7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Harleen's Bottle Hex
- Powerful Elements
- Dragon Guardian Finder
- Luck of Lucky the Dragon
- Harleen's Dream Catcher
- Harleen's Rusty Nail
- To get a loving Response
- Pokemon Spell
- Magick Circle Casting
- Dark Angel
#3231 - Harleen's Bottle Hex
Place your target's photograph in a bottle along with their full, real name on a separate piece of paper. Stuff holly and ivy inside of the bottle. Add some black ink and war water and bury the bottle upside down on a new moon.
War water recipe:
- collect water from a fierce thunderstorm
- add rusty nails, sulfur, and your own urine.
store in a cool, dry place until needed.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3232 - Powerful Elements
- Quintessense- this element is the strongest cause it combines the 4 classic elements
- Earth- this element is stronger cause it will be easier to use with rocks and mineral plus plants
- Fire- this element is strong cause you burn stuffs and bullies
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3233 - Dragon Guardian Finder
Ok, every dragon mage, wizard and witch has a dragon guardian. My dragon guardian is the green scaled dragon. As you know, there are a lot of dragons, and i cant even list down if i mention all. The most common dragon guardians are, The golden horn, the blue scale, the Glacius Tail and sometimes the lava foot. If you are a dragon mage, wizard or witch you should know who and what type your dragon guardian is. And heres how to call them when you are in trouble or in difficult situations.
Incantation: "*Dragons name* I call upon thee, the dragon who guards me. Dragon mighty dragon light, come to me and thus my sight". You will not be able to see your dragon but you would feel his/her presence and he/she might protect you from the harm you are in.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3234 - Luck of Lucky the Dragon
First, write the name Lucky on the paper. Then write your name below the Lucky. Then write why and what you want below your name. Fold the paper into a small stick, if you dont want to is fine but i recommend folding it to a flat stick. After that burn it and make sure EVERYTHING turned into ash. IF you left some paper out, burn that piece of paper until it turns into ash. Wash the ashes away or bury it, you can also just let it go by the wind. You should get the luck you asked for.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3235 - Harleen's Dream Catcher
Light the candle in the darkened bedroom next to the dream catcher and pass your hands over the candle and dream catcher in spirals while softly saying:
"Angels of dreams and quiet sleep, I ask this night you safe me keep, floating on the sea of dreams, dreams of beauty on night's screen. Bring dreams of joy and love and healing, of magick realms in sleep revealing, enchanted lands, exotic worlds, magick places to me unfurled. Angels, dreams, and quiet sleep, I thank you that you safe me keep."
Now transfer your hands to above the dream catcher and shake your fingers, repeat the spell words. Snuff out the candle and hang the dream catcher over your bed. Repeat this spell weekly.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3236 - Harleen's Rusty Nail
Lay the nail flat on the stone and hit it three times with the hammer and say: "Be gone you stubborn ways. Make for freedom days, leave behind your pride, I am on your side"
Bury the nail in the earth and mark its place with a stick, repeat the spell words three times. Three days later dig the nail up, wrap it in an old piece of cloth, repeat the spell words three times, and leave the nail in its cloth in a high place like on top of a high shelf.
After three days, unwrap the nail, repeat the words, and throw the nail away while saying "You are gone, you are done. Stubbornness away, makes for better days"
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3237 - To get a loving Response
Take the photo of your partner and a quartz or glass crystal ball, or you can use a magnifying glass instead.
Place the Crystal or magnifying glass over the image of your partner's face and you will see the features magnified, the mouth and eyes appear to move and come to life.
Simply tell the person in the photo what it is you want them to do. According to the Romanies, he or she will get the message and respond.
Blessed be,
Harleen Lilith Rose
#3238 - Pokemon Spell
The first, I will introduce what a half Pokemon is. Half Pokemon is a combination between human and a Pokemon. Half Pokemon is always shaped like human.
Here's the spell:
Sit down in a comfortable pose and place alone and night. Draw the Pokemon you want to combine with. Color it as what it is like.
"Goddess of Pokemon, I call thee! Let me change into a half Pokemon, I will use it wisely, thanks I give to you, so mote it be!"
Then, kiss the paper and fold it and put it under your pillow! (while doing this, make sure you're visualizing yourself changing) And then take a shower and after that wipe the lotion to all parts of your body! Then, go to sleep!
Every night, chant the same as before and kiss your paper, put it below your pillow!
*** Side Effects ***
- Communicate with your Pokemon
- Itchy
- Feeling stronger
- Weird feelings and senses
- Head-ache
- Sleepy
- Body-parts changing
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3239 - Magick Circle Casting
Visible Magick Circles:
Visible circles aren't neccessarily more effective, however, their clear boundaries provide additional peace of mind for the person within as well as security: you're less likely to accidentally venture out of the boundary with a visible barrier. Regardless of what material is used to cast a circle, t s crucial that the circle be unbroken. Powerfully protective circles may be cast from the following:
- Absinthe
- Amber chunks or beads
- Chalk
- Charcoal
- Coral
- Cornmeal
- Fiery wall of protection powder
- Flour
- Henna powder
- Jet
- Lave
- Pemba
- Red brih dust or red ochre
- Rice flour
- Rum
- Salt
- Tobacco
- Turquoise
- Vervain
- Vermilion
- Whiskey
- Wormwood
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3240 - Dark Angel
Five days before casting, cut rose petals along the middle from the near-bottom up. Place them in the water. Add the lavender and thorn, then concentrate with your eyes closed and pick up dark energy around you. Concentrate it into the water. Leave the bowl in a cool, dark place, stirring for 5 minutes every hour or two. It will be ready in three days. Concentrate more energy twice a day.
Gather your group in the grassy area at night.. If you're doing this alone, edit the chant to be singular. They must be willing and believing.
Take the match and light the black candle. With the same match, light the white candle, then the red ones. Find dark thoughts and concentrate them into the black candle. Now, burn some extra lavender on the black and white candles. Sit in a circle around the candles. Tell the group to imagine the darkness filling them and their wings growing. Tell them to draw in dark energy by concentrating on the idea of darkness. Chant while you do the same, ''Celestial beings, Angels, I call for your blessing. Harnessing darkness we will not use it for evil. Power must not be abused.'' Now, all 1-5 matches you have must be lit. Hold the match near a red candle and draw power through the flames to grow your wings. Everyone else must do the same. When your match goes out, take in the remaining energy in the flame. Sprinkle the special water over your candle to extinguish it, then chant twice ''We plead to you to use the darkness as there must be darkness to appreciate light. Our guiding wings will allow us to spread teachings of good fortune.'' Take the knife and carve your name into the candle. Pass it counterclockwise around the circle for the others to carve their names into their candles. Use the water to extinguish the black and white candles. Take your candle home, and have everyone else do the same with theirs. Give everyone some of the water. Every person involved must drink a small drop of water each Sunday for six weeks. Remaining water will be poured where the ritual was done on the night of the last Sunday.
- If anyone younger than 13 does this spell, they will either go inane or die.
- If you perform any transformation spells or anything similar on yourself after being part of this spell during the 6 weeks, it will curse you with being unable to cast angel-related spells. Use at own risk!
- There is no turning back.
- If you are part of this, you have to believe or it will never work on you, ever!
- No more than 5 people (incluing caster) may join the spell. Candle number cannot be changed.
- The water is potent for 5 days after completion.
- If spell fails for any reason, you can't retry for 6 weeks.
Side Effects: Don't know yet!