7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Geokinesis
- Universe Energy Channeling
- Good Luck Necklace
- Protection While Walking Alone at Night
- Four
- Stone Protection
- Protective Chant
- Be Seen as You Truly Are
- Rage
- Phoenix Companion
#3981 - Geokinesis
The Basics
The ability to manipulate Earth. Geokinesis is a very versatile ability. With it you could create sandstorms, hurl boulders, cause small earthquakes, and create new land-forms.
The first step is to choose a stone. This step is actually very important. Gather a few stones that are around a half inch across, perhaps less. Then close your eyes and focus on each stone, one at a time. Pour a bit of energy into each one.
One of them should feel "right." It's hard to explain but you'll know when you have the right stone. It is best to do this next step outside, barefoot, in the soil or grass. Stand or sit, it doesn't matter. Place your stone in front of you. Close your eyes and imagine that you are growing roots of energy. Feel them burrowing through the soil to the heart of the Earth itself. Feel the massive energy contained beneath the soil. Then slowly draw some energy into yourself. Be sure to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth in deep, even breaths. Focus the energy from the earth into your hands and let it flow into the stone. Let it's energy combine with yours. Imagine that the stone is a part of you. Do this for a while and get a feel of the stone's energy.
Once you think you're ready try to shift the stone a few inches to the left or right (it is usually best to move it in the direction of your dominant hand). This is done in a variety of ways. I usually visualize the energy blending with the stone and simply moving that. You don't have to move your hands or anything but sometimes it helps. Once you think you did it open your eyes and see how you did. You won't get it on your first try. Just keep working and you'll eventually get it.
Once you've mastered moving the stone around on the ground you can try to lift it off of the ground. This is achieved through the same ability as the one above. The only difference is you must defeat gravity to do this so it may be slightly more difficult. Many beginners have trouble keeping the stone still once it is in the air. It sometimes wobbles or moves up and down erratically. This is normal but it is a sign that you must keep training until that stops. It is caused by an unbalanced flow of energy from yourself.
It is important to get rid of that while working with small rocks because you don't want that to happen when you're trying it with larger stones that may cause damage because of it. Once you can lift and move a small stone without any wobble or unintentional movement you can continue. The next step is to use the same skill on stones of increasing size until you can easily move a ten pound stone without any trouble.
Intermediate Techniques
Sand Manipulation
The next step is very difficult. You will try to manipulate sand. There are two ways to manipulate sand or soil. The most common method is to simply manipulate the sand as a whole in a similar way to hydrokinesis. The other skill is rarely used due to it's difficulty. It allows for a greater control of the sand so I personally prefer it. I'll start with the first method. To do this you must gather a small amount of sand or soil (sand works best because it has few impurities but soil works too) and place it in front of you. It is best to do this outside while you are in contact with the Earth.
Focus on the sand as a whole. Imagine it is simply a soft stone that can be reshaped. Now you must draw some energy from the Earth and mix it with the sand. Once you think you're ready close your eyes (or don't whatever works for you) and focus on the sand. Feel the energy in it and imagine the energy moving in a certain direction. Imagine the sand flowing like water and moving into the new position. Then open your eyes if you had them closed and see if you did it. After you can move it into different positions you can try to mold it into different shapes. It is easy to begin with simple shapes such as spheres and pyramids.
The other method is much more difficult. It is difficult because instead of viewing and manipulating the sand as a whole you must pay attention to and manipulate every grain of sand at the same time. It allows for a more focused use of sand. For example it would be much easier to make a sandstorm using this method.
To do this you prepare as though you are doing the first move except instead of infusing the entire mass of sand with energy you infuse every single grain with it. To do this you simply focus on the sand and try to sense the grains of sand. Once you've done this you can try to move the sand in different directions, much like the first move. It is very difficult to focus on every single grain at the same time but eventually it will become automatic. Once you've mastered that you can try to form shapes out of the sand as in the first move. However much more detailed shapes can be made using this move since every single grain can be placed in the right spot. Once you've mastered this with small amounts of sand gradually increase the amount you use until you can manipulate about thirteen pounds of sand. At this point you should be able to freely manipulate sand and stone.
Stone Molding
The next step is to learn to mold stone. Once you've mastered this step you could even reshape diamond. The easiest way to start is to get some clay and place it in front of you. Next you must infuse it with energy and try to change it's shape. This is done by slowly moving the clay into the desired shape with your energy. Once you can do this you can move on to soft minerals such as graphite.
Then keep doing it with things of increasing hardness until you can reshape stones that rate around five on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. Then you can try merging stones. This is basically done by reshaping them until they are mixed together. Then try doing it with larger stones until you can easily create and reshape a ten pound stone that rates around five on the Mohs Scale of Hardness (obsidian or steel work). That's all I have to teach you for now. With the knowledge and skill obtained from this you should be able to create a variety of moves. If you wish to continue your training then just keep moving on to bigger, harder stones. Once you are satisfied with that you can try to increase.
Advanced Techniques
Psi-Quake training
The masters of Geokinetics are said to be able to mentally shift the Earth's plates enough to create 3.0 to 5.0 Richter scale quakes. The energy such an ability requires would consume the weakest of Psi beginners. It is important to practice every single aspect of Psi energy and mastering it before even attempting to get into the Geokinesis training, let alone trying to do a Psi-Quake.
It is important to note that only Geokinesis masters should ever attempt this, and even then this ability is extremely risky. This ability should only be attempted in an area that is out of the reach of any obstructions or places with heavy population. Not only will this cause distractions for the user, but the amount of destruction that is possible and even lives that may be taken is too great. Before beginning the procedure, it would be wise to bring along several objects which have been imbued with Psi energy before beginning, in case you should suffer a rapid increase in fatigue, the objects can be channeled to give you extra reserves of energy.
Sit down in the middle of a preferably flat land or widely open space. Do several meditation exercises to warm up and begin powering up your Psi energy. One should have obtained enough knowledge about Psychic and Geokinetic powers at this point to know how to power up and obtain strength from the Earth around them in order to get ready. Get down on one knee and proceed to place your hand (Both index and middle fingers) to the ground. Focus all your power on the ground beneath and beyond you. Take in all of nature, then mentally shift downward until you become one with the earth. Feel the vibration of the plates and the heart beat of the earth. Focus all of your strength and power on to the earth beneath you until you begin to feel a faint vibration. Continue to add more willpower and energy through your hand to the earth beneath. Imagine the plates of the earth moving and colliding and shifting.
Do this long enough and the vibrations should begin to get stronger, and you might hear a faint rumbling. If you feel Fear, remember to fight it off. Replace all your doubts and Fears with hope and power. Remember, this is you causing this. Your energy might begin to wane. You might feel the need to take a breather, or take a nap. Your arms might shake with fatigue. This is why it is important to bring Psi imbued objects so you can channel the energy you need to keep going. Whatever you do, do not give in to the weakness of the body. Any break of concentration will only make the process longer and less powerful.
Once you feel the rhythm of the vibration and feel confident enough to begin powering the rumbling, begin to channel and bring forth all of the violent or angry emotions you've ever felt forward. Thrust forward memories or images of moments in your life that made you feel very upset or even raged. If you feel the need to yell in anger, then do so. Think about how powerful you want your Quake to be. Combine your wishes with more anger and earth power. The length of this process depends on the energy and emotion of the user. If the rumblings get stronger, then you've done it right. Keep bringing forth your energy. Once you've released the anger you needed and you feel the Quake is strong enough, release all of the Psi you have. visualize snapping a twig in half or throwing a rock. To go along with this, place both hands in the air and give one last shout of power and then quickly bring them back down to the ground with great force.
If you've done it right, then the power of the earth will come forth. You will experience an actual Earthquake right before your eyes. The ground may shake and if trees are near, they may shake as well. Whatever may happen is entirely up to nature and of course, you. I am not responsible for any injuries that may or will occur because of this. I only assume that the user is powerful and wise enough to attempt this and be successful. If the attempt fails, then try again next month. Never try again the next day or even week. If you had gotten far enough into the process and failed then your Psi may need time to recharge naturally
Last edited on Nov 15, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3982 - Universe Energy Channeling
#3983 - Good Luck Necklace
Open the teabag and put all the herbs inside the green water. Mix it around. Think of a time you needed good luck. Put the necklace in leave it there for 12 seconds. Take it out and put it in the napkins to dry.
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3984 - Protection While Walking Alone at Night
"Hail Fair Moon,
Ruler of Night;
Keep me safe
Until the light"
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3985 - Four
Throw a handful of sand, grain, or rice after them as they leave without them knowing.
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3986 - Stone Protection
Hold in your power hand and chant thrice:
"Stone, evil you shall deny.
Send it to the earth and sky.
Send it to the flame and sea.
Stone of power, protect me."
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3987 - Protective Chant
Cisualize a triple circle around your body and chant:
"I am protected by thy might
O Gracious Goddess, day and night"
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3988 - Be Seen as You Truly Are
invoke ganesha,the hindu elehant-headed god of fortune,wisdom, and literature. Place an image, whether its a postcard, drawing, or a statue of ganesha, next to a white image candle. Imagine white golden light swirling beneath your feet. Close your eyes and visualize the light entering your body through your toes and coursing through your body until it shines from the top of your head and throgh each finger. Watch as the white golden light moves to encircle you like a protective shield. Take three deep breaths. Inscribe the white candle with your astrological sign, magikal name, and/or your favorite symbols. Anoint both red and yellow candles with two drops of ganesha oil to call in his assistance. Say:
"Ganesha, I call you forth to me today
to remove the obstacles in my way."
Rub sandalwood oil on the whiye image candleand imagine yourself infused with iner peace, balance, and relaxation. add arua clensing oil to clear away any mildew or dirt from your arua, see yourself as a clear quartz crytal. Imagine yourself wiping each facet clean like a window. when all your ''windows'' are clean open youe eyes. Thank ganesha and douse the flame with a candle snuffer.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3989 - Rage
Chant: "Rage is powerful, give me the power, of the dragonus lord"
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3990 - Phoenix Companion
Note: it might just be an illusion, but it is yours and nobody else's.