7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- To Find Peace
- Heavenly Protection
- Summon a Faerie
- Herbal Sleep Aid
- Send Love To Another
- Cleansing Enchanting Spell
- Complete Banishing ritual
- Freezer
- Create A Healing Mirror
- Amaterasu's Protection Spell
#5231 - To Find Peace
At night before you go to sleep lay on you back on your bed or where ever you feel comfortable. Lay on your back and have your hands at your sides. Close your eyes and say to yourself in your head till you fall asleep:
"Stop willing.
Stop desiring.
Stop hating".
By the next day or so you should find peace in the most difficult times or the most happiest times.
Last edited on Jan 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5232 - Heavenly Protection
Kneel down in front of the mirror. Then stare into it but picture that angles are behind you. Close your eyes and say: "I call upon the angles of heaven to protect me". Then open your eyes and say the lords prayer. Then say: "Thank you o god!".
Last edited on Jan 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5233 - Summon a Faerie
Then take the 7 Flowers and sprinkle them into the bowl.
Now pour one cup of water into the bowl and chant
''Faeries! Faeries! I call of thee, Take this offering! I call on you! By the power of 3, So mote it be, So mote it be, So mote it be...''
Now in about a Day or so, a you will see a Light appearing ontop the Bowl. If the Faerie likes the recipe, It'll come into your home.
#5234 - Herbal Sleep Aid
Rosemary has magickal properties to get rid of negative energies and healing and antinightmare.
Mugwort is good with dreams, giving you pyschic or prophetic dreams.
Lavender is a known sleep aid and helps with relaxation, also aids with depression
Blessed Thistle is a good purification herb, and banishes bad spirits and energies and protects.
Juniper berries provide good health
Sea salt is a purifier.
And the Sodalite stone helps with inner peace and meditation
-First, take the small pot. the one I used is about six inches wide and three inches tall. its very small and clay. Fill the pot up with good soil and place it on the altar Pentacle. light the candles and cast the circle, invoke as well.
-Take the coarse sea salt and hold it in your hand, imagine it glowing with pure, postive energies and put some of the big chucks around the inner edge of the pot, in the soil. Put them around the inside edges in a circle form.
- Take the Rosemary and cleanse it, saying:
''I ask that this herb, Rosemary will get rid of nightmares and bad energies.''
Put a small pile of rosemary in the middle but enough that you can get the scent.
-Take the mugwort now and cleanse it, saying:
''I ask that this herb, Mugwort, would bring me the truth in my dreams and open my eyes.''
Put some on top of the rosemary.
-Now, take the blessed thistle and cleanse it as well, saying:
''I ask that this herb, thistle, will bring me protection and purification.''
Put that on top of the other herbs.
- Now that Lavender,
''I ask that this herb, Lavender, would bring me peaceful sleep and comfort.''
Put a bigger amount on top of the herbs, so you can get the strongest scent of the lavender.
-Take the 4 berries and purify them and say:
''I ask these berries to bring me good health and energies.''
Place the four berries on top of the pile, like this:
0 0
- Then take the stone and bless it, saying:
''I ask that this stone would bring me calm, inner peace.''
-Place the stone between the four berries and wave your wand over the pot, saying:
''Bring me peace, bring me sleep
banish all bad, only goood keep
Thankful to the herbs, the stone and the deities
hear my plea and bring me peaceful sleep.''
-Set the pot by your bed and before you go to sleep inhale the scent of the herbs and touch the stone for a moment to relax yourself. Do this as often as you like.
Hope this helps
#5235 - Send Love To Another
After casting the circle and centering your mind and energies, focus on only good emotions and thoughts of love and peace. Focus on the Goddess and the person you want to send your love to.
Write the name of the person on the paper, you can add drawings, runes, symbols, poetry, reinforcing words (Like strong, happy, carefree), etc. Then hold the paper in your hand and put the rose petals in the center and sprinkle the rosemary on top of it, and say;
''A rose is strong, a rose is love
A symbol of the Goddess above.
And this herb of comforting feeling
friendship, love and healing
Rose petals and Rosemary
May it all be peaceful and merry.''
Roll the paper up until it looks similar to a cigarette and the paper is wrapped around the petals and rosemary and keeping it together. Hold it over the cauldron or fire proof dish or bowl and take the lighter.
Burn one end and let it burn like incense in the cauldron until it burns up. Say:
''And as the fire grows and grows
May my love and will be shown
By the Goddess, I ask that *Name* gets what they need
May love come and *name* be freed.''
When all the rose petals, paper and rosemary is burned up, the message has been sent.
I use this spell a lot myself, and you can play around with it by adding more herbs or even oils if you'd like. Its simple but effective.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5236 - Cleansing Enchanting Spell
Now, put salt water into your bowl, then place 3 pink quartz into it and add 2 drops of Red Fast Luck if have any. Now let it set for five minutes or until dark, once youve taking the 1st stone out of the bowl.
Just say:
"I say, this stone will be used for love. (3 Times)"
Then rinse the stone and dry it, now take it into the moon light, saying:
"By the moon light, I say, this stone will be used for love. (3 times)"
Now take the 2nd stone into your left hand like before and say:
"I say, this stone will be used for luck. (3 times)"
Like before rinse and dry the stone, then walking back into the moon light and say:
"By the moon light, I say, this stone will be used for luck. (3 times)"
Now take the last stone and say:
"I say, this stone will be used for love and luck. (3 times)."
Rinse and dry the stone, walk back into the moon light and say:
"By the moon light, I say, this stone will be used for love and luck. (3 times)"
Finish the spell by placing the Pink Quartz back on to your Alter.
Last edited on Jan 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5237 - Complete Banishing ritual
take a long bath and dress in clean clothes, do not put shoes on.
Pour the salt into the form of a circle large enough for you to sit in. Place your 4 black candles in north east south and west. At the north candle, place your pentacle
Place the items representing the 4 elements at each of the indicated points, the personal identifier (blood or hair) at the point indicating Spirit. Place the black string and your item of negativity in the centre of your pentacle. You are now ready to take your ritual bath.
The ritual bath isn't really a bath at all. You will have already washed away the day's dirt with your hot bath before getting to this stage. The ritual bath is a personal anointing and blessing. This should always be done before performing any formal ritual.
Preparing the bath itself is easy. Simply take a bowl of warm water and add some oils and herbs that are appropriate to your purpose that day (Sage, Rosemary, and Lavender). Once you have done this set the bowl down just outside the area where you have poured your salt Circle.
Relax yourself and your body by taking a few deep breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. When you feel relaxed and ready, stand in front of the bowl. Turn your palms face upward and say:
O Goddess gentle and mild,
Look down and bless me, your child.
Dip your finger into the bath of water and close your eyes. Using your finger anoint your eyelids by drawing a small pentagram on each. As you do so, say:
Bless my eyes that I might see,
Your ways, your path,
How things should be.
Open your eyes, and again dip your finger into the water and then anoint your lips in the same way as before, saying:
Please bless my lips so that they may carry
Your words to people with voice light and merry.
Now anoint your breast, saying:
Bless my breast; let it be formed in strength,
Conviction and courage without bounds or length.
Anoint your loins and at the same time say:
Bless too my loins, for they carry the force
Of all life and creation that flows from your force.
Anoint your knees, and say:
So that I may kneel at your altar, please bless
My knees; keep them free of pain and duress.
Lastly, anoint the tops of your feet (or your ankles), and say:
Bless both my feet as your steps they now trace,
Keep them true to the path at a straight even pace.
Your ritual bath is now complete.
There are many different Circle casting techniques. And these will vary dramatically from tradition to tradition. The way shown here is not the only way. Far from it. But it will give you an idea of what's involved and hopefully inspire you to find something that works especially well for you.
How many passes you make around the boundary of the Circle while casting it is up to you. Circles have been cast with as few as one pass, and as many as nine. Three is probably a good starting point until you find a number you are comfortable with.
It is a smart idea to learn and memorize the casting evocation as you will be doing several things at once during casting: Walking and talking, concentrating, visualizing and so on, and so on. Know the evocation by heart and you will find it easier and not get into a muddle.
To cast the Circle go to the Eastern Quarter and with the Athame, point it away from you towards the circle of salt. Now walk in a clockwise direction around the boundary three times. While doing so, visualize white and/or electric blue fire spitting from the athames end and burning the Circle boundary into the ground. As you visualize and walk, recite the evocation:
I cast you now O Circle of power,
I conjure your magick to grow and tower
Dividing the mundane world from
The world of the ancient mighty ones.
The space where magick lives and breathes
Where time and place and the mundane cease.
Between these worlds the Circle is cast
Now as one, the present, future and past.
Old ones, young ones, join now the night and day,
All that's mundane now sweep away.
All merry meet suspended in time.
This Circle is bound by the words of this rhyme.
The Circle has now been cast.
Now you are ready to call the Guardians of the Quarters.
The Quarter Guardians (often called Watchtowers) are used in a Circle to personify the elements (Earth, Fire, Air, and Water). Each is situated in its respective directional areas (North, South, East, and West). Each of the Guardians presides over its respective area. They split the Circle into four quarters and help to give the Circle its strength.
A symbol of each Guardian should be put in place. The easiest way is probably to use a colored candle for each. It is also possible to use something else such as crystals, or even something that directly relates to the direction of the Elements. Such as: incense for East, a bowl of water for West, salt for North, and a candle for South.
Whatever way you choose you must place each marker at its exact geographical location. Neglect to do so will certainly affect the quality of any magick you will be undertaking.
To start with it is a good idea to use a compass to make sure you get the exact directions of North, South, East, and West. Of course, once you have cast your Circle in this location a few times you will no longer need to check with the compass. Obviously when using a compass, make sure there are no strong magnetic or metal influences within the area that might affect a true reading.
Below you will find a few ideas for items that can be used for each Guardian. In order they are ideas for candle colors, crystals, and tarot cards. There are many more options than those shown. Black Candles are used to ward off negativity, however, white representing the Goddess and there-in, Purity, can be used to substitute any color correspondence.
Using your athame and starting at North, point towards north and say while visualizing them enter as you call them, majestic and great encompassing the corners of the ritual space.
''Hail and welcome guardian of the watchtower of the North and keeper of the element of Earth. I do hereby summon, stir and call you forth to witness, guard and protect this rite. Mark well what we do here. Hail and Welcome.'' Light the candle with a match.
Continue with East saying ''Hail and welcome guardian of the watchtower of the East and keeper of the element of Air. I do hereby summon, stir and call you forth to witness, guard and protect this rite. Mark well what we do here. Hail and Welcome.'' Light the candle with a match.
Move on to South, saying ''Hail and welcome guardian of the watchtower of the South and keeper of the element of Fire. I do hereby summon, stir and call you forth to witness, guard and protect this rite. Mark well what we do here. Hail and Welcome.'' Light the candle with a match.
And on to the West saying ''Hail and welcome guardian of the watchtower of the West and keeper of the element of Water. I do hereby summon, stir and call you forth to witness, guard and protect this rite. Mark well what we do here. Hail and Welcome.'' Light the candle with a match.
Earth - North Fire - South Air - East Water - West
Candle Green or Purple Orange or Red Blue or Yellow Blue or Pink
Crystal Malachite Citrine Aventurine Aquamarine
Tarot Empress The Sun The Hermi The Moon
Having called the Quarters, it is now time to invoke (entice is probably a more accurate way of putting it!) the Lord and Lady. It's a good idea to write your own invitation; the originality will undoubtedly be appreciated. This will give you a starting point however.
Stand in the center of the Circle and open your arms wide. Start by invoking the Goddess saying:
O Goddess of Moon, Goddess of Star
Ruler of planets both near and far.
Ruler of earth and all that's within,
Who sets time for life to begin.
Bringer of happiness, bringer of mirth,
Giver of value, giver of worth.
Descend to us now from above
And touch this Circle, fill it with love,
Join us now in this scared rite,
O Goddess, please bring your love and light.
At this point, pause and wait for a few seconds. Sometimes there will be a flicker of light, sometimes a breath of a breeze. Don't worry if you don't see or feel anything. The Lady's presence will become known to you even if all you feel is a tingle in your body.
Now it is time to invoke the Lord in the same way.
O Lord of all places wild and free
Sewer of seed that we might be.
he who is Sun in the heavens above,
Giver of light, giver of love.
Bringer of health and prosperity,
Who changes all as it should be.
Descend to us now from above
And touch this Circle, fill it with love,
Join us now in this scared rite,
O Lord, please bring your love and light.
Again wait a few moments.
You have now invoked both the Lord and Lady.
Having finally got to this point it is now time for you to perform any rituals or magickal work. This could literally be anything. It all depends on what you have in mind. There are many, many spells which could be worked at this point and only you will know what it is you need to work on. Obviously you should have your spells ready prior to this.
The Ritual:
Pick up the item of Negativity and focus on the hurt you have been caused, meditate on the pain and then visualize a blue light cracking the pain open, causing it to fall to pieces. Take the black length of cord and slowly start to bind the object, keeping the image of pain breaking away, of darkness turning to light, of sadness turning to happiness. As you bind the item, speak in a reverberating voice
pain and sorrow of the past, instead of darkness let light come to pass, hurt and anger of days to be, dissipate and set me free, ire, rage, discord and strife, forever part from my life, instead of these I demand elation, raise me now to happiness, and make my times free of stress. Lady and Lord, I ask of Thee. This is my will, so mote it be
Tie the ends of the cord tightly in a triple knot. Set the Rosemary and Sage alight in the fire resistant bowl. Pass the bound item through the smoke as you repeat the incantation twice more. Set the bound item to one side to be buried in the garden after you have closed the circle.
After ritual magick has been performed it is common practice to bless and consecrate cakes and wine, although cookies and juice (or similar) may be used if you prefer. To perform this ceremony the plate of cakes should be held out in front of you saying:
I conjure you, O meal of grain
Who sprouted in both sun and rain.
Whose ancient seed fulfills us all
Bringing new life wheree'r it falls.
I bless you in this Circle round
That your abundance may abound
To feed this world continuously
As I will, so mote it be.
Eat one of the cakes. Or, if you are not alone in the Circle, take a bite and pass the plate on to the next person saying ''Blessed be''. After each person has repeated the process, place the plate of cakes on the altar and fill your cup with wine. Holding the cup out in front of you, say:
I conjure you, O fruit of vine
Who grew with wind and rain, and time.
From naught but light of sun
Then light of moon when day was done.
I bless you in this Circle round
That your abundance may abound
To feed this world continuously
As I will, so mote it be.
Drink the wine unless you are not alone, in which case take a sip and pass it on in the same way as the cakes. When the wine returns to you, place it on the altar. Two cakes and some wine should now be put aside for outdoor libation. Any cake or wine remaining can now be shared with everyone else in the Circle.
After the cakes and wine blessing it is time to thank the Lord and Lady for their presence and to release them (should they wish to go). Although they may well stick around. Politeness counts and the best way is to let them know you are almost done with the ritual and give them the choice of leaving. To complete this part of the ritual, stand in the center of the Circle and open your arms wide. Start by thanking and releasing the Lady saying:
O Goddess of Moon, Goddess of Star
Ruler of planets both near and far.
Ruler of earth and all that's within,
Who sets the time for life to begin.
Bringer of happiness, bringer of mirth,
Giver of value, giver of worth.
We thank you for your presence here
and hold you in our hearts so dear.
With our love you now, you may go
Or stay if you should deem it so.
Having thanked and released the Lady, thank and release the Lord.
O Lord of all places wild and free
Sewer of seed that we might be.
he who is Sun in the heavens above,
Giver of light, giver of love.
Bringer of health and prosperity,
Who changes all as it should be.
We thank you for your presence here
and hold you in our hearts so dear.
With our love you now, you may go
Or stay if you should deem it so.
You have now released the deities.
The Quarters are much easier to release. In order to release the Quarters, start at the East with your athame and point its tip due East up into the air and say:
O swirling breezes, winds of the East
Who protected this Circle and witnessed all feats
Of magick performed and blessings poured out,
We thank you for coming and gathering about.
Now comes the time for the Circle to end,
With love and fond wishes it's now that we send
You back to the realm over which you do reign
Farewell and goodbye 'til we see you again.
Proceed to the Southern Quarter and say:
O Southerly fires, O Southerly flames.
Who protected this Circle and witnessed all claims
Of magick performed and blessings poured out,
We thank you for coming and gathering about.
Now comes the time for the Circle to end,
With love and fond wishes it's now that we send
You back to the realm over which you do reign
Farewell and goodbye 'til we see you again.
Proceed to the Western Quarter and release the Guardians in the same way but this time saying:
O Oceans and storms, streams of the West.
Who protected this Circle and witnessed all guests
And magick performed and blessings poured out,
We thank you for coming and gathering about.
Now comes the time for the Circle to end,
With love and fond wishes it's now that we send
You back to the realm over which you do reign
Farewell and goodbye 'til we see you again.
Proceed to the Northern Quarter and again release the Guardians saying:
O Northern forests, mountains and plains.
Who protected this Circle and witnessed all gains
Of magick performed and blessings poured out,
We thank you for coming and gathering about.
Now comes the time for the Circle to end,
With love and fond wishes it's now that we send
You back to the realm over which you do reign
Farewell and goodbye 'til we see you again.
You have now released all Quarters and may close your Circle.
The Circle was cast in a clockwise direction starting in the East. It is common practice to close the Circle in a counterclockwise direction starting in the North. Only one pass is necessary to close it.
To close and release the Circle, stand in the North quarter with the wand tip pointed at the ground. Effectively you are doing the reverse of casting. Visualize the same white and/or electric blue flame used during creation, only this time visualize it being sucked up into the wand.
Slowly walk the full boundary of the Circle saying:
The Circle, though open, remains unbroken,
Remaining to protect from all unspoken.
In perfect love, in perfect trust,
Now we leave to do all we must.
merry we met, and merry we part
Until we meet again with joy in heart.
When you reach North again, pause for a moment and then go to the center of the Circle and say:
This rite has ended and I go in love,
With thanks to the Lord and Lady above.
With thanks to the Elements and Others too,
Merry part with brightest blessings to you.
The Circle has now been closed and released.
The Circle has been released or closed and the rite has ended. Go outside and find a safe spot. Dig a hole big enough to put the bound item in. Pour the ashes of the burnt sage and rosemary over the bound item and close the hole. You have now reached the very last act to perform. It's called the ''libation to the Lord and Lady'' and is an important part of finishing the ritual. In a way it's giving something back to those who have given their time, love and energy to you.
Take the cakes and wine that you put aside on the altar earlier and go outside. Put the cakes on the ground and then pour the wine on top of them. As you are pouring the wine say:
By moon and sun and sky above
I offer these in perfect love.
By fire and earth, by rain and gust
I offer these in perfect trust.
Please take the gifts offered now to you
In thanks for love and time and all you do.
For all the gifts you've given me
Lord and lady, blessed be.
The Circle ritual may seem complex and involved and so it is. There is a lot to it when you take into account of the necessary preparations and stages. But like so much else in this world, if it's worth doing, do it well. Having said that it can be adapted as you desire but don't pare it down too much. It is such an important ritual it deserves the effort that is made to perform it.
The Circle ritual is now complete and once again you are back in the everyday world. Hopefully with a successful day's magick behind you.
It is important not to leave your circle until it has been uncast or dispersed. However, that is not to say that you are forbidden to leave it. Sometimes the need will arise, whether it's a call of nature or something else entirely.
If you do need to leave the circle for any reason, you must first cut a ''doorway''.
Standing in the East, take the athame and literally cut a doorway shape in the air. Walk through the doorway you have created in the Circle (taking the athame with you). Once you have exited the Circle, turn and, facing the circle, use the athame to close the opening. This will seal the circle so that nothing can enter or leave while you are gone.
When you return to the circle, it is important that you follow the same procedure. Cut a doorway in the circle, step through, and close it again with the athame.
#5238 - Freezer
#5239 - Create A Healing Mirror
First thing you should do is cleanse the mirror, wash it with pure water mixed with salt and nothing else. Purify it with your mind by meditating and using a object cleansing spell.
Once you've cleansed the mirror and blessed the pen, draw a Pentagram on the mirror, make it as perfect as you can.
Then hold the mirror in your hands, closing your eyes and forcing the power of healing and positive energies. Chant three times: "Healing at its strongest lasting for its longest aches and pains that fall between the pentagram written on this mirror shall disappear by the Deities' will."
Use the mirror for pain whenever you need to by lining the pained area up to the mirror so it shows within the reflection, inside the pentagram drawn on it.
As you hold the mirror to the inflicted area, imagine a silver light reaching from the mirror and into the pained skin, healing it completely.
Last edited on Jun 08, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5240 - Amaterasu's Protection Spell
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.