7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Invocation to the Goddess and God
- Call of Love
- Against Rowdy
- Universal Eraser
- Control Water
- True Colors
- Sleep Protection
- Listen To the Voices of Nature
- Meditation and the Astral Plane
#5561 - Invocation to the Goddess and God
"Kouros seedsower, Kore underground
Leaflight, bloodroot, grain reborn
Turning the Wheel we keep you in mind,
Lovelight, spermshine, flower & thorn.
Spinning the Web we call you forth,
Turning the Wheel with ageless love.
Earth Her body, Air Her breath,
Fire Her spirit, Water Her flow,
Transformed in the halls of Death,
Life on life we come and go.
Spinning the Web we call you forth,
Turning the Wheel with ageless love.
Kouros Horned One, Kore above,
Stralight, heart's joy, ancient mirth
Spinning the Web we call you forth,
Turning the Wheel with ageless love."
Last edited on Dec 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5562 - Call of Love
Light your candle and the picture next to the candle and while it is burning say
"Gods and goddesses make (the person you want to call you)call me."
When this candle burns out then when it goes out the person should call you.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5563 - Against Rowdy
Take your husband's personal towel. First, wash towel, then rinse in a bowl adding a glass of holy water. At the time of the rinse, repeat as likes:
"Anger will cleanse, quarrels cease,
Not to be (name of husband) evil,
Do not give free rein to his liking violent.
(Name of husband) with a towel to wipe and sorrows
(Wife's name) to be forgotten.
Quiet and gentle, meek and spokoyey
(Name of husband) from now until the end of the age. "
Perform actions on the descending moon.
Last edited on Nov 13, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5564 - Universal Eraser
First, the washing machine apparatus pasted the name "Universal Eraser." In the capacity of the powder fell asleep, stain remover, conditioner. On a piece of paper write the word "problem" in mind "hold" a situation that needs to be erased, laying in the Universal Eraser. Install the program on which will be "erased" the problem, and leave. After the end of the cycle to check that even the "not a trace." Air conditioning is also a "spirit" of killing.
Last edited on Nov 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5565 - Control Water
Before trying this spell make sure you mediate first since some people told me it worked like that. First, turn the handle in your sink and let a little water rush out (cool or warm). Second, say this while having your hands in the water "water, my friend, my partner, my world, the only thing I ask for you is for a little control." Now move your hands or fingers around without touching water.
Last edited on Nov 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5566 - True Colors
To make the spell work follow the instructions. First say this spell:
"Make the fake dissappear
Make his/her true colors shine real bright
Show (person's name) true colors
And make him/her right"
Then blow up the ballons and say:
"As I blow up these ballons
(person's name) shall show
what they're really like
Ss I say so mote it be"
To reverse follow the instructions. Say this spell
"I am tired of seeing what
(person's name) was hiding
Spirits of the earth
Change (person's name) back"
Now pop the balloons while saying "As I say so mote it be".
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5567 - Sleep Protection
2. Wet the tips of your fingers with the salted water, and flick it around the area you will be sleeping in ( COMPLETELY around the area ).
3. Now place your candles somewhere inside the circle of salted water, and while lighting them say this, ''God and goddess protect through the night against any evil being. Let this flame burn away any dreams of bad and bring good. Let this salt bring peace and keep out any evil beings. Let ths water cleanse the area of any evil. Now go if you will. Stay if you must. All you must know is you have my trust.''
4. Now go to sleep and I hope you get a good nights rest.
Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again,
#5568 - Listen To the Voices of Nature
One: Meditate. Focus on the natural sounds around you.
Two: Focus on what you hear, what you feel, and what you smell.
Three: Think about the Earth and all that goes on around it. What animals inhabit it, the weather, etc.
Four: Listen, listen, listen, as hard as you can.
Five: Be patient, it might take a minute from here.
You should be able to hear something inside of mind, or maybe even see images. Good luck, and hope this provides a good experience for you!
#5570 - Meditation and the Astral Plane
Put your music on and get into a sitting position then concentrate hard on nothing else but the beat of the music. Do this for more than five minutes until you feel calm and relaxed through every part of your body mind and soul. Then push your spirit out of your body until you see the spirit world and the places beyond it .
Last edited on Nov 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.