7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 7153 Spiritual Spells
- Drive Away an Enemy: Hot Foot Powder
- Misc Moon Magic
- Energy Minipulation
- Transfer energy using aura
- How To Steal A Soul For Profit or Trading
- Protection Charm
- Intense Rain
- Basic Ritual Call
- House Protecting Shield
- Summon Demon
#1121 - Drive Away an Enemy: Hot Foot Powder
This spell uses the power of God to aid us in this endeavor. Hot foot powder has been used in hoodoo for a long time and is done to drive people away from you or someone else. In this variation you will be using your target's shoes as the main focus.
1.) Gather all of your ingredients and pray over them. Focus on God's power as you do this. Bless the red pepper to make your target run away from you as if their feet were on fire.
Bless the black pepper to make them go as far away from you as possible.
Bless the salt to bless you in your new life when your target finally leaves you.
Bless the asafetida to make their lives stink as long as they stay close to you.
2.) Draw a cross in each pair of shoes and wait till you get results. Remember to only use the shoes they wear.
PapaBear has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Aug 18, 2017
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Last edited on Nov 08, 2019
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#1122 - Misc Moon Magic
This can be used on anyone, highly recommend for the waxing for full moon.
Note:if you get any dreams of Lilith, dont fret too much. (Unless your male, so be careful)
This is basically a spell for whatever problem someone ypu know or yourself is having and you'd like it solved.
Note:if you get any dreams of Lilith, dont fret too much. (Unless your male, so be careful)
This is basically a spell for whatever problem someone ypu know or yourself is having and you'd like it solved.
You may need:
Purple candle
Yellow candle
Blue candle
Red candle
Green candle
Rosemary (can be in a seasoning shaker of sorts)
Black ink pen
Find a clear space big enough to make a circle. Use the broom to sweep away bad energies, and dirt or whatever that will afect the spell negatively.
Get your salt and pour it into a cirle (be sure that you dont have any gaps)
Put the purple candle in the North cardinal direction. Make a star with the candles.yellow left and green right, red far right in the back and blue far left in the back. This should make a candle pentagram or pentacle.
Get your bowl and pour/put the rosemary into it. Then get your lighter and light the candles. Have your paper with you. Then read aloud your incantation that you've written. When you are done reading, put some of the rosemary in the middle of the paper and fold it tight, light it with the purple candle and set it into the bowl to burn completely. When you are done, close the circle, blow out the candles, clean up the salt, and wait for it to work.
Note: How i know Lilith will come into your dream is because this has happened before to me the first time i casted this spell. I dont know how she has anything to do with this, i only know that the spell is powerful and she's probably a sign that it is working. This spell has many uses, but ALWAYS be polite and cast on a waxing or full moon. It works best on those moon phases.
MaxxineWeird has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Mar 27, 2017
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on Aug 17, 2017
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Last edited on Mar 22, 2018
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#1123 - Energy Minipulation
Control your energy to do amazing things.
First off, Focus on your energy, Similar to a psi ball. Next, if you get that gut feeling in your stomach, your good!. Now just focus on what you want to do and your good. You cannot perform outragous tasks though.
Night0wl14 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Aug 17, 2017
#1124 - Transfer energy using aura
This spell will help you give whoever you try it on more energy.
-Hold hands with the person you try this on-Close eyes
-Imagine energy flowing from your body into the other person, first starting from your legs and the hand/arm they are not holding, imagine that energy flowing into your stomach, gather all of your energy there. Then imagine the energy flowing through your arm into the other person.
-The other person should have more energy now
This can make you have a slight loss of energy.
This is my first spell so please message me if it worked.
Thank you for reading and or trying!
: )
angelmagic8 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Aug 10, 2017
#1125 - How To Steal A Soul For Profit or Trading
A spell specifically designed to steal a soul. (It is best to do it on someone who is dying soon).
NOTE: If used on a living person it will not take all of their soul. It will take anywhere from 80% to 10% if it but as soon as they die the rest will go to the object if it has the higher amount of soul. The amount of soul in the object determines how it feels. Also if the peraon is alive they will feel a pull to go tworda where it is and should they touch it they will get it back.
Measage me for questions
NOTE: If used on a living person it will not take all of their soul. It will take anywhere from 80% to 10% if it but as soon as they die the rest will go to the object if it has the higher amount of soul. The amount of soul in the object determines how it feels. Also if the peraon is alive they will feel a pull to go tworda where it is and should they touch it they will get it back.
Measage me for questions
You may need:
A Satanic Pentagram Inside A Pentigram
5 Black Candles For The SP
5 White Candles For The P
1 Strand of Hair
At least .05 miligrams of blood
A Strong Emotional And Physical Belonging of Theirs
Loud Voice
Perferably On The Night Of Samhain
2. Since you obviously already have your object hair, and blood from the person by this point sit in the middle of the SA on your knees,and smear the blood around the object, and wrap a strand of hair around it.
3.Finaly then shout loudly: I summon thys soul from This blood and the connection it gives, shadows of the night creatures of the dark guide the light to this (whatever your object is). Send it to my hand drag it from the depths retreve it from the heralds drag it to my hand on this long and cursed night GIVE IT TO ME. (then in an inside voice say) so it is said so mote it be.
4. Note anytime during the ritual you will feel great dread YOU MUST NOT BE AFRAID or else you will lose control of where the soul goes. Also at the end of the Ritual the cup should feel diffrent
Moros has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Jan 12, 2017
#1126 - Protection Charm
This is not a precise spell and it can be done on anything you wear every day for protection.
You may need:
all are optional
-black candles(banish negativity)
-white candles(ring of protection)
-sea salt
-rosemary oil
-cypress oil
-clear bowl/cup
I prepared my charm in the oils and herbs. Then put the charm in the bowl of rainwater, in a place where the only light is from the moon. Then from 11pm-1am I said a simple chant I translated into latin every 20 minutes (three times an hour for three hours just seemed like the right number for me) while charging the water with white light from my hands without blocking the moon light. You can add other properties by adding corresponding herbs, oils and words in the chant, I added patience and happiness.
--- I never broke the chain, let anyone I don't know touch it, or left the house without it ---
Valerie1999 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Aug 12, 2017
#1127 - Intense Rain
The sky will become very dark grey and a hard thunderstorm will begin.
Stare up into the sky, put your energy into visualizing the storm. Focus the energy into the sky. Say or chant:
"Sky, facti tenebris
Vox tonitrui sonum leonum.
Inundare terræ.
Sic fiat semper."
aetherStone has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Aug 10, 2017
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Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
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#1128 - Basic Ritual Call
To prepare a ritual. It requests whoever deity that will listen to fulfill your spell. Do this before casting complex rituals.
Place the candles in a circle; one facing north, one facing east, one facing south, etc. Walk clockwise, lighting each one. For each candle, say one line of this spell:
"Ego vocare caelum. (first candle) Quis enim audire mecum? (second candle) Yahweh! Allah! Shiva! Aliquis. (third candle) Ut ad petere auxilium tuum. (last one)"
Light the sage and place it in the center of the circle. As it smokes say: 'Et ego invocabo qui numine. Sic fiat semper.' Blow out the sage. Do your spell.
aetherStone has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Aug 10, 2017
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on Aug 10, 2017
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Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1129 - House Protecting Shield
This spell made to protect your house.
The spell to remove this spell is not found yet!
Think carefully before you cast it.
Sit down in a quiet place.The spell to remove this spell is not found yet!
Think carefully before you cast it.
Meditate for 30 seconds, be calm.
Go to the main door at the house.
touch the door and touch the charm at the same time and keep touching them until you finish recite those words: ''I call upon the element of fire, hear my plea, hear my desire, to make this home blessed again, the spell I cast has now began''
WARNING: We didn't find the removal spell so think carefully if you want to cast it]
Talaa has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Aug 09, 2017
#1130 - Summon Demon
Summon a demon of a goetic genre, this spell works unlike a lot of other ones in my experience.
You may need:
1 or more Red/Blue/Black Candle
1 drawn or printed sigil of demon
Nighttime (for begginers)
Incense or Mirror
Wroten down Quote
you need to know a Goethic Demon (they are human friendly) and why you want to contact them. Find then their sigil and print/draw it. Also do not forget the quote (I add it on in the spell)
When ready, light the candle/s, wich are next to the sigil.
Then chant the quote:,,Lord Satan, by your grace, grant me, I pray thee the power to conceive in my mind and to execute that which I desire to do, the end which I would attain by thy help, O Mighty Satan, the one True God who livest and reignest forever and ever. I entreat thee to inspire [name of Demon] to manifest before me that he/she may give me true and faithful answer, so that I may accomplish my desired end, provided that it is proper to his/her office. This I respectfully and humbly ask in Your Name, Lord Satan, may you deem me worthy, Father.''
Demon may appear in incense or the mirror, but it will likely to talk to you in troughts. Be respectfull and you be respected back.
When you want something, offer something you both agree on.
Questions? Message me! I answer soon as possible, but I am not always here.
AbyssSoul has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Aug 09, 2017
7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters