7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- All Hallows Eve(This Spell is from Halloween Town the Movie)
- Become a Witch
- Steal From Another Witch
- Enter Your Favorite Story
- Prayer to Goddess Kuu
- Summon a Succubus
- Bless All Who You Want
- Spell to Banish a Ghost
- Protection From an Evil Spirit
- Time Loop Curse
#4041 - All Hallows Eve(This Spell is from Halloween Town the Movie)
Say this to travel to world on Halloween. "We call on the dreams of creature and mortal, to heal the wound that worlds divide, from now on we each can create a portal, and each of us our own path decide".
Last edited on Feb 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4042 - Become a Witch
Sit down outside on a full moon. Don't worry you can just sit outside I it's not a full moon. Imagine, while saying the spell, you using your powers. Imagine you being amazingly happy using whatever power you chose..Say three times.
"Oh spirits of the great witches please listen to my plea. I wish to be one if you so I can fly joyful and free. I wish for the power of (element) and (element). I beg and plea for the power of wonderous flight as well as to wish anything I desire infinity. I ask for amazing agility, the strength of 10 men, and entrancing beauty. I plead and pray for my magical power to be heightened so every spell would work. Oh spirits of the great witches I will ask only once more, for you to awaken the power buried so deep inside of me and let me have complete control of it. I thank you and bless you for listening to my calls. Please grant me this wonderous power."
If you are with a friend say it together. Spell works in one week.
Side effects
- Nausea
- Headache
- Stomachache
- Dizziness
- Possible vomiting(rare)
- Random power surges(only for the element you chose)
- Witch dreams(such as you flying and/or using your powers
- Elements achievable
- Amazing beauty
- Unlimited wishes
- Your hidden power revealed
- Flight
- The two elements you chose
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4043 - Steal From Another Witch
Draw a pentagram half with black chalk and half with red. Put the black candles on the red side and the red candles on the black side. Light them then set the chalice in the middle and drop the sage into the chalice then the hemlock and six drops of your blood. Wrap your victims hair in the snake skin and drop it in the chalice. Then chant "I call on dark magic to gain another's magic" six times
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4044 - Enter Your Favorite Story
First you need to be lying down with the book beside you with your hand on it. Then think about what character you would like to be. Then say "I wish to live inside this book for a few hours at least. I would like to see what it is like in ( place where it is set). This is my wish so please let it be"
Last edited on May 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4045 - Prayer to Goddess Kuu
#4046 - Summon a Succubus
Mark the floor with a white chord or white chalk and make a circle or pentagram. It should be protective. (Make sure nothing, NOTHING disturbs it at ALL). Then take those 3 or 5 black candles and have almost (or perfect) distances apart. (Make sure they are inside the circle)
Make talismans or sigils around you which should be the same number of candles (This time out of the circle). Be calm and relaxed as possible. Crushed protective herbs mixed together should be on the outside if possible.
You should feel her power and feel her coalesce into a physical, or semi physical form and now you'll be able to interact. It takes time to invoke or banish.
Last edited on May 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4047 - Bless All Who You Want
Draw a pentagram with Strait lines on the paper. (use the ruler if you want). Then label it with spirit on each end (Thet is the element of this spell). Put the towel on your face and draw a pentagram in the air with your finger. Keep the towel on your face and say this spell:
"May -person who you want- spirit be blessed. May I blless their spirit. I want no harm to go to them. I need you to help me. So mote it be"
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4048 - Spell to Banish a Ghost
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust,
May the wind blow you, wandering ghost
And clear the world of the living,
Turn you to where you belong,
And may you disappear without a trace.
note:-Without using a spell like this, getting rid of a ghost can be really difficult. Non-witches who want to banish the spirit of a deceased person once and for all may need to use the traditional method, which is the most reliable of all: finding the remains of the dead body, sprinkling them with salt and burning them!
#4049 - Protection From an Evil Spirit
"If spirits threaten me in this place,
Fight Water by Water and Fire by Fire,
Banish their souls into nothingness
And remove their powers until the last trace
Let these evil beings flee
Through time and space."
Last edited on May 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4050 - Time Loop Curse
Set the ingredients in a square like so;
bottom right will hold the water in it you can place the speck(of hair for example)
top left will be the candle and you can light it
bottom left will be the plate of earth (sand if possible)in it will hold the thing that measures or represents time(if the plate holds sand then it is a 2 for one kind of deal)
in the last spot the top right will hold the jar of air. Keep in mind the person you wish to curse. and say thees words base on the gender of the person:
"From the time (he/she) wakes to meet sunlight;
until the time that sleep comes to take away (his/her) sight;
that's how long time will last;
till (he/she) wakes to meet the past;
until my will undoes this rhyme;
let only we remember this twist in time;
if by chance this link is broken;
let thees words become unspoken."
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.