7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Transform into a hyena at will
- Return Summoning
- Safe and Sturdy
- Canine Love
- Armour Spell
- Crestovich
- Ease A Headache
- Crystal Empowering
- Repulsion
- Vampire Ritual of the Pentagram
#2251 - Transform into a hyena at will
2. if you have an animal that looks like a hyena (in my case, my cat is a dark brown with a lighter brown for neck fur, and has striped legs. This is all exactly like a brown hyena.), simply just have it in the room with you.
3. Now the upcoming day. Think about it. Get excited more that you are.
4. Look out of your window. Look into the night. Think of the upcoming day once more.
5. Now think of hyenas. The facts you know on them. Their bad portrayal, the fact 80% of what lions eat is killed by hyenas. The 4 species of hyena.
6. Think of your hyena form. What hyena do you want to become? The spotted hyena? The striped hyena? The aardwolf? Or the brown hyena?
7. imagine you in your hyena form, running free. imagine a place you re close to and know, like a local park, but at night. imagine hard.
8. Think about hyenas and say this spell once:
''Hyenas. Hyenas are free. Are they? i will be free.
in my hyena form i will be free, on this night this spell,
this spell shall bring on my inner hyena.
i will be a (say spotted hyena, striped hyena, brown hyena or aardwolf)
A(n) (the hyena you chose),
And i shall fly with the freedom.
Hyena Flight. Hyena Flight.
This is my will, mote it be.''
9. Details:
This spell should work the next night, on the night of the event day. To test if it has worked, say this once:
''For the first time, Hyena Flight comes.''
This should transform you into a hyena. if it does not, give it time. it will work before sunrise of the day after the event day.
After it has worked, to transform into a hyena, tap the ground 4 times with your right paw, and think this once:
''My human form shall come. No longer does the hyena fly.''
And to transform into a hyena after the first transformation, say a different one to the first, but this is the one to always use. Say this once:
''Hyena Flight, come. Run free. Fly.''
10. So yeah.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2252 - Return Summoning
Try this spell I have just created it for you.
Take a candle with the same colour as your fur and light it focuses on the flame, allow yourself to become entranced by it think back to the place you came from the trees the sounds of the forest every little detail picture it with you mind then say:
"From where I was take I with to return, please take my soul and return, to the body that was once me, I will for this words to set me free. With the power of the ancestors and elements intertwined, return to me what was once mine. Eyes of ..... Return me to my heart realm. With the whisper of the wind the, roar of the flames, the crash of the waves, the hand of nature. Allow this words and powers intertwined return my soul to that which was mine."
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2253 - Safe and Sturdy
- Do any pre-spell rituals you may have.
- Set up the supplies in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Just make sure that the black candle is in the center, and that your piece of jewelry is around/in front of it.
- Light the candles
- Meditate on what your intent is, whether it is to protect against a certain person, to protect against accidents in general, or whatever your purpose may be. Dwell on it.
- Visualize the black candle radiating protective waves, while the Strength tarot card radiates powerful energies and the Star card gives hope. You can also visualize for any gemstones you incorporate.
- Use your wand, staff, or dominant hand to direct these energies into your piece of jewelry as you say: "I charge this *jewelry name* with the job of protecting me. I fill it with strength, to keep me going. I fill it with hope, to maintain my happiness. And I fill it with protection, to keep me safe. With this intention, I charge you!"
- Note: You can add in any aspects you fill the jewelry with if you add any ingredients such as gemstones.
- Use your wand/staff/dominant hand to project your own energy and intent into the jewelry, sealing it all within. Then snuff out the candles.
Voila! You can now wear your jewelry like armor.
Last edited on Aug 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2254 - Canine Love
Go outside, light the candle while sitting down. Focus on the flame for a few minutes and meditate. Think of the canine you want to change into. Chant this 5x:
"Canine and venus goddess of love grant me my true canine power. Blessed be."
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2255 - Armour Spell
Do this when I wake up I spend 15 to 30 mins relaxing my mind and clearing it of all other thoughs threw meditation until I can fully consentrait:
"Which is something I do before any spell or ritual."
I take a bowl of water. A candle lit it to mark fire, a plant or even some dirt in a bowl and for air I breath in deeply. Draw a sacred circle out of salt.
Then say:
"A sacred circle made for me, I call the ancesters to hear me,
all four elerments hear my plea, as I chant this power to shield me."
"Power within the univers hear me shield me, the power surrounds me with safety, power in which I take my place angel wings do now embrace, I am safe with in my circle."
Safe with all my spirits guarding, they do ensure all is well, awake all the power to shield me today, against all evil who dare to stray."
"I am protected I am safe surrounded by rings of ligh I will stay safe within my right or light.
this is my will, so mote it be."
(I say this three times in the morning and then take a deep breath feeling all the elements protecting me with the help of the spirits and ancestors to guard me threw the day before plowing out the candle.)
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2256 - Crestovich
Sit or lay in a comfortable position, breath in and breath out continuously throughout the spell, close your eyes and say:
"Crestovich, Crestovich, Stanlak Stokloe Stevenki Cornanoutanai"
Imagine yourself doing something almost impossible. Think of moveing something with your teeth, or maybe punching a hole through a brick wall.
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2257 - Ease A Headache
Simply close your eyes, and rub your forehead with the item for roughly 5 seconds. The pain should disappear.
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2258 - Crystal Empowering
- Grind the small crystal in the mortar. Grind until almost powder.
- Add 5 peppercorns and grind until dust.
- Next add salt and grind.
- Now add the sage.
- Mix all of these together.
Once you have this wait until 11:50PM sprinkle the powder in the shape of the pentagram with the center pentacle filled in on to the mirror. Also light the three candles clockwise. At 11:59PM cut your left thumb and place it into the center pentacle and at the strike of midnight say:
"Energy from this world and the next, flow and course throughout the sea, the sky and the earth into my blood you will lie and empower me one with the great Devine."
Last edited on Aug 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2259 - Repulsion
Next, add your blood in the center of the circle where the two lines meet, now add the salt, the thorns and 5 black pepper corns and 7 white pepper corns.
Now fold up the paper so no herbs or spices leak out then tie it with the black string.
Now place it in the fire and let the flame do its job.
#2260 - Vampire Ritual of the Pentagram
1) Start by facing east and cast a circle. You can point with the wooden stake and visualize it as a ring of fire on the floor while circumambulating the ritual area deosil.
2) Perform the qabalistic cross by touching the body part listed with your wooden stake in dominant hand (or the first 2 fingers next to your thumb) and say the Hebrew word next to it.
Forehead : Ateh
Breast : Malkuth
Right Shoulder : Ve-geburah
Left Shoulder : Ve-gedulah
Cross arms with hands on shoulders and say: Le-olam Amen
3) Now we inscribe the 4 earth pentagrams. In other words, keep your arm extended forward to trace and visualize four big flaming 5 pointed stars at the cardinal directions. (one point at the top) The correct way to inscribe an earth banishing pentacle, is to start at the bottom left point, then up to the top, then bottom right point, then upper left, straight across to upper right, then back to bottom left.
Face the given direction and pronounce the following name of the Hebrew god while tracing the earth pentagram. (again rotating deosil) (YHVH, ADNI, AHIH, AGLA) If you don't like the Hebrew god, you may say names of a different entity. Also there is nothing inherently satanic about pentagrams, as they have been used in magic a long time before satanism existed.
East : Ye-ho-wah
South : Ah-doe-nai
West : Eh-he-yay
North : Ah-gla
Return to east with hand still forward.
4) This is the point where we generally invoke the Archangels. Cross your arms in front of you, elbows pointed forward and say the following:
"Before me, Raphael
Behind me, Gabriel
At my right hand, Michael
At my left hand, Auriel."
Note : You can invoke kings of hell here instead of Archangels if you have a thing for demons. (Lucifer, Leviathan, Flereous, Belial) Spirit names should be vibrated, and the spirits should be visualized to the best of your ability .
"About me flames the pentagrams, and in the column shines the six rayed star. Ad quos eieci ab spiritibus malignis et succo."
5) Perform the qabalistic cross. (Step 2) Again and stamp your right foot.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.