7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- For a Dog's Friendship
- Altar Preparation Spell
- Mirror Reflection
- Enchant a jewellery item
- Gain Energy
- The Mr. Right Spell (My version)
- Satanic Wish Spell
- Wave of Darkness
- Super shenron
- Dyed Hair Veil
#181 - For a Dog's Friendship
When it comes time for the dog to eat, make a small meal for yourself. Mix a third of your meal in with the dog's food, then draw blood from your right hand or arm and mix that in, as well. Feed the dog the mixture, and it will be a faithful companion even to the grave.
Additional Notes:
- Only a small amount of blood is required.
- Do not feed this dog - or any dog - anything harmful, such as coffee, chocolate, apple seeds, and so on.
- If this operation can be performed while the Sun or Mars is in Canis Major, it would be ideal.
#182 - Altar Preparation Spell
Play music that makes you concentrate on your craft; for example I put on Miracle Musical. Ground yourself; my suggested method is visualizing roots growing up into your feet, legs, body, etc, but whatever method you're comfortable with works. Cast a protective circle/sheild around yourself and your workspace; my suggested method is to visualize it appearing, but again whatever you're most comfortable with works. Dust the altar space with the dusting cloth. Put salt in the bowl to cleanse it, then after a few moments dump it out. Stir cinnamon and oil in the bowl, saying 'This wash will protect my altar space and keep it sacred.' Light the white candle, and place it and the selenite in the center of the altar while saying 'Candle and crystal, cleanse this altar.' Remove the candle and selenite. Use the paper towel to wipe the cinnamon and oil wash on the altar, saying 'My altar is safe and sacred' and wash out the bowl with water. Draw your own sigil of altar protection on the paper and burn it, placing the remains of the paper in the bowl. Say, 'This spell is done until i reverse it by washing it away.' Take down your circle and take a moment to relax. Clean up after yourself.
TO REVERSE/UNDO: Wipe down the alter with salt water and say 'I cleanse this altar from its enchantment.'
#183 - Mirror Reflection
For this working you will pick a tarot or oracle card which represents what you want to reflect back to yourself.
In example the success card from the Sibylla oracle.
Adhere the card to the mirror with a magnet.
Whenever you look into the mirror your goal will be reflected back to you. Focus on your goal manifesting into being.
#184 - Enchant a jewellery item
Go outside on a full moon at night, with the piece of jewellery and offering, say this 1-10x
"O, Gods and Goddesses, please enchant this jewellery item with protection, love, strength, and hope, for me! accept this humble offering of (insert offering here), please! So Mote it be!!" may take a while to notice if the offering's been accepted. (insert offering here) means you can choose what your offering is.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#185 - Gain Energy
Stick your right index finger outward, then press the left middle finger to it, afterwards, press left ring finger to it, then stick your left index finger out.
This doubles your energy supply, and expands your aura. The third layer of your aura undulates with base chakra. And your third eye pastel color mixes with base chakra tinge color.
Side effects: Lower blood pressure. Too much energy. Aversion to spoons.
#186 - The Mr. Right Spell (My version)
As the cauldron or pot comes to a small boil, add the rose petals, passion flowers, and some jasmine flowers to it. Stir three times clockwise. Next, add a teaspoon of rosemary. Add some hibiscus petals. Then, add the Dragon's Blood and stir three times clockwise. Put in a few drops of both oils. Stir until the potion boils a little more. After that, add the list of qualities into the potion. Finally, add some pheromones and say the spell:
The perfect man I summon now,
Another way I don't know how.
Bring him now into the light.
Somewhere out there is Mr. Right.
Mr. Right will come.
REMINDER: Mr. Right will only be around for 24 hours. After they have passed, he will leave. But you can summon him back as many times as you like.
NOTE: If you do not have any pheromones for the potion, ask a love deity to help you. They will give you what you need.
WARNING: Though you can summon Mr. Right back as many times as you like, keep in mind, you must only do so if you really need him. If you summon him back for personal gain, it will either not work or backfire.
To summon back Mr. Right
You will need three candles. (White, blue, red, or purple.) Place them in a circle. Light them and chant this spell:
The perfect man I summon now,
Another way I don't know how.
Bring him now into the light,
Come back to me. Mr. Right.
Keep chanting until he appears.
#187 - Satanic Wish Spell
- Gather everything together and put the herbs, ash and bone in the center of the cloth.
- Write your wish on the paper, fold it up, and add it too.
- Fold up the corners, and then tie the entire packet up with the twine.
- Use a firm sturdy knot.
- Hold the charm bundle in your hands, and say “Be powered by the fires of Satan”. Repeat four times. Then you need to go out after the sun has set, and bury it at the entrance to a cemetery. You don’t need a big conspicuous hold, just get it underground .
Last edited on Aug 08, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#188 - Wave of Darkness
Use a paintbrush to draw a a large pentagram on the cloth, and set up the candles at each of the points. Place the dish in the center. Use a pin to prick your finger sharply, and squeeze at least one drop of blood onto the salt. Light the candles and sit outside the circle.
Call the various names of Satan:
- Belzebub
- Lucifer
- Astaroth
- Belial
- Ammamon
Ask for strength, wisdom, power and success from these entities. I can’t provide you with specific words because it must be your personal request. Call on their energy to wash over you like a wave. Thank them for their help, then blow the candles out.
#189 - Super shenron
Take the marker and draw a star on the first ball,
Then 2 stars on the second,
Three stars on the third,
Four stars on the fourth ball and so,on
Arrange the balls in a circle, then chant : oh these spheres i power thee , in charge of shenron you will be , whenever the divine language is spoken, my wishes and spells shall never be broken,with all joy and delight, absob all Energy that is divine.
Then leave the balls out side for an hour,then you can use them . And the divine language (the words used to summon and communicate with the dragon are : emoc htrof enivid nogard dna tnarg ym hsiw peas and carrots) read the each words used to summon super shenron backwards and you will know how to speak the divine language.
#190 - Dyed Hair Veil
If you wish to veil but only need light coverage on a day-to-day basis, can't veil with cloth, or already dye your hair anyway, this might be the spell for you!
Honestly, I'd call it more of a ritual. I like to choose a time when my energies are high-vibrational and steady-- the uncertainty and whipping emotional tsunami of a breakdown is not the best time to dye hair, I've found. I'm sure we all impulsively dye our hair in the midst of these feelings, but it won't serve you. When I've done this, I've often grown to hate the way it looks soon after. Plan ahead and reap the wonderful energy as you would from a planned and bountiful harvest, rather than eating seeds. You won't stay full long that way.
I always recommend smoke/sound/spray/etc cleansing your space beforehand. I just like to make sure any energy that does not serve me won't get caught in the spell and trapped in my tresses T-T
Lighting candles can help, I love to light them during any ritual or spell because the flame produces a nice neutral energy that can be used as you wish and thus increases the intensity of your intentions without leaving you exhausted.
Then, of course, comes the dye. Try your best to meditate and focus on the intention of protection. If you wish to employ the aid of protective crystals or herbs, even better!
Sound/music has great energy for me and I will play songs that reflect my intentions. Colour magick is a good tool here as well. You may align the dye colour with what you seek to attract, e.g. green hair for abundance. A green strand of hair seems likely to be a magnet for lucky or prosperous energies, much like static electricity between one's hair and a charged up party balloon!
If you prefer to chant a spoken spell:
Locks of [colour(s)] hair bring me what I seek
Let me see beyond the veil to bring my soul mystique
Streaks of [colour(s)] on my head will bring me what I need
And chase away the evil eye, and make me hard to read
[This/These] hue(s) that adorn(s) my crown will serve me very well
And as [it/they] fade(s) I soften the intentions in this spell
I'm left as strong and standing tall as a mighty Oak tree,
To strangers, friends, and those between, so mote it be!
Last edited on Jul 28, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.