7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
- Relaxation Mantra
- Binding A Witch's Magic
- Protection Spell
- Sleep lullaby
- Don't Touch
- Spell Removal
- Change Cup Size
- Prayer to Cassiel
- Becoming In-Touch with the Elements
- Summon Dark Skeleton
#5501 - Relaxation Mantra
A mantra to help rid yourself of any negative thoughts or feelings. Can be used to relax before stressful event (test, interview, date). Also can be used when feeling overwhelmed with dark thoughts (like dread, depression, anger), in which case, substitute "darkness" for "tension."
You may need:
Quiet place
Darkness (candlight if needed)
Your mind
Lavender oils, candles, or incense for added effect
''Open my heart''
(There are four doors on your heart. The doors open and there are dark, dead vines with objects of the stresses [pieces of paper with giant red ''F's'' on them for tests, broken hearts for rejected romances, person's face for directed negative feelings, destructive items like knives, guns, noose, etc for depression, etc...] hanging off as the vines constrict your heart)
''Open my mind''
(The vines lead up to your brain, which opens to reveal the same objects of stress hanging off of the vines as they constrict your mind)
''Let this tension inside me unwind''
(The vines all fall away, letting you see the positive outcomes [paper with ''A's'' for tests, bright hearts with arrows through them for romance, stacks of money for job interview, smiley faces for happiness, blossoming flowers for positivity, etc...] in both mind and heart)
Repeat until all the vines are gone and you can clearly see the positive elements.
~You can also use this mantra as a cadence while walking or on commute to whatever is stressing you, but I suggest doing it the night before in a dark, quiet place as well.~
Devian has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Jun 16, 2012
#5502 - Binding A Witch's Magic
To remove a witch's magic
I'll take your hand in mind,While you go search and find,
The magic that i now bind,
From now until the end of time.
Altwigg has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Jun 16, 2012
#5503 - Protection Spell
To protect your self and others around you.
say these words once:By the dragons light,
On this monthly night,
I call to thee to give me thy might,
By the power of three,
I conjure thy,
To protect all,
That surrounds me,
So let it be,
So let it be.
Altwigg has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Jun 16, 2012
#5504 - Sleep lullaby
To make someone fall asleep
Sing to any slow tune you wantGo to sleep
Close your eyes
Drift into dreams
Of sweet paradise
I'll be right here
Till you close your eyes
Listen my dear
To my lullaby
Then whisper
Sweet dreams, so mote it be.
Naya4427 has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Aug 23, 2011
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Jun 16, 2012
Last edited on Dec 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Dec 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5505 - Don't Touch
Gives protection.
Light candles clockwise. Trace a pentagram on your skin and say: "With this pentagram you should see, holy gods understand and protect me".
manofmystery has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Jun 11, 2012
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Jun 13, 2012
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5506 - Spell Removal
Undo a spell.
With your hand , point with all fingers to the object that has the spell on it while saying:removeth mote spelleth
repeat once.
dman819 has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Jun 12, 2012
#5507 - Change Cup Size
This is a spell to make yours, your friend's, or even a friend's friend cup size bigger or smaller
You may need:
A Mirror (would be helpful)
A Voice
Some Skill in Visuallization & Meditation(would be helpful)
Help me, help me, help me please
Please make her breasts be cup size *
Soon they will be
Soon they will be
Soon they'll be cup size *
Note 1: can substitute * with A, B, C,or D
Note 2: can substitute her with my
AriesTiger01 has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Mar 15, 2012
#5508 - Prayer to Cassiel
A prayer to Cassiel, the angel of temperance. Used during times of distress.
Cassiel, please help me as I move through this time in my life that is requiring more responsibility and moderation. Sometimes I feel the weight of the world and I feel like I can't handle it anymore and I need your Divine Assistance. Wipe away my tears of stress and replace them with tears of joy and happiness.
Oblivian has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Apr 26, 2012
#5509 - Becoming In-Touch with the Elements
This is just my personal way of getting focused before any spell casting.
You may need:
A Voice
A meditation stone
(Having a representation of all the elements doesn't hurt)
This may take 5-10 minutes depending on how practiced you are
How to make your egg:
I demand and command that anything and everything that is not in total and complete alignment with __________, with my source self, and all that is be removed and contained be sent to its highest form of expression and not be allowed to return.
(Now you may notice the blank. You must repeat this 9x. Each time fill the blank with one of these (preferably in order) gratitude, compassion, truth, patience, connection to spirit, tolerance, acceptance, faith, unconditional love.)
-after that, say-
I command that gratitude, compassion, truth, patience, connection to spirit, tolerance, acceptance, faith, and unconditional love be in perfect rotation, seed atom alignment, harmony and resonance NOW!
I place the egg of unconditional lave around me, under my feet over my head, under my feet over my head, under my feet over my head, swirling around me, protecting me, and keeping me safe. I fill my egg with divine light, healing energy, Goddess' and God's source.
-now visualize your body filling with white light-
(Now you should feel very relaxed. That was the longest part, this next part is very simple to do, but can be hard to grasp at first... Please be patient.)
- Hold your meditation stone. Visualize your heart, not the cute, emoticon kind, the blood-filled thing beating in your chest, now at the some time imagine fruit-bearing earth, hold that image, now imagine the crop on fire, see it slowly become ashen, now imagine rains quenching the flame, let the clouds pass, see the ashes blow around the earth, reaching you. Open your eyes.-
Artifexa has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Jun 10, 2012
#5510 - Summon Dark Skeleton
This spell will summon a Dark skeleton.
Use it at full moon.
1.Find a skeleton at the graveyard...2.Lighten the candle....
3.Prepare your wand...
4.Chant 5 times:
Oh Dark angel of the underworld,
I ask you to summon a skeleton for me,
So i can be protected so hardly and free,
Make him dark and make him black,
So one day this world will never forget,
So mote it be......
After 5 chants....
The skeleton will stand up and ask for your desire..
Daus has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Jun 09, 2012
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters