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7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7163 Spiritual Spells
7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7163 Spiritual Spells
  1. Sleep Tight, Sweet Dreams
  2. Kill Yourself in the Afterlife
  3. Tree Link
  4. Dream Spell
  5. Become a Necromancer
  6. Normal Ward Spell
  7. Dreamwalking
  8. Lesser Ward Spell
  9. Courage, Wisdom, and Power
  10. Cause a Storm

#4891 - Sleep Tight, Sweet Dreams

Get a good night sleep just by saying this over and over again.
You may need:

  • Bedroom
  • Bed
  • Pillows
  • Blankets
  • Lights off
  • Yourself
  • Laying down on the bed
  • Voice
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Bedroom
  • Bed
  • Pillows
  • Blankets
  • Lights off
  • Yourself
  • Laying down on the bed
  • Voice
  • Concentration
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    Lay on your bed and get tucked in
    It needs to be dark and quiet
    Close your eyes and say this:
    ''Fall Asleep/Have A Dream/Fall Asleep/Feel Relaxed/Fall Asleep/Don't Wake Me Up/Fall Asleep/Have A Nice Rest''
    Say this 20 more times
    After that, hum the song Don't wake Me Up by Chris Brown

    Added to on Feb 02, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4892 - Kill Yourself in the Afterlife

    Kill yourself when you are dead.
    You may need:

  • 8 red candles
  • A lighter
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    You may need:

  • 8 red candles
  • A lighter
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    First surround the candles around you then light them in a circle say "In afterlife I shall die for hell as hell will take nothing from me my blood is to good for those demons that seek my blood" then say "Die tonight for I am dead the unholy one will rip off my head"

    Added to on Feb 02, 2013
    Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4893 - Tree Link

    Away to call upon the powers of a tree
    You may need:

  • A sharp stone, or knife
  • Tree
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    You may need:

  • A sharp stone, or knife
  • Tree
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    1.Find a tree in a woodland
    2. Clear your mind
    3. Imagine the trees roots grow into your feet
    4. Chant:
    O Mother Goddess
    O Father God
    I share my life with this tree
    As he shares his
    Our roots combine, our minds combine
    So Mote it be
    5. Then ask the trees permission to carve into it
    6. If yes carve a Pentagram into the bark of the tree and add your craft name

    Now you and the tree are linked, in life and death

    Added to on Feb 02, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4894 - Dream Spell

    This spell well help you control your dreams.
    You may need:

  • Sleep.
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    You may need:

  • Sleep.
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    Close your eyes and repeat in your mind what you want to happen in your dream be detailed bout it.

    Added to on Feb 02, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4895 - Become a Necromancer

    As a Necromaner shadows obey your every will. Are you ready..
    You may need:

  • An item (watch,ring, necklace cane, etc)
  • A drop of your blood
  • The blood of a dying shadow (or an autumn leaf that has fallen of a branch)
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    You may need:

  • An item (watch,ring, necklace cane, etc)
  • A drop of your blood
  • The blood of a dying shadow (or an autumn leaf that has fallen of a branch)
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    1. Get your item and drop one drop of your blood onto it
    2. Drop the blood of the dying shadow onto it, if you do not have the shadow wipe your blood around the item with the leaf.
    3. Do this all on a full moon
    4. Wear the item and enjoy the newfound ability
    WARNING: This spell only works for some people and you must be a level 39 to make it work.

    Added to on Feb 02, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4896 - Normal Ward Spell

    This spell creates a stronger shield around the caster than the Lesser Ward.
    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Focus
  • Clear Mind
  • 3cm space in front of you
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Focus
  • Clear Mind
  • 3cm space in front of you
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    To cast this ward you must first Clear your mind. Concentrate on holding a thick blue transparent shield 3cm in front of you. When it appears, focus. As with all wards something must disturb the balance around you so I would recommend getting someone to throw a pencil at you. Magician skill level: 3(easy).

    Added to on Feb 02, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4897 - Dreamwalking

    This is a spell to visit others' dreams when they are asleep. You can create the dream yourself.
    You may need:

  • Strong energy
  • Vivid imagination
  • Memory(I'll explain in a minute)
  • Ability to connect
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    You may need:

  • Strong energy
  • Vivid imagination
  • Memory(I'll explain in a minute)
  • Ability to connect
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    You might want to perform a power summoning spell before this. It takes a lot of energy.
    Picture yourself and this person somewhere. It can be anywhere, although it works better if you pick a place that has some relativity to this person, some kind of connection.
    Think about what you are wearing. What do you look like? How long is your hair, which side of your face are your bangs on(if you have any), what color shirt, what is the design, etc. Think about what they are wearing, what they look like.
    As you figure out the details, think very deliberately about what you want to tell this person. Try to keep your mind clear as it will help you to remember as much of the dream as you can after you wake up.
    Once you have figured ou all of this, store the details in the back of your mind.
    Fall into a meditative state. Clear your mind of all things except forming a connection between you and the person you want to visit. Imagine a trail from your body to theirs and feel it connecting the two of you. Allow it to connect your minds, your energy, your souls. Bring the two of your souls together. Imagine them becoming one. Feel the two of you thinking together as one being, feeling together, breathing together.
    Now bring back the details, guide each of your souls to the correct place. Then, just let yourself fall asleep, imagining that your mind is fading out of your body on Earth and into the body you have created in your imagination. Don't fight the sleep. Let it come.
    After you wake up, you might not remember the dream for the first few tries. It took me at least a dozen attempts at this spell until I was able to start remembering the dreams. It might help to keep a dream journal.
    This spell is very complicated due to all the details that need to be remembered, and may not work the first few times you try it. If you have no connection with the person you are trying to visit, it will be even harder as bringing your souls together is crucial to the proper excecution of this spell.
    If the dreamwalking part does not work for you, it can also work to strengthen your realtionship with this person(whatever it may be) because you have to really connect yourself to them, openly and freely. It may give you a better understanding of who they are or a situation they are in, or just in general it can form a connection that was weak before you did the spell.
    Good luck!

    Added to on Feb 02, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4898 - Lesser Ward Spell

    This spell creates a weak force-field around the caster.
    You may need:

  • Small Concentration
  • Clear mind
  • Focus
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    You may need:

  • Small Concentration
  • Clear mind
  • Focus
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    First clear your mind and only think of a thin, blue, transparent shield in front of you. Concentrate less than a normal ward and focus on what may or may not appear in front of you (it depends on the skil of the caster). This spell, like all wards will only work when something disturbes the balance around you (eg. Fire, curse anything). It takes few practice spells to master and I wood recommend getting someone to throw a pencil at you to practice. Magician skill level: 2(easy)
    This does not hold as long as most wards.

    Added to on Feb 01, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4899 - Courage, Wisdom, and Power

    A spell to gain courage, wisdom, and power.
    You may need:

  • 1 Red Candle
  • 1 Purple Candle
  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Silk Rope (any length and thickness)
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    You may need:

  • 1 Red Candle
  • 1 Purple Candle
  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Silk Rope (any length and thickness)
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    Cast your circle.Light the candles and lay the rope on your altar. Chant as you tie a knot in the rope:

    "With this rope I bind thine power,
    to be mine for second or hour.
    To make me strong when I am week.
    To give me wisdom that I seek.
    To give me courage as not to flee.
    Thine will be done, so mot it be."

    Keep the rope with or near you to receive the power and courage you requested, but only use these gifts for selfless reasons and remember the Threefold Law.

    Added to on Feb 01, 2013
    Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4900 - Cause a Storm

    Conjure a storm.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Visualize that all of your energy(blue) pulsing to your hands or center of your forehead and shoot into the sky visualize storm clouds coming to your house visualize it as the storm you want.

    Added to on Jan 31, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 09, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters