Turns you into a mermaid. And you don't get to choose your tail color and powers.
You may need:
Favorite necklace
You may need:
Favorite necklace
Say this once while in the bath/shower with your favorite necklace on:
''Magic spirits of the deep,
I would like a tail not two feet,
Beauty upon me,
fish of all kinds let me see,
When I'm finished in the sea,
When I'm dry let my feet return to me.''
You should get your tail the next time you touch water.
-It takes 10 seconds, so be careful.
-It's okay if you tell and/or show people, as long as they have permission.
-Your tail color and powers depend on your personality.
-Your tail and powers won't go away if people see them.
This is how to make a wish. I have only tested this once and it worked.
You may need:
Blessed Pen
Blessed Notebook
You may need:
Blessed Pen
Blessed Notebook
Take your blessed pen and neatly write the date on one of the pages in the notebook in parentheses. Example: (4/6/14). Next write your wish, put a lot of details in the wish too. At the end of your wish, put the date that you want the wish to come true on. This wish spell's effects depend on how much belief and faith the person casting the spell has. This wish spell also works well if it's something good, like if your friend has been sick for 7 days (That literally happened for 14 days, but it wasn't my friend) and you want them to get better.
If you can´t concentrate well, and everything drags your attention, this is the right spell for you.
You may need:
1 blue candle
You may need:
1 blue candle
Light candle and chant: "My concentration let it be high for maths (or whatever subject). I want it to got it all under my control. So mote it be." Then blow out candle and breathe in a little smoke.
For all those who wish to learn the dark arts, but cannot, this ancient spell will give you the powers of the dark arts.
You may need:
1 red rose
1 drawn pentagon on the floor
5 lit black candles, placed on each point of the pentagon
Must wear a black dress
A picture or object representing someone you love
You may need:
1 red rose
1 drawn pentagon on the floor
5 lit black candles, placed on each point of the pentagon
Must wear a black dress
A picture or object representing someone you love
Stand in the middle, while holding the roses, in the pentagon. Put your foot out in front of you. Slide it behind you in a circular motion then twirl around with your foot. Put the roses around you in a circle and chant this. This is the phonetic spelling.
"Oo way, ah ni vat. Cres ah ni oo t. Foo r ni, ray hout in cam. La ro ha ma va. Ten ee nat, de rose a caval. Niet roon, he go nuet. Bar el my ont. My car nie, mal olm ni het!"
This is where the object or picture of your loved one comes into play. When you do the spell, evil will try to corrupt you. The object is a symbol of love, and that will keep your soul and heart safe.
This will awaken your true potential and hidden powers this spell takes one-three weeks depending how experienced you are with the magic.
You may need:
1candle of any color (recommend your favorite)
Black marker
Red marker
You may need:
1candle of any color (recommend your favorite)
Black marker
Red marker
Light the candle and place it in front of you. Draw a circle on your heart with the red marker while doing this say once: circle of truth and of the great elders help me in this time. Now with the red marker draw a five pointed star inside the circle. Meditate for 15 to 20 minutes asking the great elders for help. When done meditating blow out the candle dip your fingers pointer and middle into the melted wax before it dries on the two finger place the wax just above the circle.
Say 4-10x Peferably on a full or new moon
Dear elders so great I've been asked to wait for now but let the power come to me and relieve me of my human state awake what sleeps inside of me that sacred power awaken my true self great elders I call out to you for when the time is right I ask of you to awaken me so I can repay you for this favor so this is my will so mote it be to the great elders
Your animal spirit guides are here to help you, and that counts as sharing their medicine with you. This is a blessing for all as it can help you throughout life.
You may need:
Bond with each animal guide
One stone/crystal
A small offering of fruit
You may need:
Bond with each animal guide
One stone/crystal
A small offering of fruit
Call upon your guides one by one.
''Oh animals of the spirit world, let me prosper greatly, send thou medicine into my stone, and in return I bestow you a gift.''
Call upon each guide one by one.
''Oh (name), let me prosper greatly with your (animal) medicine.''
The bastard tree, A.K.A. West Indian Elm, can allegedly break any spell that any human can create.
You may need:
Boiling water
Bastard leaves and seeds (in a strainer which is in a bowl)
Later a drawn bath
You may need:
Boiling water
Bastard leaves and seeds (in a strainer which is in a bowl)
Later a drawn bath
Make an infusion by pouring the boiling water over the seeds and leaves let sit for 45 minutes, stain the seeds and leaves from the liquid, you will use the liquid. Add this fusion to your bath