7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- The Witch's Call
- Simple Tea Ritual
- To Bless One with a Bout of Confidence
- Defend Me From The Evil
- Energizing a Wand Spell
- Control Earth
- To erase a painful memory
- Possession
- Banishing Bruises,Scars,or Scratches
- Message in a Bottle
#5591 - The Witch's Call
"I call you now, Sisters of Night,
Winds are rising, brooms in flight.
I call you now, Brothers of Cloak,
Summon the Towers as we invoke.
A whispering voice echoes the chants,
And a thousand Witches return to dance.
Gathered among stray Witches found,
Encompassing the moon to draw it down.
Our forces joined and our hearts as one,
The magickal feast has just begun.
The power is rising in valleys and fields,
Harnessing the enchantment we easily wield.
From the mountains to the sea,
The universe exudes our energy.
The Witches spell now cast and spent,
The moon is drained without relent.
Return to home and hollowed ground,
For next time when the moon is round,
The Witches will whisper the tune of night,
"Gather ye Witches, 'tis time for flight!"
So Mote It Be!"
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5592 - Simple Tea Ritual
You may change the deity to suit your needs.
OPT: you can add honey to lighten the color of the tea, making it golden.
I drink this tea
of gaias blood
I drink this tea
Of Gaias soul
I drink this tea
For the earths love
I drink this tea
For love and trust
I drink this tea
For wisdom to all
The rede shall fufill
An it harm none do as thy will
And wiccan power shall live
gentle life and freewill
When the cup is empty, state this, much like in the beginning:
I Drank this tea
of gaias blood
I drank this tea
Of Gaias soul
I drank this tea
For the earths love
I drank this tea
For love and trust
I drank this tea
For wisdom to all
The rede shall fufill
An it harm none do as thy will
And wiccan power shall live
gentle life and freewill
#5593 - To Bless One with a Bout of Confidence
Focus on the person you wish to cast the spell on, and recite these words aloud with confidence:
"Yellow Magick, see to ( his / her / my ) fate: Let confidence be ( his / her / my ) finest trait".
If you casted the spell correctly, the individual should begin to feel confident in their ventures in a short period thereafter.
Last edited on Nov 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5594 - Defend Me From The Evil
"Defend me from the devil, the devil below
At first he seemed nice saying a simple hello
But we all know he doesn't deserve me
Make him rot in hell, so mote it be"
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5595 - Energizing a Wand Spell
I summon magic to this wand
Let it and me have a faithful bond
Together we will make spells true
This is what we shall always do
2)Close eyes and imagine the unseen forces of the universe surge into the wand.
#5596 - Control Earth
#5597 - To erase a painful memory
To banish a particular memory, pull it up in your mind's eye; Mentally relive it, let it play out in your head.
Once you've done that and you are ready to let it go, speak these words aloud with the right feeling and determination:
Bless my mind and bless my heart,
Let these painful thoughts depart.
This memory has run its course,
Now cast it out with Witches force.
On my psyche it has fed,
And with these words
I deem it dead!
With Harm to None, So Mote It Be!
Last edited on Jan 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5598 - Possession
Close your eyes and focus on your victim. Once you are focused and relaxed, impose your will into your victim's mind and chant these words:
"Transfer my soul into this vessel
Let me not have to wrestle
Make it easy, make it fine
Let his/her body become mine"
Keep doing this and eventually, the victim will become very drowsy and may even fall asleep. After this stage, it depends on whether or not your will is stronger than the other person. If it is stronger, only by a little bit, then you will not be able to possess them, only put them to sleep. If your will is weaker, they may be able to reflect the spell back at you, or you could have just wasted a huge amount of energy that will take a long time to get back.
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5599 - Banishing Bruises,Scars,or Scratches
Use rubbing alcohol on the palm of your hand and rub it. And then use the soap on the same area, rub a little on the palm of your hand. Next, use the chapstick. Then say, "I banish thee" as you direct your focus to the mark you want removed.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5600 - Message in a Bottle
Take a piece of the unwanteds clothing unwashed sock works best tear a strip off it, and throw the rest away ASAP. Shove the strip of cloth into a clean, empty bottle.
On a piece of brown paper write their full name, and the name of a remote place far from where you are. Draw a circle around both names and place it in the bottle.
Add the salt, red pepper and sulfur powder. Close the bottle, then meditate, concentrate on the person leaving you alone. visualize your life without them.
Place bottle in a dark, quiet, lonely spot in your house for 9 days. After the 9 days, toss the bottle over you shoulder doesn't matter which into a body of running water, and walk away WITHOUT looking back. Should see results in 9 days.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.