6983 - Third Eye Open Wide

    Opening Your Third Eye Wide
    You may need:

  • Being Psychic
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  • Being Psychic
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    Opening the Third Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra; the psychic chakra, located on the middle of the forehead above the brows. It is closely associated with the ''pineal'' gland. The pineal gland id dormant in most people,as is the true 3rd eye. French Philosopher Rene Descartes believed the pineal gland to be ''the seat of the soul'' where mind and body met.

    In the average person, the pineal gland is atrophied and dormant. The following exercise will change that. Please read this thoroughly, as much of the exercises I write of are very advanced and can cause problems if one does not do them correctly.

    The pineal gland is like a grape in size; like a raisin in most people where it remains dormant.

    Opening the third eye/pineal gland:

    This is done with a specific tone and chant. You only need to do this exercise for 3 days, afterwards, it is permanent.

    The mantra to be used is ''Thoh,'' pronounced ''TOE.'' It must be within the correct vibration. Not deep, not high pitched, inbetween, like alto range. You will feel it when you hit the correct tone.

    1. Sit with your back straight.

    2. Breathe in through your nose and hold your breath as long as is comfortable- open your jaws so there is a small space between your top and bottom teeth, place the tip of your tongue between the space of your slightly parted teeth.

    3. Put a very light pressure onto the tongue with your teeth. This is like the same process of saying the ''TH'' part of the English word ''the.'' Once your tongue is in position, release your breath slowly through your mouth saying T-H-H-O-H-H in one long exahle (say the word one time pre exhale) Your tongue will be vibrating between your teeth. You should feel the air moving past your tongue and teeth. If this technique is done properly, you will feel a pressure or sensation in your jaw and cheeks. The tone will also vibrate in your 3rd eye. It may take a few seconds to adjust this, don't worry, just keep going.

    4. Do the above 5 times in a row.

    5. It is very important the above exercise be done for 3 consecutive days, 24 hours apart. Then it is a done deal.


    1. One of the first experiences is a headache or pressure in the center of the forehead. This sensation may also feel like it is originating from within, usually an inch or more beneath the surface of the forehead. This is a positive indication the pineal gland is awakening and beginning to function in a healthy manner. *Some people can experience a migrane lasting several hours. The severity of the side effects will depend on how atrophied your pineal gland is to begin with.

    2. After the occurence of headache or pressure in the forehead, you may wake up one morning with a throbbing or tingling sensation in your forehead; it may feel like a goosebump. The feeling may be very intense like something is there. The sensation of pulsing or throbbing will continue throughout the day. This is the final physiological event you will experience after opening the third eye. It indicates your pineal gland is awankened, functioning and alive.


    Faster, easier learning and retention Marked increase in intuition Increased creativity Psychic gifts develop and become remarkedly stronger and more intense ability to see human auras Clairaudience (psychic hearing) opens up

    This is a very powerful exercise and as with all powerful practices, your body will go through discomfort in order to adapt.

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    Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #6984 - Psychic Abilities

    Learn The Psychic Technique!
    You may need:

  • Being Psychic
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    You may need:

  • Being Psychic
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    Beginner Psi Techniques

    Psi Balls

    Cup your hands and visualize your mind's energy flowing into the ball. The longer you do this the stronger the psi ball will be.

    Compressing Psi

    To compress psi and make it stronger you need to make a psi ball. When done with the psi ball spread your hands and visualize the psi ball growing in size. Now push your hands closer to eachother and visualize the ball shrinking in size and becoming denser. Do this for a minute or so.

    Compressing Psi Technique 2

    Make a psi ball. Now visualize it getting denser and denser. Do this for about a minute or so.


    Programming is a cool skill used to control your psi. First, make a good solid psi ball and make your intent clear. Now visualize the event of the psi ball doing what you want it to do over and over again.

    Programming Technique 2

    Make an good, solid psi ball like you would, and visualize text saying what you want it to do going into the psi ball. Then let it go.

    Programming Technique 3

    Make a good psi ball, solid and good, and visualize the center point on the psi ball. Now visualize the event going into the psi ball and going what you want it to do.

    Programming Technique 4

    Make a psi ball (you should know to do this by now) and visualize a drop down list appearing from the psi ball with options, now visualize your selected option appearing on the list. Visualize the option you want being selected, now let go of your psi ball.
    Intermediate Psi

    Intermediate Psi Techniques

    Spoon/Fork Bending

    Find the utensil of choice, fork or spoon. Now hold the utensil in your hands and sit in a quiet space while breathing deeply and relaxing. Escape mentally from all sounds and thoughts. Now with your eyes shut, rub your fingers lightly over the surface of the utensil's handle. Feel the surface without necessarily thinking about it. Become a ''part'' of it. Visualize the atoms of the metal mixing with the atoms of your fingers and the air so that they flow together. Visualize it melting into liquid. This will take a few attempts. You will actually begin to feel the energy and warmth on the metal. At the moment you feel the momentum of the energy, Bend it with your mind!

    Psi Wheel
    Take a metal thumbtack (the kind with a flat, circular base) and set it so that the sharp end is pointing upward. Now take a small square of white paper, about 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch (maybe even smaller), and carefully balance it on top of the tack. You can replace the bit of paper with a piece of carefully cut aluminum foil if you feel more comfortable with metallic energies. Now sit in front of the ''psi-wheel'' you have just created. Stare on one corner of the square of paper. Focus all your energy on that one corner, willing the paper to start turning on top of the point. Imagine the wheel (the paper) begins to spin on the axis (the tack). Hold your concentration for as long as it takes for you to get it spinning. Once you get the hang of this try makin the psi wheel fall off the tack.

    Psi Wheel (tech 2)
    Get the psi wheel ready. Now calm yourself anyway you like or works best for you. When done put your hands around or by the psi wheel and visualize a psi ball forming in your hands and around the psi wheel spinning really fast. Concentrate and focus on the psi ball spinning really fast and moving the psi wheel with it.

    Psi Wheel (tech 3)

    OK, first make a psi ball in your hands, then when you are getting ready to put the psi ball on the psi wheel, say in your mind: ''Please help me with this psi wheel, make it move.'' then slowly put the psi ball on the psi wheel, it should move.

    Swinging on a String
    Cut a piece of thread about 10 inches long. Tie a wide object to it, like a needle, a toothpick, or a short piece of a wooden rod. Hang the string so that you can sit comfortably in front of the hanging object. Sit far enough away from the string so that you know you aren't making the object spin with your breathing. Let the object come to a complete stop, not turning at all in midair. Take a deep breath. Focus all your attention on one side of the object, right or left, it doesn't matter which. Imagine the object slowly turning as if your mind was really pushing against that side of it. You can use your fingers to ''point'' your energy, but do not touch the object. Once it starts to turn, and who knows how long it will take you to get this far, imagine that your energy pushes it faster so it speeds up. It should turn with greater momentum. Practice this. Once you get the hang of it, keep using this method to get the object to swing instead of just spin. Good luck practicing.
    Advanced Psi

    Moving a small object

    Choose a small, lightweight object, preferably made of a light metal, such as a cheap ring. Clear your mind completely. You should have NO distractions whatsoever, and try not to let erroneous thoughts into your mind, or you will lose your focus. Concentration is vital. Build a ''tunnel'' between you and the object. Visualize this tunnel between yourself and the object. You only see the object. Everything else is outside of the tunnel, and thus, outside of your view. Now, imagine your mind's hands coming out and pulling the object in. Once you feel the pull, you might want to make sounds in your head that suggest a strong magnetic field (nnnn.... nnn.... nnnn.... ) It may sound silly, but it works! Don't expect this to work the first time you try it. It might, but there is also a chance it will not. Try, try again! If you cannot devote your time and patience to this, don't bother trying it at all.

    Psychic Message

    Look at the person whom you are wanting to speak to and see their mind as a Black hole thats sucking in anything . Now visualize your mind as a White shinning star and reach out with your Psi, make a Connection with that person but seeing a bridge between your mind and theirs . Make it like an electrical current, like a volt of lighting thats transfering thoughts constantly, or see a blue tube made of chi connecting you two through the minds . Send your message word by word into their mind and when it hits the black hole visualize it going down into them . Make the words Thicker to make them heard louder, such as
    '' Be at peace '' as normal but for shouting more of '' SILENCE ! '' .
    ( Ive learned that many people are natural * recievers * and some are natural
    * Speakers *, meaning some people wont hear you as well because they are used to either speaking instead of listening )

    Psi balls and shapes

    Psi Ball

    First, cup your hands and visualize energy from your mind flowing into the ball. When done for a while, you should start to feel a throb, pulse, or heat in your hands. Congratulations! you have made a psi ball

    Psi Shapes

    Psi shapes can be done the same way as psi balls, VISUALIZATION. Or you can mold them into the shapes you choose with your mind and hands.

    Psi Shield

    To make a shield you need to direct your energy to form around you in the shape of something that makes you feel safe.While you are doing this focus on the thought that it will protect you from what you want it to protect you from...most likely other can be used to protect from physical attacks but it requires an enormous amount of energy. After you have a good amount of energy, focus it to become solid then let go. Ther are many more ways to make psi shields, experiment and see which works best for you.

    Psi Sword

    Hold out your hand and close your hand enough so it looks like you're holding something small such as one of those bats for little kids. Now pull psi from your third eye by visualization and make it flow down your arm and into your hand forming a sword. The more energy you add to it the stronger the sword will be. Try stabbing something with the sword and program it to stay in the object and not to fade away or dissipate, then try pulling the sword out.
    Psi Manipulation

    Psi manipulation requires practice. Psi energy is your mind's energy, it originates in your nervous system. Some people are good at psionics, others need alot of practice with it. Meditation is a requirement for psi practice, it's a mind exercise. Meditate alot while practicing psi manipulation, it will do wonders. Because Psi is your mind's energy and your doing a mental exercise.
    Psi manipulation is something everyone can do, it's a gift everyone holds, it just takes practice to harness your special energy. Believe you can do it, it CAN be done, people do it all the time.

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    #6985 - Bound in Ice

    A binding spell that will freeze 'em in their tracks.
    You may need:

  • Pen.
  • Paper.
  • Plastic bag (like a ziploc bag).
  • A freezer.
  • Water. (Tap water will do, but if you want to consecrate some water for this spell, go for it)
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    You may need:

  • Pen.
  • Paper.
  • Plastic bag (like a ziploc bag).
  • A freezer.
  • Water. (Tap water will do, but if you want to consecrate some water for this spell, go for it)
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    Write the name of the person (or situation, for that matter) you wish to bind. As you do, focus with all of your will on binding your target. After you write the name, continue to focus on binding your target for at least five minutes. Then fold the sheet of paper with the target's name on it and put it in the ziploc bag. Fill the bag with water. After you fill the bag with water, put it in the freezer.

    Try not to disturb the bag after you've cast the spell.

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    #6986 - Love Eternus

    It will bring you a love that is just for you and will always before you in this life as well as the next.
    You may need:

  • Rosemary
  • Coriander
  • Lavender oil (not required)
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    You may need:

  • Rosemary
  • Coriander
  • Lavender oil (not required)
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    Mix the herbs in your favorite tea and heat the oil. Then chant the spell:

    "I call thee forth from realms, portals and time to my will, be not deaf, dumb or blind. Come to me, my beloved dear. Do not be far when I need you here. Love me always and love me true. Do now what I want for you to do. I destroy all binds that keep you from me. Stay with me, eternally. Let my will now be done, by the setting of the moon and the rising of the sun. With my power and will, bring us together as one. You are mine and belong to me. Aphrodite- Blessed be".

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    #6987 - Shape Clouds

    Allows the caster to change the shape, split, or move a cloud.
    You may need:

  • focus
  • a cloud
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    You may need:

  • focus
  • a cloud
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    This works best with cumulus clouds(the white, fluffy clouds).

    Pick a cloud and decide what you want to do with it. For beginners I suggest small changes. Once you know what you want it to do you must then visualize it. When visualizing DONT just imagine the cloud after it has changed. You must visualize it changing.

    Well, that is the basics. You can also use your hands, wand, voice, or whatever. Many people find that by ''talking'' to the cloud it helps them when moving it but every person is different. So just experiment and find what works for you. But You MUST always visualize.


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    #6988 - Love Spell

    Easy spell to help someone love you.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Clear your mind. Concentrate 100% on your target. Point at him or her, focus, then whisper: "By my hands and my feet, I conjure thy heat. Change the mind of this lover to love me with desire".

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    #6989 - Out With The Old, In With The New

    This spell utilizes the transformative powers of fire for personal change.
    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Fire Proof Container
  • Paper
  • Pencil
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    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Fire Proof Container
  • Paper
  • Pencil
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    Relax. Light the candle. Sit down and write down ALL the things you want to change about yourself. Make sure they are things you truly wish to change. When you are done catch the paper on fire and when it first lights say to the paper:

    ''I BANISH THIS!''

    Place the paper in fire proof container and gaze into the burning flames. Say:

    ''Transformation I call to me,
    Blessed Fire answer my plea.
    Banish the old and bring in the new,
    Clear the way for what's healthy and true.''

    Keep saying it until the flames die down to nothing. Make a concerted effort to change your ways/habits/thoughts and fire will help you achieve success.

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    #6990 - Fire Circle

    This spell utilizes the powerful protection of fire.
    You may need:

  • 8 Candles
  • Fire proof container
  • Piece of paper
  • Pencil
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    You may need:

  • 8 Candles
  • Fire proof container
  • Piece of paper
  • Pencil
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    Set up the 8 candles in a circle. One to the North, one to the North East and so on. Make the circle about a foot in diameter. Light the candles. Rip the paper into 9 pieces. Write your name on the first piece of paper. Place it in the center of the circle of candles. On the next 8 write "harm". Place each of the 8 by the candle on the outside of the circle. Now start at the top candle and take up the piece of paper that says "harm" on it.

    Catch it on fire and quickly put it in the fire proof container while saying this:"Fire burns and fire turns all evil and harm away from me.” Repeat this for each of the remaining 8 pieces of papers that say "harm" on them. When all papers have been burned, look at your name and say this three times with confidence: "Fires power and fires might. Protects me every day and night."

    Allow the candles to burn down to nothing and extinguish themselves. By the way, you can use birthday candles or smaller candles so the process will be quicker if you wish. (Note: Use only fireproof candle holders.) You now have a Fire Circle of protection around you!

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters