7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Black Ash
- Sacred Stone/ Leaf
- Fire Well Wish
- Angel's Protection
- Break a Love Spell
- Binding from Harm
- Real Mermaid Spell
- Stupefy
- Retrieve a Friend or Love you Lost
- Mana Shield
#6001 - Black Ash
Melt to wax till it is a liquid.
Poor the ash into the melted wax.
Stir the mixture until the two are int wind.
Put the wick into the circular container but hold one end of it.
While still holding the end of the wick pour the wax into the container put all the wax in.
Give it till the next full moon to fully harden.
Use the candle in any Resurrection spell and it will ensure a happy ending.
#6002 - Sacred Stone/ Leaf
For Stone
"Bring me a stone
uniqe to me.
bring me a stone,
so mote it be."
You should see a stone unlike any other its the one.
For Leaf
"Bring me a leaf
uniqe to me.
Bring me a leaf
should see a neat looking leaf."
#6003 - Fire Well Wish
Pour a little it of the flammable liquid into the pot and place the Quartz Crystal in the very center of the pot. Light a match and throw into the pot while saying a Power Chant. Pour more of the liquid in until the flame is about 9 inches high and glowing bright. When the flame is big throw the paper with your wish written on it into the fire. As you watch it burn, say the following spell:
"This Well of Fire brings desires,
The smoke will take my magick higher.
Grant to me that which I seek,
That will and wish at last shall meet.
Willed with passion, wished with care,
Send my spell now through the Air.
Now I name the need so dire,
Now I feed it to the fire.
By the power of three times three,
As I will it, so shall it be."
Blessed Be!
#6004 - Angel's Protection
Close your eyes and chant the following:
"Lovely Angels hear my plea,
Only three I call to me.
I call for your protective power,
Here and in my needing hour."
Chant until you feel protected.
Blessed be.
#6005 - Break a Love Spell
When it becomes witching hour on the night of a full moon go outside and sit indian style then light the red candle and focus on the person who put the spell on you as you concentrate and say:
"Now is the time, now is the hour to take back my heart to take back my power this is the moment to break your spell I see right through you now burn in hell."
You can add whatever you want to the end besides "now burn in hell" it just worked best for me. After you chant when the candel melts gather the wax and carve it into a broken heart with your and the persons initals in the heart.
#6006 - Binding from Harm
First you take the picture and you get ther ribbon and start to wrap it around the picture. While wrapping chant the words:
"I bind you (name) from diong harm against people and harm against yourself as many times as needed."
#6007 - Real Mermaid Spell
This spell includes using blood so anyone who is desperate enough to be a mermaid may read it, anyone who may be squeemish about blood should not use this spell.
1. Fill up your bathtub halfway with water.
2. Take 1 cup of salt and pour 3/4 of it in the bath tub.
3. Do not touch the water (not yet anyway).
4. Take the clean sharp item and make a little cut on your leg.
5. Take one drop of your blood and put it in the small glass cup.
6. Pour 1/4 of the salt into the cup with the blood.
7. Fill the glass up with sink water.
8. Mix the ingridients with your finger.
9. Get into the bathtub with the potion in your hand.
10. Chant these words while clutching the potion:
"This potion I hold in the clutch of my hand,
will part me to see and no longer land.
As I touch the water a tail will appear,
I will be human on land with no fear.
As I drink this potion I will have no feet,
until I get dry, mote it be, mote it be."
After you chant these words you will notice there is no tail. Not to worry! To obtain your tail you must wait 2 weeks. Some people will get lucky and the more you believe the luckier you are. The lucky people I have tested this potion with became a mermaid in 2-3 days! But others didn't believe that much so it took longer for them to develope their tail and power. You will obtain a power too but you do not get to choose. It may be a power like being able to communicating with fish in the sea, or controlling sea life, etc.
There are a few side effects and just to be cautious and to look ahead, the side effects are: Itchy legs, legs change color, you smell like fish, need for water, legs feel rough, legs stick together, you get mermaid dreams, visions, have the need for salt, need to swim in water, take more baths than the average human (3 times a day), begin to understand sea life (like fish, manatees, ect.), start to swim like a fish, splash in a bathtub, lose your balance, fall in the shower, have moments where you breath underwater, have moments where you see clearly under salt water or any other water, breath heavy on land, when falling on the floor or laying down you start flapping your legs, constant hunger for sea food, have the feeling you want to collect shells, and seduce more men.
If you have any of these side effects you will soon gain your h20 just add water tail and yes it does include the bikini top with it. Some people are really lucky and obtain their power first before tail. Some people get their tail first and have obtained these side effects for their power. Either way it will end out good in tail and power. Also, some people maybe you may get more than one power. It just depends.
#6008 - Stupefy
#6009 - Retrieve a Friend or Love you Lost
Do this outside on a sunny day.
Repeat the following (and admittedly rather lame) poem, adjusting or removing lines that do not apply to your situation. I personally wrote this for a friend, but I added some lines for those who are looking toward fixing things with someone more ''special.'' Adjust as needed.
Dandelion, dressed in yellow
To me you will say hello
Dandelion, yellow and bright
You and I will never fight
Dandelion, bright and sweet
Speak with sugar when we meet
Dandelion, sweet and taking root
You will forget our dispute/ You will always think I'm cute
Dandelion, rooted and growing
Friendship/Love in your heart is finally showing
There's Growth in your heart
We will have a new start
You will return to me
This is my will, so mote it be
Twist the dandelions together once with each line. If you have excess stem when you're done, pluck it off. Hold the end with your toes (that's what I did) and tie it at the top under the flowers and at the end of the stems so that it doesn't fall apart.
Dig a shallow hole about as long as the flowers, and bury them with the petals peeking out of the hole. To represent freedom, tick the two feathers in the ground next to the flowers. While you're doing this, it would be a good idea to chant something along the lines of ''free to be.''
Then you're done. If you want, you can water the flowers. I always thought it was fun.
#6010 - Mana Shield
Set up the blue candle in the center and place the five white candles around it where the points of a pentacle would be.
Light the blue candle and say:
'Guardian Dragons, hear me and protect me.'
Light the lower right candle and say:
'Dragons of the earth and sea, give your protection unto me.'
Light the lower left candle and say:
'Dragons of the wind and fire, protect myself and my spirit higher.'
Light the upper right candle and say:
'Dragons of the light, protect me with your sight.'
Light the upper left candle and say:
'To Dragons of the darkest night, I pray you protect me with all your might.'
Light the top candle and say,
'Spirit Dragons, hear my plea, I call you now to protect me.'
Sprinkle the salt on the edge of the plate and imagine yourself surrounded by a bubble of sparkling blue energy.
Before closing the circle, say:
'Thank you, Dragons, one and all, for coming to aid me by my call.'
Close the circle.