7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- SUPER easy relaxtion
- Split your Soul
- Deceptus
- Bind a Mortal From Doing Harm
- Charge a Crystal Ball.
- Vanish Negativity
- Move Anything With Your Mind
- Dream Reader
- Protective Fire
- Love Binding Potion
#5971 - SUPER easy relaxtion
then, keep it there and take a deep slow breath
then put ur pointer finger at the corner of ur eye where the faces edge is
keep it there and take a deep breath
then put ur finger under ur eye and take a deep breath
then take ur finger and put it above ur upper lip and below ur nose. take a deep breath.
then put ur finger under ur lower lip then take a deep breath.
now ur done! it is easy and simple and can be done anywhere!
NOTE: this is not mine but from another website!
plz mail me n tell me if it works it might be in my head but it worked try, rate, and mail plz -ty :D
#5972 - Split your Soul
Go outside at exactly midnight with 5 other people and place the objects on the ground. Then place a candle to beside each object light the candles and put them in a circle take the dead rose petals and place them on the flame of the candles you and the 5 other people take out your wands concentrate on the flame and chant:
"Deathly hour use our power take our soul and split it(then the number of times your splitting) times at a deathly toll this is my wish so mote it be."
#5973 - Deceptus
Take the 2 towels and lay them in front of you then take the 6 candles and make a circle. After that take the picture and put it in the middle of the candles then light the candles pull out your wand aim it at the person your casting at and say "Deceptus!"
#5974 - Bind a Mortal From Doing Harm
Place both hands in the air. Speak loud and clear, " (Name), I bind you now from doing harm or causing pain". Continue to say this until you feel power coursing through your body.
Now say as loud as possible, "I've said these words of binding so now it shall be". Band your hands together as hard as possible, clasping your hands together at the end. Repeat this final chant three times.
#5975 - Charge a Crystal Ball.
Place the crystal ball on your altar between the candles and say, "Crystal ball, let the power of the future and the past enter and embrace you, so mote it be".
#5976 - Vanish Negativity
''Negative Energies, you are not welcome in my life. Now leave me! So mote be!''
#5977 - Move Anything With Your Mind
To begin with, make an energy ball in your hands. Then open your hands slightly in the direction of the object that you wish to move. Will the energy to move from your hands and surround the object. Then, make sure your energy line is strong otherwise it won't move, say:
"Listen to me and abide
Move this random thing aside"
And then slowly move your hands/wand in the direction you want the object to go. If it doesn't move at first then put your hands/wand in the original position and try to move it again.
#5978 - Dream Reader
1: Put on necklace or bracelet (necklace is preferable and make sure to keep your neckalace/bracelet on for the whole day)
2: Mind link with the person you want to dream read (each of you concentrates on each other at the same time. Mail me (moroccowitch)for more info)
3: Hold the photo/drawing between your hands and say: ''Entertwined by a link of mind, tied together by only thought. I will jump into your dreams and drown in your fantasies'' Note: You don't have to say exactly this. Just say an incantation that mentions how your minds are linked and you want to see his/her dreams. I made this one though, and think it works the best.
4: Keep the necklace/bracelet on when you sleep and put the photo/drawing under your pillow.
5: When you sleep, you will have a dream. During this dream, you will see a T.V. or book. If it is a T.V, watch it and it will show the persons dreams. If it is a book, read it and it will tell you about his/her dreams. It also might be a radio, so listen to the radio and you will hear their dreams.
Note: This works 80% of the time and is uncannily accurate. Use it as you wish and may you have good dreams.
#5979 - Protective Fire
Oh element of Fire come and start this fire the pile of earth is where you will reside, protect the area, keep all evil away
#5980 - Love Binding Potion
Put the holy water in a glass. Then, draw a big heart on the paper. Write your name and then his/her name. Put the glass on top of the paper. Say:
"There is a guy/girl out there,
Who wont notice me.
Make him/her look,
Make him/her see,
Who I am,
who I can be."
Then, say
"I add these 4 rose petals.
One for luck
One for love
One for Peace(
And the last one,
For me and him/her to be together
Stir the potion and take the rose petals out. place the petals around the glass. Drink it up, and in a few days, he/she will ask you out, or you ask him out.