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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7154 Spiritual Spells
7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7154 Spiritual Spells
  1. Protect Children
  2. Freedom From Pain
  3. To Gather Old Magick Ritual
  4. Meditating
  5. Get What You Wished For
  6. Protect from Pain
  7. Mermory Loss
  8. To Heal A Bruse
  9. Cool Off
  10. Magnifecent Day

#5861 - Protect Children

This spell is to protect a child but can be altered to protect other things and people as well (E.G. a house, a soldier, your parents, your friends, your lovers, your pet)
You may need:

  • 1 white candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
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    Light your candle and see the person you are protecting shielded from harm. Chant:

    "I call upon the four corners,
    North, South, East, and West,
    To craft this spell in the fire,
    Craft it well weave it higher,
    Weave it now of shining flame,
    None shall come to hurt or maim,
    None shall pass no none at all,
    Protect this child I ask of thee,
    Protect (him/her) now till (he/she) can see,
    As I Ask, SO Mote It Be!"

    While casting to protect a child we say till they can see because they are innocent and oblivious to a lot of what is going on to change it for someone else like a friend your change "this child" to "my friend" and change "can see" to "is free".

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    #5862 - Freedom From Pain

    This spell will free you from your emotional pain which can be good for the empath at work or someone that lives with sensors.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Simply chant three times as you concentrate on letting go of emotions:

    "All the pain held inside,
    from the outside world no longer hide,
    All the problems trapped in here,
    No longer will I live in fear,
    Emotions have no hold on me,
    As I Ask, SO Mote It Be!"

    When done right spells should last a few hours to 2 days

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    #5863 - To Gather Old Magick Ritual

    To reclaim the anicent and old magick of the lost worlds
    You may need:

  • Dried Sage
  • Sandlewood and lavender incense
  • A handful of dead leaves
  • Three white candles
  • An object
  • A sword
  • White chalk
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    You may need:

  • Dried Sage
  • Sandlewood and lavender incense
  • A handful of dead leaves
  • Three white candles
  • An object
  • A sword
  • White chalk
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    Time: Full moon, the witching hour,

    Now burn your incenses. Next take your sword and cast your circle, next call the spirits of the Four Corner. Now within the circle a pentacle with an eye in it center. Next place the object that will contain your power over the eye. Next place the three candles over the pentacle in a triangle formation. Next take the sage light it and circle it in clockwise over the object while chanting:

    "By heaven light,
    power come within the night,
    let this force come the ground,
    May this force be never bound,"

    Next light the candles from North to East to West. Now focus all of your into your object, then take your dead leaves them over your altar, and recite:

    "I conjure thee. I conjure thee a magical seed. As i plant this seed in the ground. May all force of magic gather around. For this i rekindle my magic flame, with this force may nature never be the same. I stand here tonight to gather what was lost. For without this gift my world will turn for the worst. Bring to me what is mine. Let it come within the hour of time. I conjure thee from the deep of the shadow world. Hear and follow my words, Ekodon Lotdayo, Ekodon Lotdayo, Ekodon Lotdayo, Ekodon Lotdayo, Ekodon Lotdayo, Ekodon Lotdayo, I conjure thee, I conjure thee, I allow you entery into the mortal world, Follow me hear my words, Ekodon lotdayo, ekodon lotdayo, ekodon lotdayo, ekodon lotdayo, ekodon latdayo, Ekodon lotdayo"

    Place both hands over your object and recite: "Shadows of the night, Ones that hide from light,Fill me with your power, As i call forth it within this hour. Shadows i beg of you, Bring me your ancient power, Lend me your gifts. So that i may cause a shift. A shift in Nature, to brighten the future. I ask of your gifts to be in my blood. Let it be done under the full moon, I conjure thee. Powers of the shadows come to me,

    Now take both of your hands and raise them towards the moon and say:
    "Ekodon lotdayo, ekodon lotdayo, Ekodon lotdayo, ekodon lotdayo, ekodon lotdayo, ekodon lotdayo. From this power let it be mine. As I seal this spell within the hour of time,
    By the goddess the power is bound to me"

    Remember keep your object safe and don't let anyone touch it or your energy will be a waste.

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    #5864 - Meditating

    A step-by-step guide on meditating.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Go to a quiet place and sit in a comfortable pose. Shut your eyes, clear your mind, and focus on being at peace. Do not open your eyes. Stay in this pose for 3-6 minutes (you can go longer when you are better at it and feel comfortable doing so).

    Meditation is a great tool to relax you, prep you for your spells or rituals, build your energy, and put you at peace.

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    #5865 - Get What You Wished For

    Very simple to do. Use this spell to achieve a wish.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Get into a relaxed and comfortable state. Think of what your wish is, what you want to happen. Say to yourself that it will happen and focus on that. Visualize it happening in your head. Keep acting and telling yourself that it will happen.

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    #5866 - Protect from Pain

    If you have a small pain in your body, like a pinch/cramp or even a headache, this simple but nowhere near basic spell will do the trick.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Imagine a force field surrounding that part of your body. For headaches, imagine it around your inner mind, or brain, or even third eye/sixth sense. This spell is mainly based on belief but also partially works from the actual magick within yourself and the spell. Since it does not require much work it is convenient and easy to remember and do in a fix.

    This does not work for open wounds or obvious scabs. For the two latter it works to relieve some pains for short periods of time, although may not completely work for a few people. Since this is mainly based on belief and birth or studied power, it doesn't always work but if you are true to your magick and elemental powers it shall take you on the path of healing.

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    #5867 - Mermory Loss

    Latin spell to make someone forget what happened in the last 24 hours.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Call up your corners and spirits ect. Then chant in a strong voice:

    " Jam tibi impero et praecipio maligne spirutus! Ut confestem allata abesque omni strepito torre clamore et foetote asque sine omni damno mei tam animae quam corporis!"

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    #5868 - To Heal A Bruse

    This will heal skin problums and bruses and bloody clots it will do fantastic
    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Suger
  • Water
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Candle (you can have it if you want you dont need it)
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    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Suger
  • Water
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Candle (you can have it if you want you dont need it)
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    Frist Grab The Bowl

    Get the Bowl filled half way
    get a tea spoon of suger put into bowl
    get a tea spoon of salt put int bowl
    mix it up with spoon.

    Say This Spell
    Let The Healing Begin
    Make My Skin Perfect
    Cure My Condition
    Let Me Be Perfect

    While you poor with the spoon with water on you

    after a couple of hours it should work or after a day

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    #5869 - Cool Off

    This spell will help get cool if you need to.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Sit with your legs crossed or you can stand straight up. Then, hold your hands flat on your chest and Imagine your hands cold as ice. Then breath slow with your head facing straight down after 10-20 seconds of doing this you will see resualts

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    #5870 - Magnifecent Day

    It makes your day better in a sense.
    You may need:

  • Yellow candle
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    You may need:

  • Yellow candle
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    Find a relaxing place and sit in a comfortable position. Light the yellow candle. Chant the following three times, slowly: "Beautiful day, wonderful day. Make this a magnificent day".

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    7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters