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7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7163 Spiritual Spells
  1. Spell to increase emotions
  2. Vampire Protection Jewelry
  4. How to make simple protective bracelets with stuff you already have
  5. Imbolc Ritual to Goddess Nyx
  6. A spell to enchant jewelry
  7. Divine Protection
  8. Peace Bringing Potion
  9. A spell to be treated like a ruler
  10. A curse to darken one's soul

#641 - Spell to increase emotions

Everyone feels emotionally draines sometimes, right? This spell not only regenerates emotional energy, but makes your emotions GREATER!
You may need:

  • Water
  • A bowl or sink
  • Rose water
  • Rose petals
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • A bowl or sink
  • Rose water
  • Rose petals
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    Fill the basin with water, and add some rose water. Let the rose petals float on the top. Use the water to wash your hands, imagining the water as your emotions flowing into you.

    Added to on Feb 03, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #642 - Vampire Protection Jewelry

    Enchant a piece of jewelry to dull down your pain while in the sunlight.
    You may need:

  • A dish or glass
  • Basil Leaves (kitchen spice basil works just as well.
  • A single piece of jewelry
  • -->works best on the night of the New Moon
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    You may need:

  • A dish or glass
  • Basil Leaves (kitchen spice basil works just as well.
  • A single piece of jewelry
  • -->works best on the night of the New Moon
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    --->Select a dish or glass that can hold water. If you are Pagan, your chalice would be a wonderful tool for this. Fill your container of choice with warm water. Add a bit of basil to the water and stir it gently with your finger. Don't lick your finger, some herbs may be toxic and many are allergic to quite a few of them.

    -->Place your jewelry piece into the water and hold the glass in both of your hands.

    -->Imagine the light of the moon coursing through you. It enters you, travels through your torso, down your arms, into your fingers, and finally releases itself into the glass. While you do so think about how it is your will to protect yourself from the sun.

    -----> Now say these words: "Mother of Night, moon so bright, protect me from the morning light." ~Repeat these words 3 times or until you feel peace.

    -->Wear the charmed jewelry ALL the time. Take it off on the nights of the full and new moons and place it under the moonlight in a safe spot.

    This will give it extra power to protect you. You won't need to repeat the ritual, but the energy will wear out if you do not charge it.

    Added to on Feb 02, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #643 - CAT POWER SPELL

    This spell will not turn into a cat, however you will have all the abilities of a cat,good and bad. BE CAREFUL THIS IS NOT A JOKE. If you are willing to transform your spiritual self into this Felidae species, you must be 100% sure about it. THIS IS A VERY STRONG IRREVERSIBLE SPELL. DO NOT TRY IF YOU ARE NOT 100% SURE YOU WANT THIS.
    You may need:

  • A towel
  • 4 Candles
  • Cat fur, 10 hair strands
  • A glass
  • Water
  • A pentagram necklace, or a necklace that has special meaning to you
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    You may need:

  • A towel
  • 4 Candles
  • Cat fur, 10 hair strands
  • A glass
  • Water
  • A pentagram necklace, or a necklace that has special meaning to you
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    HELLO. please read the introduction of the spell before performing it.


    • A highly attuned sense of smell
    • Super-quick feet
    • Balancing tail
    • Extraordinary hearing
    • Far-sighted focus
    • Tough tongue
    • Feline flexibility
    • Climbing abilities
    • Night vision
    • Cat eyes in the color of your own eyes
    • Mood swings
    • You will be attractive to cat people way more then usual
    • Good concentration skills
    • Fast learning
    • Some anger issues
    • Sudden Gain of weight might occur


    Place the 4 candles around you. Try so that they all have the same distance to you. Also place the glass to your right with a bottle of water to your left. Also make sure you are wearing your pentagram necklace.(or a special meaning to you necklace)

    Don't have a phone or anything that can expose radiation close to you, not even in the room you will be performing the spell. Place the cat hair on the towel and put it in front of you. You should be sitting down on the floor and the cat hair should be right in front of you. If you have long hair, i suggest you have it in a ponytail. The room you will be casting the spell should be completely dark and only have the light of the candles.


    I call the richest of witches, the sisters of the animals, the ones I praise in my dreams

    Make me one of you, teach me things that are true

    Take my spirit, give me yours. Let me see the world as an animal of fur

    Give me a sight, give me a smell, take my heart and give me tail

    All I want to be is this, give me power to hiss

    Sisters of fires, forests and wings, this time i call my sisters of dreams

    What I wasn't meant to be, make it true, make it be.

    Say this while dripping the water in the glass. Drink a sip from the glass, and put the cat hair in the remaing water in the glass (DO NOT DRINK ANY MORE ONCE THE CAT HAIR IS IN ITS NOT NECASSERY FOR THE CASTING OF THE SPELL)

    Wait 20 seconds with your eyes closed. The spell will take about a month to completely transform you.

    SIDE EFFECTS: stomach pain, headaches, dizziness, mood swings( these will be permanent ), anger issues , itchyness , pain in the eyes ( like burning but not anything tragic )

    Good luck to all.

    Added to on Feb 02, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #644 - How to make simple protective bracelets with stuff you already have

    Learn how to create your own protective bracelet with easy-to-obtain ingredients. You can personalize these to make them more for strength, healing, power, protection, and whatever else you can think of.
    You may need:

  • Red or pink twine
  • Purple or light blue twin
  • Green or brown twine
  • Blue twine
  • Ruler (optional, only if you’re exact)
  • Different colored beads (optional)
  • Crystal pendants (optional)
  • Feathers (optional)
  • Anything else you could attach to a bracelet, really. Those are just suggestions.
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    You may need:

  • Red or pink twine
  • Purple or light blue twin
  • Green or brown twine
  • Blue twine
  • Ruler (optional, only if you’re exact)
  • Different colored beads (optional)
  • Crystal pendants (optional)
  • Feathers (optional)
  • Anything else you could attach to a bracelet, really. Those are just suggestions.
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    Note: this is basically a simple friendship bracelet pattern with a few add-ons. If (when lol) you can’t understand my instructions, you can use the link I’ve provided to make the bracelet. this video is easy to understand, just follow the instructions. Or you can try mine. Keep in mind that they use more strands and colors, when you’ll just be using twine. Also, they say to knot everything twice. Only do this if you want thicker stripes or are using really thin twine.

    1. Get out your twine and match up the ends of four different colors. Measure out a length that wraps around your wrist about two and a half or three times. Cut the strands and tie them together.

    2. Tape your bracelet to a table, wall, chair, anything close by. You can also cut more twine and tie it to a chair and have someone sit in the chair. Sort out your strands.

    3. Take the strand closest to your left hand (right if you’re a leftie). Let’s say this strand is blue. Pick blue up over the next strand, green. It should form a 4, with green as the straight line and blue as the little triangle part.

    4. Cross the end of blue under green and up through the triangle in the 4. Pull tight.

    5. Pick up blue again and do the same knot on red, the next thread. Then purple.

    6. When you’ve finished the row, pick up the thread that is now at the start of the row (next to your left or right hand) and do the same think. Don’t forget to tie it around the last thread, too.

    7. Continue in this pattern. If you want to attach charms, feathers, or beads, thread them onto a strand and keep on going. Once you get a little practice, you can make all sorts of cool patterns.

    8. When you’re done, tie the loose ends together. Then have someone help you tie the bracelet onto your wrist or the recipient’s wrist, so you won’t always be tightening it like me.

    9. Enjoy your new all-purpose bracelet!


    The threads used correspond to different elements.

    Red or Pink- Fire

    Blue- Water

    Purple or Light Blue- Air

    Green or Brown- Earth

    You can change the purpose of your bracelet depending on which colors you choose. A strength bracelet might have red and brown strands for fire and earth, or a protective bracelet might have purple and blue. Mix and match to get different results.

    Different Patterns:

    The web is an amazing place, and it has a ton of cool patterns. Alter the way you make your bracelets and find what works best for you. I personally prefer candy stripe (what my instructions are for) because it’s simple and can be done with just four strands, but chevron and ladder are also great choices. They just take longer.

    Enjoy the benefits of your bracelet :)

    Added to on Feb 02, 2019
    Last edited on Jan 02, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #645 - Imbolc Ritual to Goddess Nyx

    Imbolc is a time for renewal, regeneration and growth. Now is the time to live like you've never lived before. This ritual is personal to me, so feel free to adjust it to suit your needs.
    You may need:

  • Best when performed at night
  • One White Candle
  • Two Purple Candles
  • One Black Candle
  • Bread
  • Chalice and Milk (if not allergic, of course)
  • Fragrance mist of your choice
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    You may need:

  • Best when performed at night
  • One White Candle
  • Two Purple Candles
  • One Black Candle
  • Bread
  • Chalice and Milk (if not allergic, of course)
  • Fragrance mist of your choice
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    Say this chant:

    "Goddess of Night, Here my Plight. I wish to live for you. Goddess of night, the stars are bright and the morn with bring the new. With you, my Goddess my eyes alight with hope that makes me young. This day I vow, to give to you my one and then my all."

    Now light the first Purple Candle and say:

    "Open my eyes, Mother above to things I have not seen. Show me the way. Lead me to be- the best that I can be."

    Light the White Candle :

    "Allow this light to symbolize the kindness of your love. The dark so deep I cannot see, though it lies beneath. But you will be the enemy of those who silence me. "

    Light the second Purple Candle:

    "My Mother near, My Mother far, My Mother in between. The purple love; awaken me. Let this day leave history."

    Sit in the presence of the candle light for as long as it feels right. When you feel total peace and decide it is time to end this ritual speak softly to Mother Nyx :

    "Blessed be Mother Nyx. My dept is in your favor."

    Blow out the candles.

    Additional After Celebration:

    Light the Black Candle , doing away with the negative and bringing about the positive. Allow it to burn as you consume the bread and milk. Think of it as a short feast- whether solitary or as a part of a group.

    If you want to spice up your celebration a bit, find a witchy fragrance spray and have at it! Let your light shine. Show the world you can do it. You've got this!

    Added to on Feb 01, 2019
    Last edited on Sep 18, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #646 - A spell to enchant jewelry

    this uses a candle to imbue a piece of jewelry with a type of magick
    You may need:

  • a piece of jewelry
  • Red candle-love magick
  • black candle-black magick
  • green candle-money
  • yellow candle-emotion magick
  • blue candle-weather magick
  • (you can change the colors to fit your Magickal needs)
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    You may need:

  • a piece of jewelry
  • Red candle-love magick
  • black candle-black magick
  • green candle-money
  • yellow candle-emotion magick
  • blue candle-weather magick
  • (you can change the colors to fit your Magickal needs)
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    Light the candle, the color defines the type of magick you need. Wait until the wax begins to drip, and let one drop onto the jewelry. Any more than one drop could be too powerful for one vessel.

    Added to on Jan 30, 2019
    Last edited on May 20, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #647 - Divine Protection

    Call upon a Angel, God, or some other deity for protection. (Warning! Spirits can get Irritated if the spell is done incorrectly! There can be serious consequences for this!)
    You may need:

  • -Something symbolizing divinity
  • -A Pen, (Preferably enchanted, blessed, or used in magic before)
  • -A known Deity you want protection from
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    You may need:

  • -Something symbolizing divinity
  • -A Pen, (Preferably enchanted, blessed, or used in magic before)
  • -A known Deity you want protection from
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    Place the holy symbol on the floor, a short bit in front of you. Next, draw your magic circle. Next, take the pen, and write the name of the deity on your palm, and squeeze your hand 3 times. Tighter each time. Finally, pick up the holy symbol, squeeze it tightly and say this chant, "Spirits, I feel I'm in danger. Please protect me. I beg you!"

    Added to on Jan 30, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #648 - Peace Bringing Potion

    A potion to bring peace and new beginnings to your life as well as heal you mentally.
    You may need:

  • -Water (Base)
  • -Rose Hips (To Bring Harmony)
  • -Chicory (To Open Doors, Bring Opportunities)
  • -Chamomile (For Peace, Love, Tranquility And Purification)
  • -Lavender (Used To Sharpen The Mind And Relax)
  • -Honey (Brings Inspiration)
  • -Vanilla (Brings New Things)
  • -Sugar (To Make Life Sweeter)
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    You may need:

  • -Water (Base)
  • -Rose Hips (To Bring Harmony)
  • -Chicory (To Open Doors, Bring Opportunities)
  • -Chamomile (For Peace, Love, Tranquility And Purification)
  • -Lavender (Used To Sharpen The Mind And Relax)
  • -Honey (Brings Inspiration)
  • -Vanilla (Brings New Things)
  • -Sugar (To Make Life Sweeter)
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    This is the first potion I've ever made so hopefully, it works for everyone! If you notice any issues please let me know!

    -Combine all ingredients in a pot.

    [OPT] (You can chant it in your head if you need to be discreet)
    -Chant while stirring:
    help me, heal me, make me whole

    -Boil the ingredients, pour into a cup/teapot and drink!

    Added to on Jan 29, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #649 - A spell to be treated like a ruler

    This spell will cause the victims to treat you like a respected ruler.
    You may need:

  • a crown (Doesn't have to be real)
  • yellow candles
  • gold jewelry
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    You may need:

  • a crown (Doesn't have to be real)
  • yellow candles
  • gold jewelry
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    arrange the candles in a circle, and sit in the middle. Put on the crown, and stare at the candles. Say these words in a regal voice:

    "Respect needed, alliance earned. Obey me until the season's turn."

    Let a bit of candle wax drip onto the jewelry, and let it sit in the sun for a day. Whenever you wear this jewelry you will be treated like royalty.

    Added to on Jan 28, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #650 - A curse to darken one's soul

    This spell will sign your soul among the list of demons. I don't recommend it's use, but some may find it useful.
    You may need:

  • black roses
  • black candles
  • one white candle
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    You may need:

  • black roses
  • black candles
  • one white candle
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    Arrange the black candles in a circle, with the white one in the center. Light the black ones with the white one, and blow out the white one. Meditate on darkness in the middle of the circle. When you are done, blend the rose petals in a blender. Use the paste to form little balls, and create beads. Let them dry. Whenever you need to corrupt your soul for a little bit, deeply inhale the scent of one of the beads. Get rid of the bead, it has been used.

    Added to on Jan 28, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters