7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Life Renewal
- Stationary Spiritual/Magical Shield
- Protection onto an Enchanted Object
- Werewolf Bite
- Stationary Spiritual/Magical Shield
- Protection onto an Enchanted Object
- Protection onto an Enchanted Object
- Make you lover like you back
- Easy Sleep Spell
- Peppermint vampire banishing (basic)
#1221 - Life Renewal
First,I want you to relax at this beautiful Dawn.So relax and get out of your house and get some fresh air! Find a comfortable place which is quite and free from the pressure of this world.
2:Are you free from the struggle of this world?If you are, just listen to the melody of the nature.It's good right? Then say this spell: "I am (your name), released from every struggle and pressure of this world.With my will,I want to make my dream come true and live my life to the fullest.Oh Lord,the one who listen my tears and watch my suffers,please give me a second chance to be a real me again, as you are highest above the sky , please guide me with your light."
3: Repeat the incantation again at sunset.
4:You're done.Your life will start new again but it needs time to working on. This spells will worked 99% if you work harder to reach what you want.This spell will help you to gain your wishes and dreams to be fulfilled :) Hey,not every spells works magically. Everyone knows you must do something to make it come true.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1222 - Stationary Spiritual/Magical Shield
NOTE: do not place in public places, schools, or federal buildings! I do admit it is fun to watch people smack into 'invisible' walls, but be nice
First, imagine energy flowing from everywhere into your hands. Then, while imagining the energy flowing into a 'border' for your shield, chant, "Protect and Defend, so that family and friend only may enter and exit" The number doesn't really matter. Hold up both hands and imagine the border of energy being filled in with more energy. Seal it by saying, "It is done!" and making both hands into fists. The first time you or another person goes through it, you/they will feel a strange weight in your/their chest. That is the spell assessing the person and seeing if they are friend, family, foe, or the caster themselves.
#1223 - Protection onto an Enchanted Object
Ok, so, this spell is really just going to allow you to have a non-draining protection spell that blocks almost all magic-based attacks. First off, you going to want to either be holding the item that is enchanted or wearing it. Then, for the first layer, you have to write with your finger (on your skin) your magic symbol. Then, you must say "Protect me, and mote be it!" (Simple, i Know) You must imagine your energies flowing into the mark. You should feel a heady feeling come over you and a warm wave pass through your body. Hopefully your energy is doing ok at this point, but everyone is different. Next, cast Aura Shield with at least 3 layers. Then, imagine both the aura shield and the Protection spell (CAN BE CAST ON ANYTHING, BUT THIS SPELL REQUIRES IT TO BE CAST ON YOU!) gradually draining from you into the item. You'll have to do this every time you deactivate the shields. Then, imagine a lock sealing the spell shut so that it only can be opened when the user says a word you specify (I use "Protect") Whenever you wish to activate the protection, say the word and the shield will spread across your body and be maintained by the enchanted object. With practice, the shield will slide on an off faster and you'll enventually only have to think the word.
#1224 - Werewolf Bite
Last edited on Apr 30, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1225 - Stationary Spiritual/Magical Shield
NOTE: do not place in public places, schools, or federal buildings! I do admit it is fun to watch people smack into 'invisible' walls, but be nice
#1226 - Protection onto an Enchanted Object
''Protect me, and mote be it!'' (Simple, i Know) You must imagine your energies flowing into the mark. You should feel a heady feeling come over you and a warm wave pass through your body. Hopefully your energy is doing ok at this point, but everyone is different. Next, cast Aura Shield with at least 3 layers. Then, imagine both the aura shield and the Protection spell (CAN BE CAST ON ANYTHING, BUT THIS SPELL REQUIRES IT TO BE CAST ON YOU!) gradually draining from you into the item. You'll have to do this every time you deactivate the shields. Then, imagine a lock sealing the spell shut so that it only can be opened when the user says a word you specify (I use ''Protect'') Whenever you wish to activate the protection, say the word and the shield will spread across your body and be maintained by the enchanted object. With practice, the shield will slide on an off faster and you'll enventually only have to think the word.
#1227 - Protection onto an Enchanted Object
''Protect me, and mote be it!'' (Simple, i Know) You must imagine your energies flowing into the mark. You should feel a heady feeling come over you and a warm wave pass through your body. Hopefully your energy is doing ok at this point, but everyone is different. Next, cast Aura Shield with at least 3 layers. Then, imagine both the aura shield and the Protection spell (CAN BE CAST ON ANYTHING, BUT THIS SPELL REQUIRES IT TO BE CAST ON YOU!) gradually draining from you into the item. You'll have to do this every time you deactivate the shields. Then, imagine a lock sealing the spell shut so that it only can be opened when the user says a word you specify (I use ''Protect'') Whenever you wish to activate the protection, say the word and the shield will spread across your body and be maintained by the enchanted object. With practice, the shield will slide on an off faster and you'll enventually only have to think the word.
#1228 - Make you lover like you back
(lovers name) AL MUGHNEE
Chant this as much as possible the more you say it the quicker the results
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1229 - Easy Sleep Spell
-By this candle I do sleep, hidden from the day and night so deep.
O lady moon guide my dreams, cover me with your beautiful beams.
As the candle flame dies, please close my eyes.
Allow me to wake in the warmth of the sun.-
If you have any questions on how I know this is tested or if it doesn't work and you wish to talk to me about it you can pm me anytime.
Blessed be all and sleep well.
#1230 - Peppermint vampire banishing (basic)
For vampire protection lay as still as possible while sleeping
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.