7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Basic Protection
- Potion to exorcise evil spirits
- Fix abuse
- Mabon Offering
- Contracting with a spirit or demon.
- Spell to Change Someone's Mind
- Awaken Your Peace Meditations! With Waterbird
- Protection Charm for Werewolves
- Spell to increase emotions
- Vampire Protection Jewelry
#631 - Basic Protection
Place your hands beside you, palms facing the way your head is. Block out any excess sound and focus on the thing you need protecting from.
Chant: Torbus, Tiblenium. Repeat until you feel safe.
#632 - Potion to exorcise evil spirits
boil the water, and add the dead leaves to it, as if you're making tea. Stir it with the bramble, if a thorn falls into the water it'll be even more powerful. DONT ACTUALLY DRINK THE WATER, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT KIND OF LEAF YOU GRABBED. Use the same bramble as a wand when exorcising evil spirits, or use it to brush the water in haunted places. As the water dries, the evil is dispelled.
Merry met, and merry part.
#633 - Fix abuse
So first you want to drop some tears on to a wiccan pentagram on a paper, than say "Fix the wicked, mend my soul, for I am yet a kid, let me be whole" like a poem than burn the paper with the tears and pentagram on it.
Let me know if it works for you.
#634 - Mabon Offering
Note: I do not own the recipe, I simply changed the directions to avoid plagiarism. The owner of this recipe is Soraya. I obtained it from her book The Kitchen Witch: A Year-Round Witch's Brew Of Recipes, Lotions, And Potions For Every Pagan Festival. Her wonderful recipes have never let me down when I'm in need of a recipe for an upcoming Sabbat.
Measure out each of your ingredients and preheat your oven to 400°F (or 200°C). Cream the butter, sugar, and egg yolk together. Slowly work in the flour. Add enough water to make a wet, sticky dough. You may now add any spices you'd like, but they're delicious plain. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap (AKA saran wrap) and let rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, but it won't hurt if you make it a day or two prior.
When your dough is ready, unwrap it and take one of these steps:
1) Roll them in small balls like you would with homemade cookies, or
2) Coat a clean surface (counter, table, etc) in flour, and set the unwrapped dough on it. Give the dough a light sprinkling of flour, as well as a rolling pin. Use a cookie cutter of your choosing and put them on a cookie sheet.
OPTIONAL: Before baking, melt the butter before rubbing it on the pastries and sprinkling with the cinnamon-sugar mixture.
Once you've loaded your cookie sheet, bake them for 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown at the edges. Let them cool before setting them on a plate. You may now add any blessings for the diety(ies) you are trying to appease.
Last edited on Sep 18, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#635 - Contracting with a spirit or demon.
This spell in it's entirety takes month to complete and completion should be timed to the full dark moon, even so at completion you are at the mercy of the spirits whether your offer is accepted. Do not be naive, you are offering yourself, your soul as collateral, so do not use this as a way to find love or get worldly items you can get through hard work.
Day one, week one. Write down on notebook paper what you desire out of the contract, be detailed, be thorough, cover all possible loopholes. Demons and spirits have a cruel sense of humor.
Day two write down on notebook paper that you are willing to offer yourself and your soul to make your desire reality.
Day three through seven repeat day one and two on a new piece of notebook paper. Improve your drafts as you go and visualize your desire becoming reality. Close all loopholes and make certain that you are willing to go through with the contract.
Day one week two, you will need to go to a local cemetery where you need to collect the dirt from an old grave and the dirt from a fresh grave in the Mason jar. This will be crucial in gaining the attention of the other side.
For the rest of week two hold the jar for an hour a day meditating on what you desire and how far you will go to achieve your goal.
Day one Week three, you will spend this week in meditation holding the jar two hours a day, and finalizing your contract before you reach the final stages.
Day one week four, sit in quiet contemplation of your desire, your actions, and your payment. This should be done for no less than three hours.
Day Two week four write down on the parchments three copies of the contract, these must match word for word.
Day three week four, review the contracts on the parchment, if you are satisfied with them burn the notebook drafts and meditate holding the jar until the ashes are cooled.
Day four week four, again review the contracts, take your last chance to back out at this point if you have any uncertainty. Meditate holding the jar for the last time.
Day five week four, read aloud each parchment. At the end of the reading you will take the knife and cut yourself slightly, I reccomend the back of the arm. You will then take your thumb, dip it in the blood and leave a thumbprint on the bottom of each parchment. When it dries sign it over the blood. Clean the wound and leave the contracts sit out overnight. This is now a valid contract until rejected and cannot be reneged on or destroyed.
Day six week four, fold and seal each contract so it will fit in the jar with the dirt. You can substitute paperclips for sealing wax in this instance. Seal the jar tightly.
Day seven week four, go to your crossroads at the rise of the full dark moon. Dig a hole deep enough for the jar to fit completely. Place the jar in the hole and state loudly and clearly,
'Spirit from the other side I call thee to enter into a binding contract with me. I make this request willingly and without fear or apprehension. Come and accept the terms of this contract. I shall return in three days time for your answer, I beseech thee to fulfill these desires.'
You will now bury the jar and mark the spot so in three days you can find it again.
On the third day dig up the jar, one of four possible outcomes will have occurred.
1. Your contract was rejected and there is no change.
2. Your contract was rejected and destroyed.
3. Your contract was accepted which you will know by the wax being broken or paperclips removed.
4. Your jar will be missing which typically means someone else dug it up.
If 1 or 2 happens burn any remaining parchment and dispose of the dirt in the running water.
If 3 happens congratulations and I am sorry it had to cost so dearly.
If four happened I am sorry people can't leave well enough alone, if you must try again start over fresh.
#636 - Spell to Change Someone's Mind
Spirits (or whoever/whatever you draw power from i.angels, god, gods, demons, fairies,..whatever) listen, let the veil be broken
Hear these words as they are spoken
Go to (Name of person), clear their mind
Keep it open, unconfined.
They will think of me, their mind will race
With my light, this spell I lace
Alter their conceptions, don't break their will ---omitting the word 'don't' would be dark magic territory IMO
So it feels like their decision, still For our fates are intersected
Tether us so we are connected.
From here to there, my soul is projected
In their head, my thoughts reflected
#637 - Awaken Your Peace Meditations! With Waterbird
To start, light the white candle and place it in front of you with the notebook. Open to a blank page and draw a door. (Get creative! Draw some plants, and some designs around!) Once you are finished and have a completed design you are happy with, close your eyes and relax. Imagine that you’re are walking through the door and on the other side is a beautiful valley filled with all of your favorite things (plants, animals, etc.). This is your happy place! You may enter it whenever you feel the need. Enjoy walking around in your valley, and when you are done, close your notebook.
Thank you for reading! I hope you have an amazing day!
God bless!~
#638 - Protection Charm for Werewolves
Take the piece of jewelry in your hands and say this chant:
"Mother of Night, Father of Air. Let this be your loving heir. Winds are strong, tidal waves. Desire for safety is deep. With my heart and yours as well, protect my life, so all is well."
Repeat this as many times as you need to before you feel peace.
#639 - Spell to increase emotions
Fill the basin with water, and add some rose water. Let the rose petals float on the top. Use the water to wash your hands, imagining the water as your emotions flowing into you.
#640 - Vampire Protection Jewelry
--->Select a dish or glass that can hold water. If you are Pagan, your chalice would be a wonderful tool for this. Fill your container of choice with warm water. Add a bit of basil to the water and stir it gently with your finger. Don't lick your finger, some herbs may be toxic and many are allergic to quite a few of them.
-->Place your jewelry piece into the water and hold the glass in both of your hands.
-->Imagine the light of the moon coursing through you. It enters you, travels through your torso, down your arms, into your fingers, and finally releases itself into the glass. While you do so think about how it is your will to protect yourself from the sun.
-----> Now say these words: "Mother of Night, moon so bright, protect me from the morning light." ~Repeat these words 3 times or until you feel peace.
-->Wear the charmed jewelry ALL the time. Take it off on the nights of the full and new moons and place it under the moonlight in a safe spot.
This will give it extra power to protect you. You won't need to repeat the ritual, but the energy will wear out if you do not charge it.