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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Reflecting Mirrors To Multiply Abundance
  2. Simple Love Spell
  3. A switching bodies
  4. A body switch
  5. Energy of Number 19 Boost
  6. Anti-Nightmare Potion
  7. demon winnings
  8. Dream Work Candle Working.
  9. Become Khaos spell
  10. Removing a Curse (from a person)

#271 - Reflecting Mirrors To Multiply Abundance

In this spell, I will show you my favorite way to manifest abundance. (Or really anything. It's really potent and can be augmented to your needs)
You may need:

  • Two mirrors of similar size. (Medium to large. You will be lighting a candle between the two mirrors.)
  • A small green taper candle.
  • Matches (a lighter if you have to)
  • Green stones or crystals, can be glass beads or rocks they just have to be pretty and green.
  • Pocket change. (Pennies, quarters, dimes)
  • Dollar bills. (Can be 1s, 5s, 10s, even 100s...)
  • Nice blanket sized green fabric. (or decent green fabric)
  • Optional* clothes that are nice and represent abundance to you. If you don't have that on hand bring two green blankets or sheets of fabric as stated above.
  • Optional* (but recommended) An object that symbolizes power and or abundance to you.
  • A small bowl (NOT PLASTIC!) to hold the candle, stones, and coins. Preferably thick glass, or something that won't break under the heat of a flame. (You may need a candle holder to place the candle in so it can stand upright in the center of the dish)
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    You may need:

  • Two mirrors of similar size. (Medium to large. You will be lighting a candle between the two mirrors.)
  • A small green taper candle.
  • Matches (a lighter if you have to)
  • Green stones or crystals, can be glass beads or rocks they just have to be pretty and green.
  • Pocket change. (Pennies, quarters, dimes)
  • Dollar bills. (Can be 1s, 5s, 10s, even 100s...)
  • Nice blanket sized green fabric. (or decent green fabric)
  • Optional* clothes that are nice and represent abundance to you. If you don't have that on hand bring two green blankets or sheets of fabric as stated above.
  • Optional* (but recommended) An object that symbolizes power and or abundance to you.
  • A small bowl (NOT PLASTIC!) to hold the candle, stones, and coins. Preferably thick glass, or something that won't break under the heat of a flame. (You may need a candle holder to place the candle in so it can stand upright in the center of the dish)
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    First, lay out some green fabric.

    Take your two mirrors and stand them up on top of the fabric so that they are facing each other. (At least 8 -10 inches apart) Make them as parallel as possible to each other as you can. (Finding a way to stand them upright can be difficult. You may need something to lean them on.)

    Set up your dish with your green candle in the center, with the stones and coins surrounding the base.

    Place it in between the two mirrors.

    Now take your symbolic object with the dollars and spread them nicely around the base of the dish. (Try not to let them touch the dish though)

    When you've finished this take some of your nicest most expensive clothes (green fabric if you don't have that) to cover the top and sides of the mirrors. This creates an enclosed space where only the colors, objects, and candle light are in focus.

    Leave one side open to light the candle, and cover it when it is lit.

    Allow the candle to burn all the way out, and let yourself feel powerful and excited for what you are manifesting into your life. :) Relaxation is key, so read a book or eat some lunch while keeping an eye on that candle flame.

    You will feel a lot of energy from this ritual very quickly. Try not to let it turn into anxiety.

    Once the candle has burned out, wait about thirty minutes for the dish to cool. Once it is cool, take it and display it in a prominent place in your room or house. Next to a sunlit window would be ideal.

    I hope you enjoyed learning how to cast this spell! If anyone has any questions about the spell feel free to message me.


    Added to on Aug 31, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #272 - Simple Love Spell

    This spell will help you find true love. Hopefully, this spell will bring you a partner, and a happy relationship. This is a Wicca love spell. Let me know if it works! It's my third spell, so it might not work.
    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • Piece of paper
  • Photo of crush/person you want to love you (optional)
  • Envelope
  • Red lipstick
  • Your favorite perfume
  • Moon Phase: First Quarter (optional)
  • Pink Candle
  • Your voice
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    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • Piece of paper
  • Photo of crush/person you want to love you (optional)
  • Envelope
  • Red lipstick
  • Your favorite perfume
  • Moon Phase: First Quarter (optional)
  • Pink Candle
  • Your voice
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    The Envelope:

    On the sheet of paper, write qualities of the person you wish to fall for you. Then, fold the piece of paper in half hamburger style, and spray a little bit of the perfume on the paper, and also on the picture of the person (if you are using one). Then, put them into the envelope. Whilst squeezing the petals, envision yourself with the person, and imagine how happy you'd feel, and how in love you both would be. Then, put the rose petals into the envelope and seal it. Then, put on the red lipstick and kiss the seal shut.

    The Chant:

    If you do this on the night of the first quarter, then wait until night and go to a safe place (with the envelope, the pink candle and a match). Light the candle and chant:

    "Oh, Aphrodite, I call upon thee

    Make (person's name) fall for me

    A love which will be true and pure

    We will be together for evermore

    Oh, Aphrodite, hear my plea

    Please grant my wish, so mote it be"

    Then, blow out the candles, and put the envelope somewhere hidden. And, NEVER open the envelope. or the spell will be broken.

    Things to do after/Tips:

    These are not mandatory. You do not have to do them, but for the spell to properly work, I suggest the following:

    1. Try to talk to the person. Start up a conversation, and try to get closer to them
    2. Show them your affection. Maybe buy them gifts, and compliment them
    3. Ask them out. Don't be shy, after casting the spell, and following the other tips, they should hopefully like you by then
    4. Give it time. Love won't come instantly, but it will come, if you give it a chance

    Added to on Aug 31, 2021
    Last edited on Sep 14, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #273 - A switching bodies

    It likes learning and describes with, a sequence of bodyguards in which were switching it.
    You may need:

  • Full Moon is input of dedication and knowledge afterwards a werewolf because it itemized himself.
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    You may need:

  • Full Moon is input of dedication and knowledge afterwards a werewolf because it itemized himself.
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    Once with a werewolf and grimoire which, we are believes himself in a full, he is working this dedication importantly because it is full dedication except likely words of deposit and input with, might have changes of full moon.,

    Added to on Aug 27, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #274 - A body switch

    It likes learning and describes with, a sequence of bodyguards in which were switching it.
    You may need:

  • Full Moon is input of dedication and knowledge afterwards a werewolf because it itemized himself.
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    You may need:

  • Full Moon is input of dedication and knowledge afterwards a werewolf because it itemized himself.
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    Once with a werewolf and grimoire which, we are believes himself in a full,

    he is working this dedication importantly because it is full dedication except

    likely words of deposit and input with, might have changes of full moon.,

    Added to on Aug 27, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #275 - Energy of Number 19 Boost

    This may help increase the energy inside of 19. The number is a powerful prime symbolizing finalization and new starts.
    You may need:

  • Potato, Banana, Beans, etc.
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    You may need:

  • Potato, Banana, Beans, etc.
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    Eat a food high in potassium.

    While eating the material, say (1) three times and then (9) three times rapid-fire. Do this as many times as you wish.

    In order to close the ritual, remember to throw away/clean up any remains of food.

    Added to on Aug 25, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #276 - Anti-Nightmare Potion

    This potion helps to ward off nightmares as well as giving you a good nights rest. I'm not sure if it works so let me know if it worked for you. This is my first spell, so it might not work, and if it doesn't, I am really sorry.
    You may need:

  • Mugwort
  • Chamomile
  • Rosemary (Liquid form optional)
  • Lavender (Liquid form optional)
  • Two black candles
  • Your voice
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    You may need:

  • Mugwort
  • Chamomile
  • Rosemary (Liquid form optional)
  • Lavender (Liquid form optional)
  • Two black candles
  • Your voice
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    Making the herbal tea:

    1. Start by adding 1 teaspoon of chamomile and 1 teaspoon of mugwort into the cup.
    2. Pour the boiling water onto the herbs.
    3. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
    4. Strain (don't drink yet).

    The Spell:

    If you use liquid form of lavender and rosemary, add a small amount of each onto your pillow, and if in herb form, sprinkle a bit of each inside your pillow (where you'll rest your head). Place your candles either side of you and your tea in front of you and sit with your legs crossed. Light the candles. Now chant:

    "Oh Morpheus I call upon thee.

    Please present good dreams for me.

    I wish to sleep tonight.

    Without a dream which will cause me fright.

    Oh Morpheus, hear my plea.

    Give me good dreams so mote it be."

    Now blow out the candles and drink the tea.


    • Avoid going on devices (including TV) at least 1 hour before you go to bed.
    • Take a warm bath/shower to help relax you before you sleep.
    • Keep your room at a temperature which is not too hot nor too cold.
    • Meditate before you sleep.

    Added to on Aug 25, 2021
    Last edited on Aug 27, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #277 - demon winnings

    demons will give you winnings like lucifer if you call them
    You may need:

  • items to pay the demons
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    You may need:

  • items to pay the demons
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    call some demons but not Lucifer and ask them to give you some winnings pay them some items and you will receive some winnings but make sure not to call Lucifer

    Added to on Aug 17, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #278 - Dream Work Candle Working.

    A candle working to help enhance dreaming.
    You may need:

  • White or purple votive candle
  • Russian sage
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    You may need:

  • White or purple votive candle
  • Russian sage
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    Dress the top of your votive with Russian sage. Be careful around the wick so that your candle does not snuff itself out upon burning.

    The Working:

    Light your candle and focus upon it. Relax and enjoy the candle burning. The Russian sage will go a long way to help produce vivid dreams. Take care not to practice this working too often and when absolutely necessary. If you are allergic in any way to the plant used, do not cast this spell. Use another method.

    Final note:

    Writing your dreams in a journal can help you remember and work through themes and emotions of your dreams. You can track your progress and any details which may hold importance.

    Added to on Aug 15, 2021
    Last edited on Aug 15, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #279 - Become Khaos spell

    In the title
    You may need:

  • Believe other than that nothing
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    You may need:

  • Believe other than that nothing
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    Say this 1x "Deus Eloi Eloim Elohim Elohooc. " Pronunciation Deh-yoos Elo-yee Elo-yeem Elo-him Eh-loh-hoh-yok. Next say this as much as you want "Khaos come on to me until you Khaos."

    Added to on Aug 14, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #280 - Removing a Curse (from a person)

    This ritual will help remove hexes, curses and negative influences on body, mind and soul. (Important note: Don’t try to use this ritual in the case of a Blood Curse because it won't work to remove a blood curse, if this indeed does not work then please mail me or someone else that is experienced, so they can research the curse and give you the proper instructions to remove said curse. WARNING I do not recommend attempting to remove a blood curse without supervision or help from an expert.)
    You may need:

  • • Sage.
  • • A Cleansing stone, such as: Quartz, Calcite, Jade, Opal, Moonstone, Sun stone, Amber E.T.C. (If you don't have a gemstone like this, you can use Rock Salt.)
  • • A bath or pool of water you can relax in.
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    You may need:

  • • Sage.
  • • A Cleansing stone, such as: Quartz, Calcite, Jade, Opal, Moonstone, Sun stone, Amber E.T.C. (If you don't have a gemstone like this, you can use Rock Salt.)
  • • A bath or pool of water you can relax in.
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    How to use the spell:

    Get in a bath and and put the sage in the water, then hold the gemstone and imagine the energy of the gem or crystals coursing through the water and entering your body, while doing this speak the following incantation:

    "Et maledixi alieni inveterati sunt, et ejus navitas vt purificentur, transire per virtutem data est mihi a natura quam ego nunc praecipiam ut sit ait ista maledictio meus de via, et nunc, et veterascet et abierunt."

    Added to on Aug 13, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters