7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- The Best Attitude
- Classic Heathen Protection Prayer
- Love Charm
- Simple Sleep
- Enchant a Book With Magic Powers
- Wolf Dream
- Find and Summon your Spirit Animal
- Spell to Build Confidence / Self-empowerment
- Make A TV Character Real
- PSI Ball
#2891 - The Best Attitude
Well first you have to think about why you have so much negative energy when you finish that repeat
"I will love and be loyal to the people around me. I will not let people let me down i will make people happy, they will love me more and more because my negativeness will be gone"
After that meditate and cleanse your soul of all the negative energy you have or had then you can go to the family, friends, or people you know and see if it works.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2892 - Classic Heathen Protection Prayer
Say this,"All hail the red Thor, the enemy of hvitikrist."
Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2893 - Love Charm
Ok on the paper write " dear goddess of love I ask of thy to make _____ fall in love with me ____ " from there tell her how you meet, how long you know them, and state your problem.
Once done fold it up and kiss it. Fold it again and kiss it keep folding until its a rectangle or square. Then cut the ribbon so its long enough to go across then have it go up and to the side so like + .
On one end poke a needle through each edge in the middle put a needle there. Then kiss the top . After that put some blush on your lip marks. Now flip it the way the needles are and put the other lip gloss over all the needles and put blush on it. Then put it in a safe place .
Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2894 - Simple Sleep
When it is your bedtime just close your eyes and chant this, "spirits of day, spirits of night, help me go to sleep this good night. I want to sleep, so mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2895 - Enchant a Book With Magic Powers
Light the candle, put the book in front of it and open to front page. Write powers you want on front page. Example. telekinesis so it will blast unwanted being back away from book. When finished writing powers say.
"Earth, air, water, fire,
Give this book the powers I desire,
By the magic of three,
Bless it now so mote it be."
Under the powers draw a triquetra, symbolising three times three. Then blow out candle and close the book.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2896 - Wolf Dream
Lavender oil
Regular lotion
Dog hair (any kind-- pet, fox, wolf, etc)
Ok, time the make it. Slowly mix the lavender and the lotion. Drop in the hair an mix again. Chant this:
''Lavender extract
From a flower oh so sweet
And soothing lotion,
My skin it shall greet
But most important have we
The canine hair I see''
Now rub the lotion in and go to the bed. Don't sleep yet. Light the candle, and chant:
''Wolves now gather inside I
Let the candle burn and fry
Wax and wick,
and moving with a flick
One might wolfbreath lick
And the candle burns out.''
Let the candle burn for 5 seconds more, and then blow it out. Now, set the clock to 2:00 AM--two hours to dream-- and chant:
''At midnight a wolf come into mind
Approaching prey from behind
Then change the souls of it and I
Its prey Rabbit is sure to die.''
Then go to sleep. At midnight, you should start dreaming, and you'll wake out at 2:00.
Msg if it works for you. It did for me!
#2897 - Find and Summon your Spirit Animal
Take the pen and paper. Out of the following list, write down one of these traits that you are (tell the truth of it will not work): smart, caring, adventurous, risky, quick, friendly, quiet, thoughtful, humble. Make sure you write down just one! Now fold this paper up and hold up the glass of water to the sunlight and chant this:
"O great Spirit Animal
Thy come to me
Greatness for me
In you I see
Best come quick
Show much haste
Into my heart
For you I shall not waste
I bow down to you,
My trait be (insert trait here)
Depend on me
For it is you, Spirit Animal,
That I seek."
Now drink the glass of water. Go back inside. Get all of your stuffed animals and line them up. Place the folded paper in front of them and write on the paper, "To My Spirit Animal". Then chant this:
"Fox of smarts, it could be
Or the caring horse is me
Perhaps the adventurous bear
Or the risky snake,
The lion of haste
The friendly wolf
Or the quiet deer
The thoughtful monkey,
Who dare not sneer
Maybe the humble bird
Winning without a word
Who could it be?
We shall see..."
Now go to sleep, and while you are falling asleep focus on your trait. In your dream, the animal will show up somewhere (most likely near you). The might talk to you, or might not. Remember the animal. This is your spirit animal.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2898 - Spell to Build Confidence / Self-empowerment
Stand comfortably with feet apart.
Start to visualize a circle of fire around you on the floor. As the music starts to build, let the fire climb and build around you until it is over your head, and you are enclosed in an orb / bubble of fire.
Stretch out your arms and touch the wall of your ball of fire - now allow the fire to move across onto your hands and slowly cover your body. It is at this point you can start to chant, ''I am Fire''. Really feel this, feel as if you are one with the fire.. Feel the confidence, the passion, the courage, the warmth, the vibrancy! Allow yourself to really soak it in!... Hopefully it is at this point that the music peaks and you have worked your feelings up too.
Normally when I do this exercise, I really allow myself to absorb the fire, and take it into my very being. At the same time I envision all the things that a fire is to me - passion, courage, raw energy, confident, unyielding...And I see myself becoming these things. This spell has helped me a lot! :)
Hope you can benefit from it too.
#2899 - Make A TV Character Real
When you are in a quiet room with the show or movie playing say: "Oh the one and only god please make ( tv characters name)come out of the tv. I want to hangout with them so mote it be" 10x
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2900 - PSI Ball
Firstly sit straight backed with your legs crossed.Next imagine your blood, energy flowing through your veins from your core. Slowly bring your hands up as if you are holding a ball already. Next imagine the energy and blood forming a ball between your hands.
You may experience numbness or dizziness, definitely nausea. Do not worry because it will pass.
Next hold your hands up to the sky and release the ball. Now you will feel weak but gradually feel stronger than ever.Your adrenalism will start to pump and you will want to release all your stamina, you can charge around and not get tired but the morning after you will be normal again.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.