7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Silent Hill Dream
- Aura Sword/blade
- Cold Fire
- Increase Your Will Power
- Your Goddess/God Wishes
- Contact an Ancient Being
- Summon a Spectral Lover
- Transmutate Vitae
- Elemental Protection (Works)
- Telekinesis
#4481 - Silent Hill Dream
Say: "Dear goddess of dreams bring to me thee fear it's night mare an turn it to reality. Bring me the life of once lived Alssa's second half. So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4482 - Aura Sword/blade
Basically make a "psi" ball. Let it keep collecting energy after grounding and centering while holding it. Add attributes of kinds to it like a cold energy or a hot one, or maybe something a little more electric.
Now imagine the ball stretching and contracting so that it starts to form the shape and dimensions of the construct sword. Imagine exactly what it looks like, and feel it form. Feel the energy radiating and imagine it manifesting itself and energizing the air around you.
Feel it harden into whatever it looks like. Allow it to calm down as its energy becomes more physical. The sword/blade should now be put somewhere like the inside of another knife or if its a sword, imagine a keyword/gesture. Now contract your hands together and imagine it binding it to the word/gesture.
You literally inserted it into a solitary pocket of time where it can be called on. Recite the word or perform the gesture to call it out. Depending on how long the other part took you, the sword will dissipate after a while unless it is restored by extra energy being added.
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4483 - Cold Fire
Create a flame in your hands (dont transform from psi ball,create from nothing) then imagine it getting colder and blue.
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4484 - Increase Your Will Power
This spell worked for me and I hope it works for you! Blessed be.
I call upon the ancient divine
as I say this line
I wish to manifest my will times three
as I say so shall it be!
#4485 - Your Goddess/God Wishes
Go into your backyard or a forest or something (just something with lots of nature surrounding you) then sit down. Make a circle around you whilst sitting criss-crossed then say this once:
"O Gods and Goddesses, this is my plea place your power before me!" (then light your chosen candle on a leaf or something making sure the candle does not tip) "O King of the gods, Zeus, I ask you to grant me my wish. Put me in contact with the goddess I must be swish. O (say your god/goddess's name) give me the power of your that is almighty. For the power of you is my wish to see, so mote it be".
Then meditate for like 3 minutes and within 2 days you will get your wish.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4486 - Contact an Ancient Being
Now whisper:
''Mi elvokas la esti Darvel
Diru al mi el la alia flanko
Kaj donu al mi vian sagecon''
The final step is to take your blood and let a few drops fall onto the paper. Then light the paper aflame and let it burn in the centeral circle. And speak: ''bah-bah-geh tah-bah-oh-rah-deh goh-hoh voh-rah-beh-ess'' (That line is written phonetically to the best of my ability)
#4487 - Summon a Spectral Lover
Arrange the candles into a triangle without any base. Alternate the candles (white, black, white, etc...) until you have an arrow shape. Light all candles, starting with the white ones, then the black. Place the cloth in the open space between the candles. Next you must call out and say: "Spirits of desire and earthly pleasure send your servant unto me"
After this is part is complete you must place a part of yourself (blood, hair, bodily fluids) onto the white cloth. (The book recommends fluids from sexual activity if possible) Afterward all you need to do is burn the cloth and whatever was on it, allow the candles to burn out on their own. A sexual spectre should appear to you soon after completion of this ritual
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4488 - Transmutate Vitae
Next add your own blood into the bowl and chant: ''Liga animam meam ad mortalis huius in perpetuum, Sic fiat''
Then set fire to the contents. Should your mortal body be struck down by anything your sould will be pulled into your new vessel's body by the chains of your magic
#4489 - Elemental Protection (Works)
Uses the elements to protect you for a whole day. And anything bad that was going to happen or has happened to you, will reverse (not like massive things like death,or health, just current bad life events)
Personal Experiance: I had done something major bad, and i was going to be put in care home for it, and have all my technology taken away. Then i did it, i did not get put in care home, but i got my laptop taken away, 2 hours later, I got it all back and everyone was in a good mood, when i had my stuff taken away, my grandad, was in a better mood as the minutes past away. And he said i could have everything back about 2-2 1/2 hours. So yeah it does work
''Hear me now this (warlocks/witches) Word, All elements now accord, Fire (if you used sun write: Fire,fire,from the sun), burn out my enemies and give my life longevity, Water, Wash away all neggativity, Eath, bury my anxiety deep in the ground, make my enemies, have no sound.Air, fill me with protective light, to keep me protected through day and night, Make me protected as can be, Do this immediately. SO MOTE IT BE''
Get some grass from outside put it inside a plate, bowl, any container
Get some water in a normal or glass cup/chalice (glass is best, all works though) Open window (or outside, outide best), Get WHITE (or creamish, but close to white, white represents spirit/akasha part of the elements) candle and light it (if you chose sun go outside, both work i used candle though)
Meditate for 10 minutes (i only did 30 seconds but its better to do 10 minutes) visualises energy , entering you, and also creating a force field arround you the SUN is amazingly powerful when doing this, if using sun imagine it is shining even brighter and brighter on you, then imagine it sending beams. balls of energy in to yourself, then imagine shining, then it covering you completly, then A big force field arround you
Then rub hands together fast feel the warmth, move them away from each other, imagine a ball of energy in you hands, move the hands like creating a ball for a few seconds
Then push it into your body
Do this 3X (if get it wrong start all over again from number 1 till you get it right 3x)
''Hear me now this (warlocks/witches) Word (war-de NOT Wer-de), All elements now accord, Fire (touch candle) (if you used sun Say, with hands in air towards sun: ''Fire,fire,from the sun''), burn out my enemies and give my life longevity, Water (dip fingers in the water, and splash some on your face), Wash away all neggativity,(hold grass) Eath, bury my anxiety deep in the ground, make my enemies, have no sound (put grass back in container)(Take Massive Breath in and out) .Air, fill me with protective light, to keep me protected through day and night, Make me protected as can be, Do this immediately. SO MOTE IT BE''
(i didn't do this but you might want to should work without though but its better to do this)
Burn paper with the writing on in the candle doesen't have to be all of it, put it in the water, till finishes with fire, leave the ashes in, take the paper out, put it outside NOT bin (after the day you can get rid of the paper put it in bin) Then put the grass in, then say ''after i drink this potion my spell is complete and a part of me, I can cast it any time) Drink the water (doesen't have to be all,, but make sure you drink some, but not just a sip)
Shout 3X
#4490 - Telekinesis
Put candles at your sides. put both objects in your hands and say twice: "May my mind be able to shift and bend things under my control. May my telekinesis grow from now on. My mind is not the same no more may it be able to do extraordinary things"
Then feel the 2 objects in your hand and repeat as much as you want in your mind until you think your ready "I am this"
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.