7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Knot Your Troubles
- Physical Harm Shield
- Summon a Fairy/Get Stuff
- Dream of True Love
- My Little Pony
- Summon Fish to You
- Temporary Dragon Soul
- Rain Spell
- Magically Charging a Piece of Jewelry
- Flower Petals
#4381 - Knot Your Troubles
Take the yarn and pull it taut, focusing on the difficult situation or problem and start tying knots. Visualize your troubles being bound up and trapped there. Keep tying until you feel its enough. Take it out side and bury to keep your problems away.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4382 - Physical Harm Shield
Say the incantation while focusing your energy to create a second skin of energy.
The incantation is:
"O, qui praesunt da ferri eu. Custodi me a corporis malum."
Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4383 - Summon a Fairy/Get Stuff
Bring water to a boil in the pot then mix all of the ingredients into the water in order. Leave the feather out so you can stir mix say this "Little fairy shine so bright. Little fairy of the day and night. By the power of Fire,Water,Wind,Earth and Spirit. I wish to summon you to this world this is my will so mote it be" 3-10 times
Find a local rose bush(must be red)and poor your special cooled mix over it then wait about a month or two for a fairy/sprite to show up. Ask what you wish and then offer it something.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4384 - Dream of True Love
First cut into the fabric the shape of a heart any size will do.next get a pinch of sugar and the thing you love and put on fabric.now slowly sow up the heart in half and then say what your dream boygirl will be like then say mote it be. Put in you pillow case and see who you will love also it might be a day or two before you see your love becuse you can only remember one dream per week the more you know.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4385 - My Little Pony
Say: "Lock of hair. Picture of pony. Join and make it real". Then place the hair on the picture and wait a few minutes.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4386 - Summon Fish to You
Put your hand or wand into the water and to call fish chant:
"Come to me
See what I See"
To make them swim away chant:
"Flee from me
See what I See"
Chant as many times as you feel.
Last edited on Apr 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4387 - Temporary Dragon Soul
First, draw a pentacle on the floor with the chalk. Then, set the incense in the triangle made by each point.
Next, light each stick in the same pattern you drew the pentacle. Be careful with fire and burning objects. Sit in the center of the pentacle and meditate (focus on the dragon item(s) if you decided to use them) until your mind is clear of everything except dragons.
When all of the incense sticks have burned out, say the following either out loud or in your head:
"Hide of scale, breath of fire,
I need now in this hour dire,
Not too much, just a bit,
To borrow your power,
Strength, and wit,
With flame in my heart,
And gold in my eyes,
I wish to be one
With the reptile who flies,
I ask not for wings,
Nor scales, nor claws,
Not for horns,
Nor fangs in my jaws,
Only for the next small while,
I ask for knowledge,
Strength, and guile,
Brain and muscle
And eyes and snout,
These are the the things
I want to bring out,
Let me be as a dragon,
Just for a small time,
Let me be as a dragon,
By the end of this rhyme."
When you've finished, you should start to feel a little bit stronger and have better sight and smell senses. Thinking should also feel a bit clearer and more advanced than usual.
For strongest effect, perform in the high noon sun and stay in sunlight to keep warm and avoid getting sluggish. No enhancement is without some ill effect, and this is what I've felt from this.
The effects of this spell can come in handy for a multitude of things from simple games of hide and seek to preparing to study or take a test to physical labor like carpentry or masonry work.
Last edited on Apr 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4388 - Rain Spell
''Nine drops by nine are eighty-one, eighty-one cloudes shall bring me rain
The rain shall fall, the land shall smile, and water shall flow for quite a while.''
Repeate this once every three hours. It takes patience. You will have results.
#4389 - Magically Charging a Piece of Jewelry
Take the object you wish to charge (only the object that you feel require the energy of lightning, such as those used for protection, healing, and so on) outside and place them in a spot where they are safe of the possibility of being washed away by the storm, but sill fully exposed to the rain and such. Do not place it on a roof, statue or other structure. You can tie them to a tree, or place them in a container. Make sure they are safe during the charging process. Chant:
"Charge my beloved jewelry up, ensure its safety and make it full of magical energy!!"
After the storm has passed, take it inside, dry carefully, and place it somewhere safe for 24 hours. It should be fully charged and possibly vibrating with energy.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4390 - Flower Petals
Put the rose into a bowl sprinkle soil on it then sprinkle the water on it chant "I want to be a flower. I want to be of nature breathe in co2 and exhale air. I will need sunshine and now so mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.