7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Protecting Yourself and Others
- Levitating Things Using Wind
- How to Be a Fairy
- Door Protection/Shield
- Make the Wind Blow
- To Banish a Pest
- To Steal Angels Wings
- To Banish Hatred and Resentment
- Dream Tower/Spirit Column
- Mermaid
#5571 - Protecting Yourself and Others
Go to the place you feel is magical. Then you must cast a circle with your wand,knife, finger and or rocks. Now, light the candle (if have one)lay out some incense. Now you and your friends take out your (working) wands and or hands. Now, if you have a wand, point it at the object you want to enchant, if you are using your hand grasp the (necklace/object) tightly, and chant
"Great rulers of the earth give this object full power to protect me. I plea you give it protection. Protect me now, protect me for ever."
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5572 - Levitating Things Using Wind
First of all Get into a meditative state while sitting down somewhere with wind flowing around your position (preferably outside). Now while sitting feel the wind, each gust and separate current, feel the wind brush and move past you. Now imagine altering the gusts and currents by making them blow harder or faster etc. then once you are in a meditative state, chant:
"By the Spirits of air.
I wish to bare a gale of air,
one strong enough to,
make ships sail
one strong enough to
make brick walls fail.
So that I may make things float.
So mote it be."
Then repeat it again as many times as you want.
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5573 - How to Be a Fairy
Step 2: Take the element piece and say this spell.
Oh gods and goddesses, hear my plea
Make me be a magical fairy
With the power of(your power)
Step 3: Hold up the element piece.
Step 4: Burn the piece in the flames.
The reverse spell is going to be posted later.
#5574 - Door Protection/Shield
First crush and mix the herbs in a bowl of choice, then add the sand and salt, whilst doing this say a prayer of choice asking for a blessing and take minute to focus on the task at hand.
Next light the incense and place it of the left when facing the door. Now lay a line of the sand and herbs across the door, you can lay it in the door frame or even under the carpet or mat by the door.
After this lay the three candles across the doorway, picking up the incense draw and visualise a protective symbol of choice a cross the door etc. And as doing so chant:
"Bless this home property of me
Protect and guard this doorway
By the powers of three
Powers of three
Powers of three"
"May I will a shield
Of steel and strength
To shield me from those of cruel intent
Banish those who mean me harm
If not invited you shall not pass"
Leave the candles by the door to burn, its advised to put the candles on a heat mat or something like that so that the tealights don't burn the carpet.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5575 - Make the Wind Blow
Clean your mind. Look up to the sky and "Gods of Power, Gods of Might. Let the wind blow. Make it blow stronger, so mote it be".
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5576 - To Banish a Pest
To turn the cruel desire of a pest to discourage him/her from teasing/mocking, focus on the pest and say these words:
"Turn your sight to deepest pain,
Know that you will nothing gain.
Mock me not, but wish me well,
Turn desire with this spell".
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5577 - To Steal Angels Wings
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5578 - To Banish Hatred and Resentment
Take your piece of paper and write about the situation and/or person that you wish to banish all hatred and resentment for.
When you are finished, light the White candle and ask that all benevolent spirits and entities governing the banishing of hatred be present in your Magick working.
Take your paper, scrunch it up and ignite it with the candle flame, chanting:
"Sun, shine through my cloudy heart,
Let resentment fall apart.
Give me strength to let this go;
Forget the hatred that I hold.
Bring thy warmth and love to me,
With harm to none, So Mote It Be."
After the paper is all ash, you should begin to feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5579 - Dream Tower/Spirit Column
(I made one of these for a friend and she said it worked great)
#5580 - Mermaid
Put on the swimsuit top and flippers. Turn on some relaxing music as you scrub lotion onto your legs. Cut the coconut in half, putting one half on each knee. Say, "I wish to be a mermaid and swim in the sea".
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.