7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Fattening
- Cleansing Bodily Negative Energy
- How to Make a Staff
- Earthen Rage
- Ki Kick
- Firewall Protection Oil
- Angel Spell
- Electrokineses
- Averting the Evil Eye
- Wind
#5851 - Fattening
While focusing on becoming fat, chant: "Make me fat. Make me round. Make it so". Spin around three times while imagining yourself as fat as you want.
Last edited on Oct 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5852 - Cleansing Bodily Negative Energy
Clear your mind and light the white candle. Say the following incantation:
"Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit,
I ask thee to cleanse my body of all negative energies"
Light the black candle and say the same thing. After this light the green candle and say the following incantation:
"Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit,
I ask thee to free and heal
My body from all negative forces.
Blessed be!"
Sit back, and keep your mind clear for fifteen minutes. After this you should feel renewed and fresh.
Three Red Leaves Spell
This spell is used to protect the mind against things such as nightmares, negative thoughts and invasions of evil. First you must gather three red leaves from any tree, plant or bush. Lay them in a triangle on a flat surface. In the centre of the leaves, place an already lighted candle, and place a few drops of chrysanthemum oil on each leaf.
Say this incantation three times:
"Red leaves, gift from earth,
Birth to death and death to birth,
Keep all evil far away,
Day to night and night to day."
Then extinguish the candle, and wrap the leaves in a white cloth or pouch. Place this near your bed within three feet of your head and it will stop all nightmares and negative thoughts.
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5853 - How to Make a Staff
Scrape off all the bark you can from the stick. Then, with the drill or hammer, make a hole in the top. Poke the wire in, and wrap it around the stick. Hold the staff in your hands and say, "In this staff I present it with the grand almighty power of (your choice). You will have all spells and powers of this! (Power)! So mote it be!" Tough the bottom of the wire and imagine energy flowing into the wire, inside the stick.
Say, "Energy I sent, go stay where I sent, so mote it be!" If you decide to attach a crystal or gem, touch it and focus you energy into it saying "Oh this crystal I power thee, with this staff you shall be, so mote it be!" If the crystal comes off just reattach it. Hold the staff in both hands and say "What I have said shall stay, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jul 05, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5854 - Earthen Rage
#5855 - Ki Kick
#5856 - Firewall Protection Oil
Blend Dragons Blood and Sea Salt together, then add Castor Oil, Frankincense and Myrrh in bottle. Shake well.
Optional: recite a protection chant to add more power use your own to add your own power.
Last edited on Oct 07, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5857 - Angel Spell
Dim the lights very low or turn them off completely, light the candle, and set the
crystal and the bag in front of the candle.
Begin by taking a quiet moment, with your eyes closed and your body still, to
concentrate and summon all your power and energy from the universe around you.
Take a deep breath in, and let it out slowly, feeling your power grow inside you and
spread throughout your body, and into your arms and legs.
You are going to use the crystal as a magical magnet to attract a Guardian Angel spirit
to watch over you. Angel spirits need to be regularly re-attracted with the crystal
magnet otherwise they can get bored or tired or distracted and wander off.
First you have to visualise the power of the crystal as a magnet.
With the candle alight, hold the crystal in front of the candle about 2-3 feet away so
you can see the flame through the crystal.
See the light flickering behind the crystal, flowing through the crystal and sparkling
and dancing around the room. This is the magical magnetic power in its visible form.
Watch as it moves and flows and ebbs, and feel the power washing over you.
Once you can feel the magical energy, recite the following to begin to release the
power of the crystal magnet:
Crystal magnet in the candle light,
Your powers so strong, your magic so bright,
Release your energy to the universe wide,
And draw a Guardian Angel here to my side.
At this point, move closer to the candle flame so the light becomes brighter and
stronger, and the sparkles and reflections of the light through the crystal are clearer
and more powerful.
Turn the crystal in the light to find the best angle to express the magnetic and magical
energies. See if you can get the light to cast mystical shadows on the walls, and then
see if you can see any meaningful shapes or signs in the light patterns.
Recite the chant above again, twice more, each time moving a little closer to the
By now any nearby Angel spirits will have been attracted to you by the crystal and
the magic in the room, so it is time to command them to watch over you.
Guardian Angels who be here with me,
I command thee to watch me and keep me safe,
Blessed with luck and gifted with success,
So mote it be.
#5858 - Electrokineses
#5859 - Averting the Evil Eye
Before you go to sleep for the night, go outside and construct a large eye shape on the patio just outside the door. Do this by pouring black pepper in an artistic formation. (To make lines with pepper, just use the pour side of a store-bought pepper container.)
Once youve made this eye (even very simple one), do the same at all other doorways leading outside of the house. When you wake up in the morning, go outside and blow the eyes away using forceful breaths. Conclude by saying: "Evil eye, you must flee! Leave this place, so mote it be!"
#5860 - Wind
Go outside, in open air, and say this:
"East, west, north, south, winds
hear my plea and follow me
crete the winds for me
and I will set you free"