send someone a dream

SpellsSpiritual  ► Dream  ► send someone a dream
this spell is meant to influence someone's dream. there's no telling when it will manifest, but if you would like to send someone a message and don't know how, this is a good place to start.

Casting Instructions for 'send someone a dream'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • - small piece of paper
  • -pen
  • -lavender
  • -rosemary
  • -small drawstring bag
  • -small white candle
  • -incense
  • -rose quartz or clear quartz
  • -a taglock of the person
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • - small piece of paper
  • -pen
  • -lavender
  • -rosemary
  • -small drawstring bag
  • -small white candle
  • -incense
  • -rose quartz or clear quartz
  • -a taglock of the person
1. light the candle and the incense.
2. determine exactly what you want them to see, hear, and feel. try to be as specific as possible.
3. put the herbs and paper in the bag.
4. pass the bag through the candle flame and incense.
5. hold the bag, and chant:
''holy mother, goddess divine. i stand before your sacred shrine. [person] won't listen or hear, my words tickle at deafened ear.
holy mother, goddess divine, send a dream, awaken the mind. through his/her vision he/she might live the lesson she so freely gives.
holy mother, goddess divine, send them your enchanted design. clear out the covwebs, tear down the walls. carry my message through spirit calls. an' it harm none, so more it be.''


Added to on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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