7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Being Gifted at Birth
- Wake Easily
- Karma Spell/ Potion
- Basic Circle Casting Part II
- Powerful Ward
- Divinity
- Reinforcement of Items
- Foot Tickling
- Karma
- Basic Circle Casting
#1681 - Being Gifted at Birth
#1682 - Wake Easily
Engrave your sigil into the candle, I would use a sigil for being on time or sleep or something you've made.
Wait until sundown during a waxing phase of the moon. Cast a circle as regular. Once your circle is cast, clear your mind of distraction and chant:
"I've worked so hard and made it this far,
though I've gotten no sleep under any star.
now i need my strength and a good night's rest,
to wake up early so i may do my best.
bless my dreams and give me energy,
this is my will, so mote it be."
Light the candle, and let it melt away the sigil. As it melts, imagine yourself sleeping peacefully and waking up with energy early in the morning.
Put out your candle and close the circle. Thank the deities and or elements you work with.
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1683 - Karma Spell/ Potion
Burn the paper from the right corner, and make sure that your intent is Karma. Fair Karma. Invision the paper enveloped in a purple and black smoke, dancing around.
Mix the Ashes of the photo/ paper with red brick powder (For protection) water, and milk. The amounts are up to you. Add a hair strand or a nail. Heat the mixture up a bit if you'd like, but not very hot. Take the potion to a living and healthy tree. Remember your intent of Karma. Pour the mixture under a living tree.
Chant the same chant as before. Invision, as you pour, the same Purple Smoke, who's intent is Karma, is being raised. Imagine the smoke going and settling on the person. If you don't know what they look like, then they can be a black figure. Blow out the candle and whisper '' Elrun ono.'' Or Simply say thank you. Karma does not have to do ths for you, so say thank you.
NOTE: The person is judged by Karma itself. If Karma sees no reason this person should be punished, then It shall not punish. Never forget your intent is Karma. Message me if you have trouble, questions, or anything like that. Blessed be.
#1684 - Basic Circle Casting Part II
When you are finished with your ritual or magickal workings, it is important to remember to take down the circle. Never leave the energy you have raised hanging.
Begin this at the east of your already cast circle. Point with your wand, athame, or pointer finger at the eastern candle, and call out: "Farewell, Air, Guardian of the East. You are now dismissed." Draw a pentacle above the Air candle (this is saluting it) and extinguish it with the snuffer. Never just blow out your candles. This is considered bad luck.
Move to the southernmost candle of your circle. Point with your wand, athame, or index finger and recite: "Farewell, Fire, Guardian of the South. You are now dismissed." Salute the element, and extinguish the candle.
Do likewise for the remaining elements in your circle until all the candles are out. Then, you are free to go.
Feel free to be creative with these two spells! Write your own chants for when you invoke and dismiss the elements, or maybe even write certain chants for special occasions like holidays, sabbats, and such. You don't always have to use candles to represent the elements, I just prefer to. Some people use a wand, a feather, or incense for Air, a star or perhaps a piece of charcoal for Fire, a bowl of water for Water, a stone or a bowl of salt for Earth, and a statue or picture of a deity for Spirit. Feel free to get creative and personalize your own circle casting. This is your practice. Don't feel pressured to imitate others.
This is a continuation of "Basic Circle Casting," found here
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1685 - Powerful Ward
NOTE: This does require upkeep. You can link the ward directly to yourself, or, give it more energy as needed. You cannot have more than one of this type of ward.
#1686 - Divinity
A lot of times a spell does not work, it is because you believed something in the past that is against it. You must believe in the fact that your past does not haunt you and you can change your future along with your present life all with the beautiful gift of faith that was given to you by your creator, Then you must thank faith by constantly believing in faith. Remember to retrace the things you've believed to gain better results and reverse old beliefs because It is possible! Now when finished
Close your eyes do not feel but know where your heart sits when you believe. Believe that technology does not exist. Believe that mans belief's exist no longer no matter how much you are faced with proof of otherwise. Believe You no longer believe in anything, you are energy nothing else . If you try this and then bring these colors in front of you will gain an unimaginable power :
Imagine the purple. when ready open your eyes. Believe you can see purple all around you blessing you with its aura , Then do the same with the colors blue and green. P.s. if you gave up you do not know how to believe.
Warning: You must meet the full standards of righteousness to achieve maximum power.
The work put in to do this is Totally worth it.
Last edited on Nov 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1687 - Reinforcement of Items
First, channel all your magikal energy into your hand. Next let it flow from your hand, into the item you are holding. Then imagine it strengthening, and hardening. If it was done properly, it should be slightly more durable. But only while you continue channeling energy into it. Remember, the more you practice this, the better you will be at it.
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1688 - Foot Tickling
If you wish to cast on yourself: sit in a position where you have your hands on the soles of your feet. Then close your eyes and relax, place the small feather between your feet. Imagine you sitting in the same room however I want you to imagine that something comes by and begins to tickle your feet. This can be floating hands, feathers ect
Slowly rub your soles up to your toes, this will entice the energy to flow to your feet and send the ticklish waves to your feet from your soles to your toes. Laugh for 5 minutes but make sure you are alone as this might make people freak up a bit.
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1689 - Karma
Burn the paper from the right corner, and make sure that your intent is Karma. Fair Karma. Invision the paper enveloped in a purple and black smoke, dancing around.
Mix the Ashes of the photo/ paper with red brick powder (For protection) water, and milk. The amounts are up to you. Add a hair strand or a nail. Heat the mixture up a bit if you'd like, but not very hot. Take the potion to a living and healthy tree. Remember your intent of Karma. Pour the mixture under a living tree.
Chant the same chant as before. Invision, as you pour, the same Purple Smoke, who's intent is Karma, is being raised. Imagine the smoke going and settling on the person. If you don't know what they look like, then they can be a black figure. Blow out the candle and whisper '' Elrun ono.'' Or Simply say thank you. Karma does not have to do ths for you, so say thank you.
NOTE: The person is judged by Karma itself. If Karma sees no reason this person should be punished, then It shall not punish. Never forget your intent is Karma. Message me if you have trouble, questions, or anything like that. Blessed be.
#1690 - Basic Circle Casting
Light either the sage, rosemary, or dragon's blood incense, depending on what you have available to you. Wave the smoke over your person, envisioning all dark energy (anger, frustration, worry, sadness, etc.) leaving your body and dissolving into the air. Do this until you feel that all the negative energy is gone.
Wave the smoke over the area around you, imagining it wipe away all memory of negative energy and cleaning the space. Do this until you feel the energy is gone, and then move to the eastern most quarter of your work space. Cleanse this quarter in the same way and move to the southern, western, and northern corners of your space, removing all unclean energy.
When you have finished, place the yellow candle (or white tea light) in the easternmost part of your area. Place the red candle in the southern part, the blue candle in the western part, the green candle in the northern part, and the purple candle in the very center of your workspace. (If you don't have the colored candles available to you, use the white tea lights instead.)
Take your lighter and your wand, athame, or pointer finger, point to the east, light the candle, and recite the following: "I call upon the Guardian of the East, Element of Air, of knowledge, inspiration, and wit, to come forth and join me in this circle. All hail, Air, and blessed be." Draw a pentacle with your finger/wand/athame to salute the element. Envision it and its qualities joining your circle.
Now point to the south and light the candle, calling out: "I call upon the Guardian of the South, Element of Fire, of passion, enthusiasm, and boldness, to come forth and join me in this circle. All hail, Fire, and blessed be." Salute Fire with your wand/athame/index finger and envision it and its qualities joining your circle.
Point to the west of your area, ignite its candle, and recite: "I call upon the Guardian of the West, Element of Water, of healing, love, and kindness, to come forth and join me in this circle. All hail, Water, and blessed be." Salute Water and envision it and its qualities joining your circle.
Now aim your finger/wand/athame at the northern quarter of your workspace. Begin to recite the following: "I call upon the Guardian of the North, Element of Earth, of strength, perseverance, and prosperity, to come forth and join me in this circle. All hail, Earth, and blessed be." Salute the element and envision it coming to join you in the circle, granting you all of its qualities.
Now bring your attention to the center of your circle and light the candle. Recite:
"I call upon the Guardian of the Center, Element of Spirit, of the self, divination and the divine, to come forth and join me in this circle. All hail, Spirit, and blessed be." Salute the element Spirit and feel it coming from within you, further strengthening your circle.
It is optional to sprinkle salt around the borders of your circle for extra protection, purification, and grounding, but only do this if you are indoors. (Salt can kill plants.) Always be sure to sweep up afterwards.
Now, your circle is cast, and you are ready to work inside of it. Be sure not to leave the circle for any reason until you are finished and have taken it down.
Keep in mind that a lot of this is preference. Not all traditions use the Spirit element, some start the circle with Earth rather than Air, some change the placement of Spirit, some don't salute the elements, some use other objects rather than candles to represent the elements, and some use no objects at all. It is up to you. This is how I personally prefer to cast a circle and it is very Wiccan-based. This is only here to provide an example and to, hopefully, give you inspiration in your craft. Blessings on you, as always. :)
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.