An invocation dedicated to Loki's wolfson, Fenrir.
You may need:
You may need:
"Hail Loki's wolfson, mightiest of sorrows, who would devour all, light and dark, with gleaming razors and hot breath, a neverending feast of spilled blood, shining guts, torn and rent flesh there at the threshold of madness.
Hail, child of the Witch Queen, wildest son of the Iron Wood, bloodtinged, redeyed, paindriven beast bound fast and wyrdwrapped in rage, as tears roil around you in a great salt sea there on the underside of the subconscious.
Hail to you who are chaos uncontrollable, without compromise, without shame, fear's ending and love's devourer, biding your time until time's end, silent in shadows, merciless in patience, there at the borders of the underworld.
Hail to Fenrir, he who exists at the terminus of the senses, waiting, waiting for the worlds to crumble, for the rejoicing in destruction and the shattered spear and sword, there at the ending of all things."
It's to summon a wight. A wight is a norse spirit.
You may need:
A offering to the wight
A candle
You may need:
A offering to the wight
A candle
In the natural are light the candle. Get the offering like mead. Put your energy into the spell. Say: "Oh wight of (earth for example) accept my offering come here to this place on this time so mote it be". Take the offering and pour the mead into the ground. Then say once more so mote it be! Tell the wight your reason. They don't like being summoned.
There are actually two ways I composed this one (Regular style vs. Dorm style) and it does not matter which way is used. The only difference is the dorm style one uses a substitute for the candle.
You may need:
For Regular-
1 small candle
Water (rosewater preferred)
A necklace
White towel
For Dorm Style-
Wax Warmer
3 small wax cubes
Water (again, rosewater)
A necklace
White towel
You may need:
For Regular-
1 small candle
Water (rosewater preferred)
A necklace
White towel
For Dorm Style-
Wax Warmer
3 small wax cubes
Water (again, rosewater)
A necklace
White towel
(IF you don't have a warmer or candle, use an unshaded lamp. The point is the light here.)
Arrange the Light source and water so the water is closer north. Take the necklace and pass it over the light. During this time, recite something close to your (or the other person's) heart. Such as song lyrics or a poem. When the necklace is hot to the touch and the song is done, swing the necklace into the water.
Let it sit a second or two, pull it out, then you have two options. Either drink the water, or bottle it up and toss it northward. If you are using rosewater, drink (or have the other person drink) Other wise, it's whatever makes you feel better.
Dry the amulet with the towel, then put it on. (or keep it wrapped it the towel until you can give it to the other) If you are using a candle, say blessed be as you blow it out.
(Remember, meditation and other purifying acts are better fit for mundane spirit breakers (such as break-ups) This is better suited for keeping your spirit safe from other spirits and things tied to the supernatural. An Akasha Amulet is made to be used as magic protection, so it has limitations as to mortal struggles
If you came here to fix your spirit because of depression, please seek help. You can talk to me, message me. )
Need to find something? Like a parking space or your keys? Then this is the spell for you. Focus all of your energy on what you need to find. Think of only the object you are looking for. Keep searching and focusing. You will find it almost appears when you see it.
Say "Oh familiar tell me my sacred beast. Oh tell me familiar, please tell me". Chant this 1 or more times and you will have a dream about your familiar(s) the night you say this.
This potion is a winter spell and will make you more powerful.
You may need:
2 holly leaves
You may need:
2 holly leaves
Get snow and melt it to liquid. Crush the holly leaves. Add the crushed holly leaves. Let it set over night. Pour into a container, then strain and charge it.
Use in your bath or put on your face, this will make your ice powers stronger. It can also be used for spells that need water or need more energy.
Psi vamps are beings that have to take energy from other things to survive. Such as; nature, animals or people. This spell if for those psi vamps who have trouble feeding.
You may need:
Pentagram (optional)
You may need:
Pentagram (optional)
With the pentagram, place it in your hand(I do this because it helps me control my energy) close your eyes(optional) and imagine your energy in your energy, this my take practice, and let your energy build up in your hands now imagine the energy of the person/object coming off them and onto you. After practice, you will no longer need the pentagram, but it is always a good Idea to keep it on your person.
Mint leaves: healing,energy, fears people to you,communication.
Using herbs
Get your mini bottle and put inside your chosen herb. Put on the lid. Secure elastic round the neck of the bottle. Now wear around your neck
Say: "with this herb I am wearing
Let it work it's natural magic
So mote it be, mote it be".