7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- The Crucio Curse
- Spirit Summons
- 26 angel summoning
- Ten Times Beautiful
- Vampire Diaries Hybrid
- Make Things Invisible
- Satanic Ritual Before Sleep
- Prayer for Emotional Healing
- Satanic Prayer of Thanks
- Prayer for the Satanic Leader. Satanic Prayer
#4941 - The Crucio Curse
#4942 - Spirit Summons
Now you chant: ''I call upon the spirit of (name the spirit that you want to call upon.)'' You can call anyone you wish. You can call a past family member or an angel or anyone else you choose. Chant this three times. While you are saying these words, remember to spin the needle with your hand in a clockwise direction. Now you ask a question, and you wait for the answer. Try not to move the needle. You will know the answer when the needle goes near an answer (from those you have written).
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1225411
#4943 - 26 angel summoning
Ariel begins it.
Baradiel guides it.
The Chalkydri sing it.
Devas manifest it.
Elohim wills it.
The Fravashi better it.
Gabriel brings it.
The Hafaza watch it.
The Ischim balance it.
Jael guards it.
Kadmiel births it.
Lahabiel aids it.
Michael raises it.
Nebo ministers it.
Ofaniel sees it.
Patron angels devote it.
The Queen of angels speaks it.
Raphael inspires it.
Sandalphon prays it.
Thrones sanctify it.
Uriel strengthens it.
Vrevoil reveals it.
Watchers protect it.
Xathanael patrons it.
Yahriel places the glory of the moon on it.
Zodiac angels seal it.
And Spirit brings it through time and space.
So be it. Ho! (or say amen.) Make a sign in the air of an equal-armed cross using your dominant hand.
#4944 - Ten Times Beautiful
Say this spell ten times:
"Spirits of beauty! I ask you please to make me ten more times beautiful! I will say this spell ten times to make me ten times more beautiful! This is my will so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jan 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4945 - Vampire Diaries Hybrid
"Spirits of the undead and spirits of the moon I ask you to turn me into a vampire and werewolf, I will be a Hyrbid. I will need to drink blood and I will also get to choose when to turn into a wolf. I will be stronger then a vampire under 1 year and stronger then any werewolf! I will be both a beast and a Bloodsucker. This is my will, So mote it be !"
Last edited on Jan 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4946 - Make Things Invisible
Say, "In my mind, this object interferes. Erase it now and in future years" while you visualize the object. To reverse the spell, write the spell down on a piece of paper and set it on fire while you say, "Spirits, I call to you. Reverse this spell. So mote it be".
Last edited on Feb 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4947 - Satanic Ritual Before Sleep
Get a piece of A3 paper or A4 stuck together paper, and draw a huge Satanic Pentagram (Inverted Pentagram) Then place the paper with the pentagram on the floor. Turn the lights off
Have one light, lamp or anything that can shine a tiny (only tiny) but of light. doesen't have to be next to you, but you need to be avle to see it. Grab the red pen keep in hand
Kneel inside the pentagram paper with head bowing down, so your head is to the floor and you are kneeling inside the pentagram. With the red pen draw 3 lines on your wrists, 3 on each wrist, still bowing in the pentagram
Then close your eyes whilst still bowing in the pentagram, and make a fake memory of you getting a sharp knife and cutting your wrists do not actually cut your wrists close your eyes and imagine you cutting your wirsts.
Open your eyes, and imagine each of the red lines as actual blood, look as it as blood not a red line look at it as blood, make it as real as possible, it is blood.
Then while bowing your head say: "Satan my farther devil my brother fallen angel my sister. At the end of this day, Lord Satan I thank you for each gift that you have bestowed upon me. For teaching me ancient ways. For experiences both good and bad that has made me stronger. For the people you have taught me through. For the pleasures in which I have partaken. As I sleep, I ask that I may enter your dark realm. So that I may be in your unholy presence. Guide me, Satan, unto yourself. And may I be forever grasped in your mighty wings. Ave Satanas"
Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4948 - Prayer for Emotional Healing
"When insecurity hits me like a raging wind
Be with me, Father Satan
When doubt strikes me like lightning
Remind me of truth
When fear over powers me
Hold me in your wing, Great Dragon
If pain grabs me like a claw
Heal me, with your mighty power
When depression fills me as water in a well
Shower my soul with joy, Beautiful Peacock Angel
Anxiety creeps through my mind, taking over my thoughts
Place me on solid ground
When I feel I am not good enough,
Make my spirit shine as a star, Wise Serpent
And if I feel that it is too hard to go on
Give me strength"
Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4949 - Satanic Prayer of Thanks
Say 1X:
Satan For all the things you mean to me, I thank you For the joy in my heart, the life in my spirit, I give you thanks Satan, Father, you give me a reason to live You give my life meaning Every day is a treasure in which you encourage me to grow You nudge me to enjoy every minute The signs you give me, I treasure The dreams you send, they guide me Your presence reassures me I am not alone, for that there are no words Energy you give when I am weak Strength you pour into my being when I must walk the difficult walk When I am sad, you comfort me When people hurt me, you let me know you are on my side You are everything I will ever need You're my Father, who I go to with everything My Teacher, who guides me in all knowledge My Protector, when I am in danger My Creator, who made me who I am And above all, Satan, you are my God with whom I will spend eternity Thank you, with all my heart Thank you, from the depths of my spirit Thank you, with all that I am
#4950 - Prayer for the Satanic Leader. Satanic Prayer
Say 1X:
Lord Satan Mighty One Wisdom Incarnate, Speaker of Knowledge I ask that you bestow your blessings on the leaders of our Satanic Community Guide us, so we will serve you in the ways that you desire Give us strength, to keep us going when things get tough Bestow upon us wisdom, so we will know what to do in all situations Inspire us to encourage one another, instead of tear each other down So we will use our words to bless instead of curse Yet push us to stand tall when we face things that are wrong To fight if we have to, yet strive for peace Help us, Father, to be there for your children-both the adept and the new To guide them in learning what you have for them To encourage them not to follow anyone but you and to find their own path Let us not forget what it was like when we first came to you How you were gentle, kind and patient May we follow in your footsteps To love as you love, teach as you teach We are happy to be your servant; reveal to us the hidden things Try us; so we may be worthy of your affairs that you place in our hands Bestow on us your covenant as we trust in you Let us receive your counsel, not acting unless it is your will It is an honour to serve you, Lord Satan Thank you for choosing us May our lives be devoted to you; may we be a reflection of who you are to the world Watch over us and bless your people Lord and Mighty Satan, may it be done according to your will