7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Safe Travels
- Moons Curse
- Bind an Ungrateful Lovers Sex Drive
- Fear
- Remove Bad Luck
- Death
- Trap a Ghost
- Power Spell
- Contact a Spirit
- Basic fire minipulation
#5051 - Safe Travels
Repeat the following invocation:
"Hail Mother of the World!
Nanna, Isis, Astarte, Selene,
Holy Sin (pronounced Sheen).
See me, look upon me
See me, look upon me
See me, look upon me
Protect me and my people tonight.
Send your white light around me.
Send your protective light around
____(put name of person here)_____
That they may be protected
As they travel and as they dream.
Send only good and lucid energies their way.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you."
You can either let the candles burn out by themselves, or snuff them in reverse order and let them burn a little each night if the person will be on an extended trip. On the last night let them burn down on their own.
Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5052 - Moons Curse
Take the jewelry hold it in your magic hand and chant " Powers of shadow,curse of moon, I summon thee to no longer protect them. Your magic rise your powers not lies". Then give them the necklace. Say: " who holds this, wears it, is who you curse".
Last edited on Jan 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5053 - Bind an Ungrateful Lovers Sex Drive
On saturday or friday measure the cord the size of their genitals. Rub it with their sexual fluid such as semen. Tie a knot at each end and in the middle for the past present and future as you tie each knot say their name. Focus all your anger and being into the knot and say "I bind your lust this I must ,this is my will so shall it be ,until untied and I say free".
Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5054 - Fear
Take a gallbladder of a crow, mail this to someone, or hang it where they will see it. You can even wear it on saturday. Write your desire on a letter with it you send ,so shall it be keeps other animals away too.
Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5055 - Remove Bad Luck
Place the pink candle on your far left, and your white candle on your far right. Place the green candle in front of you. Purify the room with sage if you have any. You can always get them at any craft store.
Hold the moon stone in your hand and meditate for 2 minutes, while meditating, picture everything in your life getting better. Chant:
" Lady of Silver magic, come to me, and please hear my plea, bring good luck to me,
wash away all misfortune in my life, so I can life at peace,on the elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, all bad luck shall cease and in my life, will enter peace. I call out to you to bring luck to me by the power of the Moon. So mote it be. (x4)"
WARNING: Keep in mind, spells usually take time to work depending on how powerful you are, so don't expect this to work over night or within a day. Also, remember that any spell can backfire, especially spells involving love, luck and health. Message me for any questions, or tips. And message me when this spell kicks in. This is the first spell that I put online so I can give you other spells if you want.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5056 - Death
First, sit down and set both black candles in front of you. Then put the other candles on the outside of the black ones and say the following, "This man/woman needs to be put to rest." now light the black candles. " I shall act as the Angel of Death and cast this command." now light the other candles. " Now my child, prepare for a gruesome end!"
Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5057 - Trap a Ghost
On saturday as the sun is setting stuff fennel into the key hole of a door and close it. The ghost wont be able to enter or leave.
Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5058 - Power Spell
Water, spirit, earth, and wind,
I call on you to be my friend.
Give this potion power more,
than I have ever imagined before!
Take out the special item. Take out the wick, the wax, and the hair. Drizzle some of the remaining potion in your hair, and down both your arms. DO NOT WIPE OFF THE POTION!!!!! When you wake up the next morning, you will have unbelievable power. (Unless you have malice in your heart.)
#5059 - Contact a Spirit
First, you get 6 pencils, preferably unsharpened, (thoughI have sharp ones,I don't recommend as they may hurt your hands.) and roll them in your hands. Then, you roll them out onto the ground into a row. Next, you rub your hands together and wave them over the pencils (Do this twice) Now the pencils are enchanted.
To communicate with a spirit, put wither the eraser or the unsharpened end together in a rectangle formation with one person holding the two corners on the right and the left sides. (See my pictures). Then ask "Is there a spirit in our presence?" and if the center rises, then it means yes. Sometimes they like to say maybe for that, but that also means yes in this case. Then ask away! You can tell the difference between your subconsious pulling them and a spirit pulling them, because when a spirit does it it feels magnetic, and is often hard to push the opposite way.
Center rises= YES
Center falls= NO
Center crosses, looks like an hourglass= MAYBE
Center expands into a hexagon= I DON'T KNOW
An arrow pointing right to the ASKER= MALE
An arrow pointing left to the ASKER= FEMALE
A spirit can also point to certain things ie. =
Where is the girl in the yellow coat (Center points to girl in yellow coat)
Where are you standing?(Points to where spirit is.)
Summoning A Spirit:
Repeat this:
"I summon the spirit of (First + Last name), (What the person was to you or a friend/family member)."
Nothing will happen.
Ask Is(First name + Last name) in our presence?
Then normal questions
If it starts to not make sense, repeat the enchantment.
Have fun!
Last edited on Jan 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5060 - Basic fire minipulation