7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Onyx Encasement
- Provoke an Evil Spirit in Your Home
- Acoda's Anti-Acne
- Protection Charm
- Charm of The Yellow Rose
- Get Rid of Unwanted Guests
- Besom Blessing
- Acoda's Easy Lighting Spell
- Binding a Harmful Person
- Anger Running
#5421 - Onyx Encasement
Charge your onyx with coconut oil for protection and purification. Locate the spirit you wish to encase. (You can do this by Black Mirror, Pendulum, or going to they're grave or place where they parted.) Once you've contacted the spirit you wanted, hold out the onyx infront of you to show the spirit your goal. Say, "Spirit that has passed on, I ask for your agreement in this offer of onyx encasement."
The spirit will either accept or decline. If they decline, do not push further and say. "Thank you for your valued time." If they accept your offer then say, "Thank you for accepting in my offer, now with the blessing of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone I bound you to the power of the onyx."
The spirit will then be incased in the onyx and you are free to take it with you and use the energy that the spirit provides. (Be aware that the spirit can manifest itself whenever as long as it is close to the onyx it is bound to.)
Last edited on Nov 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5422 - Provoke an Evil Spirit in Your Home
First hang the pentagram upsidedown from the top wall. Next light the pentagram on fire, wait until the fire gets to the top of the pentagram not string then cut it with a black knife. Let the pentagram burn to ash then put the ash in a jar and leave it in a room.
Last edited on Nov 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5423 - Acoda's Anti-Acne
While you are washing your face with a washrag and soap simply say:
"Pimples be gone and sits away. I've used soap, yet still you stay. That age is done! You're time's not long, because as I speak, you will be gone!"
Results should come by the time you wake up the next morning.
Last edited on Nov 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5424 - Protection Charm
Holding the pendant in your left hand and the bowl of salt water in your right, turn to the West. Slowly pour the water over the pendant as you speak the following charm:
"Elements of earth and sea
Return to all by power of three.
That which may be sent to me
Unless I have summoned it to be.
I am protected from this night
By the spirits of power and might."
Wear the pentacle for protection on a daily basis. Once a month, at the dark of the moon, repeat the charm to keep your pentacle properly charged
Last edited on Nov 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5425 - Charm of The Yellow Rose
Dab a small amount of your favorite perfume or cologne on a tissue. Take a long-stem yellow rose, and with great feeling and emotion, charm it with the following verse:
"The stars above, in darkness shine,
With light that fills the heavens divine.
So bright with radiance our love glows,
It out shines the sun, and dims all foes."
Wrap the rose in the scented tissue and place in the refrigerator. As soon as possible, find the opportunity to give it to the one you love.
Last edited on Nov 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5426 - Get Rid of Unwanted Guests
Take a broom into a room that is either facing your unwanted guests or is directly behind them. Close the door. Lay the broom on the floor with the stalk butts facing the direction of the guests. Stand behind the broom, and chant the following:
"Get ye out beyond my door
For Im weary to the core!"
Take a few relaxing breaths, and visualize your guests leaving. Put the broom away. Within 10 or 15 minutes they will take their leave, unaware of your magickal nudging.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5427 - Besom Blessing
your broom. This will remove all of the negative thoughts
and vibrations that may be attached to the broom making it
ready for magickal works.Place the candle, the bowl of salt, and the one of water,
along with the censer and rosemary on a small table. Light
the charcoal, and the white candle. Sprinkle some salt over
the broom and then some water as you say:
Water and Earth
Wash thee clean,
Of all that was
And is unclean.
Place some of the rosemary on the hot coal in the censer.
Pick up the broom and pass it through the smoke of the
burning herb, and then through the candle flame as you say:
Essence of Air
Flame of Fire,
Cleanse thee of all
But what I desire.
The broom is now ready to use for both mundane and
magickal works. Use your broom to purge your house of
negative thoughts and vibrations as well as unwanted guests.
#5428 - Acoda's Easy Lighting Spell
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5429 - Binding a Harmful Person
Cast a circle. Then light the candles and incense. Ask for the help of Hecate and the Morrigan. Write down the persons name on a small piece of paper with the black pen. Show it to the elements and goddesses. Start wrapping the paper in the black cord as you say, "(Person), I bind you from doing harm".
When done, burn the paper and imagine their power to harm burning away. Place the ashes on the mirror. Make a small circle of salt around the ashes. Concentrate on the person, then breathe onto the mirror and say, "Evil's death by my breath". Close the mirror and seal it with black candle wax.
Last edited on Jan 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5430 - Anger Running
Start running. As you are running, channel your anger down into your legs. You will notice a difference.
Last edited on Nov 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.