7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Take Away Protection From Ring
- Protection Ring Spell
- Power to Wish
- Athena's Protection
- Nightmare Fog Shield
- The Akashan Prayer
- Darkness and Revolution
- Water Blessed by the Eight
- Jelly Bean Army
- Dragon Sunset
#5131 - Take Away Protection From Ring
Place the ring in the middle of the open doorway or window where you can see the moon. If cannot see it, imagine it strongly in your mind as you do this. Look up at the moon (if not seeing it, just close your eyes and imagine you are) and spreads your arms wide, as if embracing the night and the moons light). Chant:
"Great Wise Crone of the Waning Moon,
The need of your protection has passed.
And I ask you now to take back your gift,
In all thanks and love.
I thank thee for your great help.
I thank thee Wise Grandmother,
and to thee I bid goodnight."
Then leave ring there till dawn.
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5132 - Protection Ring Spell
Write your full name (first, middle last) and birth date (month, day, year) on the paper with the pen. The poke your ring finger hard enough to draw blood. Drop/place three drops of your blood on the paper. Then put it on the pile. Then place the ring on top of the paper. Lite the paper on fire, chanting:
''Skin to skin, blood to blood, bone to bone, sinew to sinew.
I banish all evil from my revenue.''
!* Say 3 to 10 times *!
After chanting look up at the sky and spread your arms wide, like your embracing the night, chanting:
''Great Wise Crone of the Waning Moon,
cloak your sacred shadows around around this ring and charge it with your banishing energies so that (When I or whomever) wear(s) it shall be protected from those
who seek to gain from (my or their) pain!''
!* Chant 3 to 10 times *!
Wait for the fire to extinguish (if still going), then take the ring and put it on the ring finger you pricked.
Throw the ashes and dirt into running water or bury it at the roots of an old tree.
!!**If you no longer want this protection on the ring, search for my other spell 'Spell to Take Protection Away From Ring'**!!
Last edited on Sep 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5133 - Power to Wish
Simply say: "Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea. I call unto thee to grant me the power to wish anything I want". Repeat this five times.
Last edited on Jan 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5134 - Athena's Protection
If you have the candle, light it. Close your eyes, and focus. Concentrate on your energy, and concentrate on the Goddess Athena. Once you feel that energy, open your eyes and speak aloud,
"May Athena's sheild be my protector, and her spear my defender. When the enemy marches against me, to her highness I shall call. And I will be delightful to know that the Goddess of war is by my side. For there is no general wiser, no soldier stonger."
You should feel warmth and protection. If not, then repeat as many times as needed.
Last edited on Jan 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5135 - Nightmare Fog Shield
If you are walking in a foggy area or about to pass through a foggy area relax mind think of the scariest thing that you can think of. Next, wile you are in the fog outside visualise all the energy of fear you can muster up going into the fog as a black mist infusing the fog with the energy of nightmare while saying the following.
"By the power of nightmare intertwine my will into the fog. My darkest fears to be infused. So mote it be this fog will protect me, so shall it be!"
Last edited on Jan 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5136 - The Akashan Prayer
''Oh, Akasha,
Thy love,
Thy light,
Please guide me in this life,
and next one alike,
And keep me from the darkness,
And shroud me in your light,
And to my fellow humans,
Grant thy knowlege and thy life''
After this, state your prayer to the Akasha if you would like, but it is not nessesary because the God already knows what you need.
#5137 - Darkness and Revolution
Put the dead thing in the center of a large circle. Put blood on it (perhaps your own) and chant:
"On this hour
On this day
I summon Namira
Lady of Decay"
Do this five to ten times. You will know it works when you notice an increase of insects of revolting creatures infesting your home.
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5138 - Water Blessed by the Eight
First make a circle using think black marker pen on a large piece of paper, inside draw an octagram (8 pointed stars). At each point of the star beyond the circle draw a symbol representing each of the following elements, starting at the top and moving clockwise: fire, life, earth, darkness, water, death, air and light. Make sure that the centre of the star is large enough to place a glass or cup. Place a clear glass or cup at the centre of the star. Fill the container with water. The water should be, preferably, filtered and boiled.
Place your hands parallel to the glass, palms pointing towards the glass. Visualise a chord of white energy going from your hands to the water. Now feel the energy flow from your hands to the water. Now start visualising the water change and chant as follows:
First see the water change into flames and chant:
Oh lord of fire bless this water with the power of fire and the power of flames
Oh Lord of fire, bless this water for when I empower my rituals with fire and heat
Oh lord of fire, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies and take warmth from them
Oh lord of fire, bless this water for when I use it on the sick and bring warmth to them
Oh lord of fire empower this water for when I use it on my spells so they may burn with the power of the stars
See the water glow with a pale blue-green light (and maybe crawling with creatures):
Oh lord of life bless this water with the power of life and the power of growth
Oh Lord of life, bless this water for when I empower my rituals so they may grow in power
Oh lord of life, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies and take vitality from them
Oh lord of life, bless this water for when I use it on the sick bring life back to them
Oh lord of life empower this water for when I use it on my spells so they may be one with all the living
See the water turned muddy and filled with earth:
Oh lord of earth bless this water with the power of earth and the strength of mountains
Oh Lord of earth, bless this water for when I empower my rituals so they may stand the test of time
Oh lord of earth, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies and make their bones brittle and crumble to dust
Oh lord of earth, bless this water for when I use it on the sick and give them stability in life
Oh lord of earth empower this water for when I use it on my spells so that they may shake the ground beneath my feet
See the water turn pitch black:
Oh lord of darkness bless this water with the power of darkness and shadows
Oh Lord of darkness, bless this water for when I empower my rituals so they may be one with the night
Oh lord of darkness, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies it may cloud their vision with shadows
Oh lord of darkness, bless this water for when I use it on the sick may they get comfort in the darkness
Oh lord of darkness empower this water for when I use it on my spells so they may ebb beyond into the gulfs between the stars
See the water turn deep blue:
Oh Lord of Water bless this water with your power and the power of the oceans
Oh Lord of water, bless this water for when I empower my rituals they may reach every drop
Oh lord of water, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies and make them unable to quench their thirst
Oh lord of water, bless this water for when I use it on the sick, let your power wash away their illness
Oh lord of water empower this water for when I use it on my spells so they may have the power of the oceans and the seas
See the water turn grey and cloudy:
Oh lord of death bless this water with the power of death and of those beyond the grave
Oh Lord of death, bless this water for when I empower my rituals so they may reach the other side
Oh lord of death, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies so your shadow hangs over them
Oh lord of death, bless this water for when I use it on the sick so they may no longer feel your presence over them
Oh lord of death empower this water for when I use it on my spells they can cross the barrier that separates the living from the dead
See the water be filled with air and bubbles:
Oh lord of air bless this water with the power of air and the sky above
Oh Lord of air, bless this water for when I empower my rituals so they may reach the clouds
Oh lord of air, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies and take their breath from their lungs
Oh lord of air, bless this water for when I use it on the sick let them breathe with ease
Oh lord of air empower this water for when I use it on my spells so they may soar into the sky and beyond
See the water glow brightly with white light:
Oh lord of light bless this water with the power of light and vision
Oh Lord of light, bless this water for when I empower my rituals so they may allow me to see all that I must
Oh lord of light, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies, and shine your light on all they wish to keep hidden
Oh lord of light, bless this water for when I use it on the sick let them see they will get well soon
Oh lord of light empower this water for when I use it on my spells so they may brighten the world
Visualise and chant each step 8 times, make sure you keep the cords of energy from your hands flowing into the water the whole time, ensuring a constant flow of energy into the water. Make sure you keep your hands as still as possible throughout the chanting and the visualisation. When you finished chanting for the last time, break the chord of energy from your hands to the water slowly before releasing your hands and moving on to the next step
Then place a small white candle on each point of the octagram, lit them and visualise a white chord of energy going towards the water from the flame. Make sure the candles wont drip wax on the symbols or the octagram. Visualise drops of the element changed water craw from the candle to the water up along the white chord. So a burning drop from the candle over the fire symbol, a black drop from the candle over the darkness symbol and so on. Visualise all the candles having continuous drops going to the water for about a minute. After this leave the water alone. Let the water rest until the candles have all burnt themselves out. Finally bottle the water in an airtight container for later use.
So points:
Do not drink this water; label the container to prevent others from drinking it
Store it in a cool dark place if possible
If you failed to use it before 2 months have passed, throw it away and bless a new batch
When you finished blessing the water you should always sincerely thank the powers you call upon
Finally make sure that when you place the candles there isnt anything flammable nearby, you are going to let them burn out while you can relax at that point in the spell, you should not leave candles unattended
#5139 - Jelly Bean Army
Take a hand full of jelly beans. Put them in the bowl of some sort. Look them in the eye. Say 3 times: "Jelly Beans at my side, make my danger never collide, protect me, so mote it be!"
This spell actually works. They won't move but they will when you are in danger.
Last edited on Jan 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5140 - Dragon Sunset
The cove of wonders, mystical joy, a dragon's fire, not a toy. Make a sunset, from Dragon flames, and burst beautifully, all the remains.
The sunset will turn a brilliant shade of red, with other shades of red and orange surrouunding it. This is a sunset powered by a dragon spirit. It will bring anyone who notices it's beauty, brilliance, and strange colors good luck.
Good Luck!
Last edited on May 26, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.