7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Call the Elementals for Protection
- Witch Spell
- No Fears
- The Darker Side Of Our Souls
- The Practice Of Shadow Man
- How To Make A Magic Wand
- Defense Crystal
- Spirit Summoning Ritual Using Mirrors
- Seeing Ghosts
- Insomniac's Sleep Aid
#2471 - Call the Elementals for Protection
2. On the each top of square put one candle.
3. Light the candles.
4. Stand in the middle of the square and concentrate.
5. Turn to the north candle and say: Come to me Elementals of Earth. Shield me with your rocks and stand by me in every battle.
6. Turn to the east candle and say: Come to me Elementals of Air. Blow away all the sorrow and stand by me in every battle.
7. Turn to the south candle and say: Come to me Elementals of Fire. Burn down all the enemies that stand in my way and show me the right path with your guiding light and stand by me in every battle.
8. Turn to the west candle and say: Come to me Elementals of Water. Wash away troubles and bless me with your presence and stand by me in every battle.
9. Extinguish the candles.
#2472 - Witch Spell
'' Oh witches of the North I call thee... becometh me a witch same as you are. Two sticks may represent you as you have burned at the stake. Oh Witches of the south I call thee... becometh me a witch same as you are. Two sticks may represent you as you have been burned at the stake.
Oh witches of the east I call thee... becometh me a witch same as you are. Two sticks may represent you as you have been burned at the stake.
Oh witches of the west I call thee...becometh me a witch just as you are. Two sticks may represent you as you have been burned at the stake.''
Now take the bowl of water and pour out the flames. Now say
'' I put out these flame and allow you to rest of you allow me to be you. Curse this pentagram with magic as you have been cursed with flame. I beggeth you to activate my magic as I have activated your peace. I calleth you witches.''
Put the pentagram in the wood for four second each one for each part of the witch. Take it out wear it and never take it off.
#2473 - No Fears
On a paper write one of you fears. It can be anything your scared of. Take the part of the paper with your fear on it and tape it to the candle. Light the candle and chant
"While I'm awake I'll have no fears
Take them and make them disappear
Into my dreams for as long as I live
Down them in the dark abyss
As faint as a sound
As gone as its life
Make my fears disperse tonight"
When you're done picture a black room. In the room is a container. Everyday say this spell 3 times. In Two days the container will be full of your fear. You can do this several times to contain all your fears.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2474 - The Darker Side Of Our Souls
First, one must find a large single anthill located far away from general public and go to the location on a full moon night, preferably on a Thursday night. One should also bring a cane and some benzoic incense.
At the anthill and under the full moonlight, find a position where ones shadow casts directly onto the anthill. When a suitable location is fixed, burn the benzoic incense and start hitting the shadow with the cane. For every strike, say to the shadow: "Hey shadowy one, come to me!" The action should be repeated until a response is obtained: a gust of cold wind, a sound or even the shadow itself comes alive
One should persist through the ritual until the cane frays. When it did frayed and still no result, then one should come back the next full moon. According to the grand nanny who taught me this method that result will be normally be obtained within 3 tries.
She also said that this is another way of getting ones Hantu Raya or you may call it a Huge Spirit, a Wandering Spirit or anything else as it doesnt matter.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2475 - The Practice Of Shadow Man
First, we must choose a sunny day with clear sky, because this will enable our shadow to be cast in front of us. In doing this exercise, we must have close our eyes as in meditation and stare at the bottom of the shadows neck. We may close our eyes when our eyes get tired for a few seconds and we should lift our head and look into the clear sky. When we reopen our eyes. We will see a shadowy figure and we should continue to look at this figure as far as possible.
If we are diligent in our exercise, then this shadow will become transparent and that we
should be able to see two figures at this time. The first shadow is the outer shell, it will gradually fade. While the second shadow will gradually become clearer and slowly the features of the second shadow will stand out. Finally, we will notice that the figure is ourselves.
Otherwise, we also may do the exercise under the moonlight too. An experienced practitioner can foretell and take charge of his/her future. This shadow man can also show a persons health conditions and other secrets as well. According to scriptures, anyone who has practiced this method for 12 consecutive years then this shadow man will follow the person everywhere and guide him/her on every matter.
After following this practice for a lengthy time, this shadow man can also be projected onto a
screen or a wall. When we can physically "see" this shadow man, we can control our breathing and hence order it to perform our deeds. Hence, the practice of shadow man will enable us to understand ourselves more. And when are at this stage, then we will have the power to control others and perhaps achieve enlightenment.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2476 - How To Make A Magic Wand
There is no right or wrong way to make a magic wand. I offer my suggestions as a guide to help develop your own method for making magic wands.
Choosing the Wood:
Deciding on the type of wood can be the most challenging or the easiest of tasks when it comes to your wands creation.
Many wand makers prefer to only take wood that has already fallen from a tree. This can be a problem since most fallen wood is already begun rotting, unless you get storm wood (fresh wood that has fallen during a storm). If your wood can be found locally I would suggest getting storm wood, especially since the separation from the tree came during a time of great power of change.
Whenever taking live wood from a tree always ask permission from the tree, an unwilling subject is not going to make a very good magic wand.
To do this simply clear your mind and ask the tree in your mind if you have permission to take some wood to be made into a magic wand, if your heart feels happy then the answer is a "Yes" if your heart drops the answer is "No".
Wood from a tree that has been struck by lightning is VERY powerful, I call it Lightning Wood. This type of wood is so powerful I wouldn't suggest anyone making or using one unless they are experienced.
There is also a lot of wood to choose from that is not of local origin. Oak and Ash can be commonly found at lumber yards being sold as dowels. You can also find more exotic wood from specialty wood stores. If you are going to use rare wood I would suggest doing some research and finding out where the wood came from and make a donation to an conversation project in that area. Most of our exotic wood comes from West Africa and we donate to
Whenever possible give something of value back to the forest or the tree that allowed you to use their wonderful wood. Usually a gemstone or coin in your pocket will do, but dont use pennies because copper can hurt and even kill some trees.
After you have chosen your wood, I would suggest to start awakening your wand. Imagine that your completed wand is a wonderful creature with a beautiful form, imagine this being is now taking life within the wood. Imagine this being beginning to breath within the wood.
Wand Shaping:
Now it is time to allow the wand to take its shape. You may or may not have an idea of how you want your magic wand to look. I have started many wands without having any idea of how I want the magic wand to look, but I just started carving and shaping and before I knew it the wand started taking its own shape. You just have to be quite and listen to the wand. If you do have an idea, then use it. You may find that the idea starts to take a life of its own.
And from my experience many wands tell me of another design or a way to improve the current design. When I make the next wand I use this new information. I like to allow the wands to evolve themselves this way.
There are many wand makers that refuse to use any power tools, they say that the wood will remember the vibration and cutting of the power tool. And right they are, the wood, the wand will remember. If you can get the shape you desire without using any power tools then more power to you, or the wand, depending on how you look at it. However if the wand you intend to make somewhat requires the use of some power tools, then make it. I've seen many beautiful wands that required the use of machinery to make them what they are. All HP style wands are made on a lathe, I'd like to see someone try and make on of those wands without that machine.
I believe the bottom line when using tools is, how does the wand feel when your done with it. And above all, go with your intuition. Please use safety and caution when using power tools, keep your eyes, lungs and fingers protected. You'll need them for when you use your magic wand.
A few ideas for wand shaping:
- Stones?
- Crystal?
- Spiral?
- Leather handle?
- Wood burned?
- Wire?
- Paint?
Tools that can be useful:
- Dremel
- Wood rasp
- Carving knife
- Sand paper
Also making some kind of magic wand wrap or pouch is useful for protecting the wand both physically and energetically. Black, blue and purple seem to work well, but use your intuition. Even a cut piece of fabric can be used to wrap up a wand and protect it.
Protective Coating:
The most accepted practice among magic wand makers is to use Tung Oil or Wax.
But if you want or the wand wants to be stained red, then stain it red. Like I said, there is no wrong way to make a magic wand.
Last edited on Jul 01, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2477 - Defense Crystal
Sit in a criss-cross manner on the floor, rug, etc and place the crystal in your writing hand. Next, Close your eyes and clutch the crystal gently yet tight as you imagine a soldier with a sword and shield standing before you. Open your eyes and chat as follows:
"Crystal clear
Crystal bright
Hear my chant
Hear it right!
Protect me now
Protect me well
Crystal Clear!
Crystal Bright!
Protect me forever
Till the end of time!"
Say it once and open your palm. You now have a defense crystal!
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2478 - Spirit Summoning Ritual Using Mirrors
This is one new trick that I learnt from a Japanese ghost hunter. . Now, both of the mirrors should be placed opposite to each other. Traditionally if situation permits, one mirror should be facing the northeast direction and the other facing the southwest. This ritual should ideally be performed at night or at dusk. For best results, you should also choose a real haunted place. Best if you also know the name of the spirits that haunt the place; the info can be obtained by doing a simple research. Somehow, my Japanese friends think the last rooms along hotel corridors are always haunted.
When the mirrors are set up properly, a player who wishes to summon a ghost shall put his/her left palm onto the mirror facing southwest so that he/she is facing northeast. As with the Chinese, Japanese believe that northeast side belongs to ghost door (). The player should now continue to call out the name of the spirit after the candles are lit on both sides indicating that both doors to spirit realms are now opened.
It is said that once the spirit doors are opened, one should see spirits coming out from the northeastern door heading towards the southeastern door. So in our case, the mirrors act as doors to spiritual world. Theoretically, as long as both candles are burning, the player is pretty safe because the candle lights act as beacons for spirits to travel.
However, if one of the candle lights is extinguished; then whatever spirits that came out from the ghost door cannot pass through the other side. If this situation happens, then the player who stands in between the mirrors may be possessed by spirits and fainted or even becomes crazy.
Of course, when everything goes smoothly, person in between the mirrors shall see many white shadows or hearing noises; he/she may feel something is rubbing his/her shoulders as if people are walking hastily passing through him/ her. Spectators of this game may see reflections of inexplicable moving objects appearing on the mirror. They may feel cold or hot or things in the place may topple or moved. If everyone stays calm, then no one shall be harmed.
In order to end the conjuration, the candle at the northeastern corner should be extinguished first to stop spirits from coming out. As a precaution, some blessed salt should be prepared and also as space purification items after the ritual. As I heard, there are people became crazy and never recovered after playing this seemingly harmless game. So try with caution if you would, but best just to leave the ritual alone.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2479 - Seeing Ghosts
My Japanese friends would go all out in order to come into contact with ghosts. Some of their games may be harmful and dangerous when played alone. If one wishes to really experience with spiritual world, the best way is using water as a media. Below is the how-to:
This game ideally played between midnight to 3am. It is best if the place is a known haunted place and there must be a container big enough to let an adult to lay in it. A bathtub will do, but a quiet pond or lake with clear water is best. Say that you have found a bathtub in a haunted hotel, and then fill the bathtub with water at midnight. The water level should be able to submerge yourself when lying flat in the bathtub face up.
First, perform a simple conjuration, or just utter some sentences provoking spirits in the vicinity. You may say something like: "Come out! I am not afraid of you". After a few rounds of calling, take a deep breath and submerge yourself fully into the water. Keep yourself in the water as long as you can. After some time, you should be able to hear some whispering noises near your ears. If you open your eyes, you too shall see various shadows from under the water upwards. Do not panic at this point, for if you panic; the water may enter your lung and there is a danger of drowning.
Another lesser dangerous method is the Chinese style of lying in a grave hole. First one must go to a graveyard and find an already dug out grave hole. It may be a new hole dug out for next day's funeral service; or it may be an old grave that was dug out for some reasons. Now, you should bring some joss papers (for door opening), a pair of white candles and some incense.
At the grave hole, you should light the candles and incense and then throw some joss
papers into the air. If the joss papers are blown away by the wind; then this is an indication that spirits are around. At this point, please do so and enter and lay flat in the grave hole with your face up. Relax and slowly you should hear some noise around the grave hole, if you are lucky, you may see some white figures hovering above the grave too.
People believe that those are spirits visiting their 'new neighbors'. For best result, it is best if you can lie in a real coffin wearing the traditional Chinese funeral clothing! That is, if you are really brave enough
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2480 - Insomniac's Sleep Aid
Lay in bed and relax. Whisper this lullaby:
"Hush, hush, the pendulum swings,
Close your eyes, enraptured by dreams"
This may be enough, but additional verses could include:
"Vines will carry out your thoughts,
Growing, twisting, miles are lost.
Lilies bloom outside your door,
Knowing, breathing, tears no more."
Add as many verses as you want, make up your own.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.