7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- To Cleanse Against Evil Thoughts
- Lemon Ring Protection
- Mute
- Energy Warmth Technique
- Cat Shifting
- Banish Bad Luck
- Summon Spirit
- Get Superhero Powers
- Mana Reaver
- Lucid Dream Bag
#5281 - To Cleanse Against Evil Thoughts
Recite in a calm, quiet, clear voice the following: Di cwot mend sacís tutt pâsi mal'idehi mali*.
Remain seated, meditating for at least five minutes.
Di: Dee
Cwot: Quoth (long o, th as in thin)
Mend: Menth (short e, th as in this)
Sacís: Sa-kees' (a as in father, s as in bliss)
Tutt: Toot
Pâsi: Pa'-zee (nasal a, sounds like ent in French -ment)
Mal': Mal (a as in at)
Idehi: Ee-dae'-ee
Mali: Mal'-ee (a as in at)
#5282 - Lemon Ring Protection
Take the pen and paper and make a list of all the things/people you want to protect or the people/things you need to be protected from.Take a look at the list and set it aside. Cut the ends of the lemon off. Then slice the lemon into 5 equal slices.Arrage the slices on the small plate in a circle, in a rough star shape. Place your list in the middle of that rough star shape. As you sprinkle the lemons with salt, completely cover them up (use plenty of salt) and repeat the fallowing charm:
"In this lovely ring of lemon rounds,
I place a list just for you,
No more anger will be found.
Sour feelings go to sour fruit,
Pay attention now,
Im giving you the boot.
Salt breaks up negativity and bad luck,
My love and energy sets this spell free.
By the power of three times three,
As I will it, so must it be".
Say three times. On the last verse, take your index finger and draw a counterclockwise spiral over the plate. Draw the spiral faster and faster, higher and higher until you fling the energy off your hand and back out to its sender. Brush your hands off three times three and announce: "The spell is sealed".
Make sure to think clearly of what you need protection from and the energy being sent back to its sender. Now leave the lemons undisturbed, they need to dry out completely, add more salt if needed. When they are dried out and shriveled up throw them away along with the list.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5283 - Mute
Point with your index finger at the thing making noise and chant: "Now take its voice make it mute. I don't want to hear it with his spute. Hate his or her voice, now its time to ease my mind with his voice muted at this time". Say this three times.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5284 - Energy Warmth Technique
Chant this short and simple sentence:
"Give me all the warmth
I desire with this eternal fire,
So mote it be
As this fire flows through me."
Visualize a bright fire ignite in the middle of your body and then imagine it spreading like wild fire- make it cover your entire body. You should be a bit warm.
Last edited on Jan 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5285 - Cat Shifting
Light your candle, then fill the bowl with milk and put the fur in the milk. Say this aloud:
"Cats are cunning, cats are wise, cats will rise. Make me small, make me fast, turn me into a cat."
Then start licking the milk from the bowl, make sure you lick up the cat fur. Drink it until it's half full and all the fur is gone. This spell will take around a week, possibly more.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5286 - Banish Bad Luck
Chant: "Happiness and joy come into my life. Away with anger stress and strife. I am happy, I am free. No more negativity".
Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5287 - Summon Spirit
Go to your quiet place preferably at midnight. Sit cross legged ad place the picture or item in front of you. Begin to clear your mind and focus. You should feel something when the spirit gets here. It will be a feeling you won't forget. The feeling depends on the spirit but you will know when it's there
Ask it a question or start to talk to it. If you have your telepathy well enough developed you can talk to each other that way otherwise the answer will come on your dream.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5288 - Get Superhero Powers
Get the match strike it and light the candle with the match and put the match out. Burn the picture and collect the ashes. Get the ashes and put them in the drink. Then chant "Great, great powers by the gods for me, give these great powers to me" then drink the drink. You should get the powers in a few days.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5289 - Mana Reaver
Note: it may not work the first time you need to practice alot and be experienced to be able to use it and its not a weapon it helps you become stronger but use it at your own risk cause it drains alot of your energy and will leave you tired at first.
#5290 - Lucid Dream Bag